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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. What's the guess as to the water temp in the Potty near Dam 5?
  2. Chronarch 51mg for smaller stuff 301D Curado for the big stuff.
  3. LOL, ok he responded at the same time I did.
  4. Ok, I think he gets it. He hasn't responded but hopefully he has been reading the responses and absorbing some of the very valid points that have been brought up. I just want to remind people, he is a kid. Just pointing that out, especially to those throwing around the "elitist" comments. While they may be well intentioned (I'd like to think that), I would be willing to put a paycheck on the fact that NONE of us can honestly admit they didn't say things or do things when they were 16 that they wouldn't take back in hindsight. Feel free to disagree with me, but I have never met a perfect man.
  5. I would knock on some doors and ask if it is their boat or if they know who's boat it is. Not only will you be doing the right thing, you'll likely earn some points with the people who live there and probably gain access to using the boat anyway. Doing the right thing is never the wrong thing.
  6. I've got two: 6'8" MH custom on a Shikari black, spiral wrapped left (handiwork by Alpster) with a Chronarch 51mg. 8' Low Down Custom production Heavy, spiral wrapped left with a 301D Curado. Hard to beat either one of those for their intended purposes.
  7. Why does it matter how someone catches their fish? If they pay their license fees and obey the rules, then why is it any concern of yours?
  8. I reported some bucket fishermen last year. I never confronted them, never said a word to them. This was also at a catch and release area in our community. I called in, gave a description of what I saw and left it to the people with badges. After that call, I never saw them there again. It works, maybe not as fast as you would like it to but it does work. Another thought to keep in mind if you are running into walls with reporting people to authorities is to go up the chain. I'm not a political person, but your local legislator or state rep's office may be able to help you as well if they are made aware of the problem. It may be a statewide issue that hits home for someone in a position of power with the means to assist you. Find out who heads up the committee overseeing your Wildlife department. Write them a letter or send an email to them. The worst thing that can happen is basically the same results you are experiencing now and you get some practice with your letter writing skills. The best outcome is more vigilant patrols in your area. Either way, it only takes a couple minutes of your time. I agree that you don't know what type of people you may come across if you are out fishing. I would not advise pulling your hook trick on anyone else. People are out there catching fish to eat, whether legally or illegally. If it's illegal and they are willfully breaking the law, you don't have the first clue what other laws they are willing to break. Keep yourself safe. A fish isn't worth what you are risking.
  9. Is this the new way to get around asking about this thing? LOL
  10. Last I heard.
  11. Exactly! Hit me up sometime if you guys make it up this way. I can show you some other areas if you like. I can take another guy on my boat if it's just one of you.
  12. Spook, Pm sent. I'll post them for you.
  13. Ah, that would be why I didnt know it was closed. I'm fishing other areas and lakes during that time. Really only fish in there during winter (warmwater discharge) and summer (great wading with low water). That's the imaginary "threatened" area they talk about.
  14. Black sharpie some strands if necessary. Tedious, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  15. Perfectly content that my local lakes are not anywhere on that list.
  16. Not that I am aware of. They have times and areas that are closed to tournaments, but that's about it. Catch and release is good year round AFAIK.
  17. Si senor!
  18. First saw a Double Fluke rig a quite a few years ago on Guntersville. They are right, it's entertaining as hell to fish and watch.
  19. I know Florida lakes don't typically get very deep, but I'll ask anyway. What is the bottom structure of your lake like? Max depths?
  20. I'm really glad it's not like Canada or some of the states where the season is actually CLOSED to fishing for bass. That would be no bueno. Someone may get hurt.
  21. Click on the link and give them a call. This time of year they should have someone working in the fishing department. I know my store opens at 9am. Store selection will vary widely from the website.
  22. From your avatar, you look like a tournament guy. In PA (and most places), you gotta work for big fish. I used to fish tournaments but got tired of it, not really my thing (although I'll still fish if a buddy asks me). Anywho for reference, since I started focusing my efforts on 1 fish instead of 5, I have caught 8 over 6lb and two over 7lb in the last couple years. They are here, but you have to fish for them. I've also seen one, a couple years back, that I know was pushing DD territory. Biggest bass I have ever seen swimming, in person. To the OP, perhaps if you have been releasing 2lbers for that long you might have some bass that are stunted around that particular weight. If you want heavyweight bass, you gotta thin the herd some IMO. Eat some, find someone to give them too or start supplemental feeding on the pond. There is only a limited amount of food in your water. Take some bass out, remove some food competition and you will likely see some larger fish. 8 acres is a pretty good sized pond for you to experiment with. Good luck!
  23. Half hour to the Fredricksburg Gander Mountain. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/storelocator.cgi?r=storeDetails&storeID=340
  24. If you don't have any opposition to live bait, catch a small bluegill from the pond. Run a hook through the tail and pitch it out past where you last saw her heading. Hold onto rod. Take picture. Release.
  25. I meant the rivers where they say spawning doesnt happen or is suffering. I beg to differ....
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