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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. I've got a bit of "oompff' to throw behind a big swimbait with a rod that loads up and absolutely launches a bait and I still can't get more than 50 yards, max. Give me a pyramid weight and it might be a different story but not much. Never caught a fish on a pyramid weight either.
  2. Looks like a bunch of injuries, nothing too detailed coming out yet...
  3. Just wondering if anyone had fished it or had some pointers. I have never fished that section. Brian, thanks for mentioning your PB. That is encouraging.
  4. So, any word on the fishing in the section of river I mentioned? He said it is the Dam 4 area.
  5. State- PA Water Depth- 3' with 20' within arms reach Lure/Technique- swimbait Structure/Cover- Dropoff Weight and/or Length- 7lb 8oz
  6. Forgive my ignorance, but is there something called Four Locks below Williamsport where you can run a "real" boat? Got a buddy that wants me to tag along this week and he runs a glass boat, wasnt aware of water that deep in the river. Any opinions on the fishing in that stretch?
  7. When I fished with Munkin, his outboard was on the boat so I think you should be ok just using the TM but with the big motor on.
  8. Works for me, especially that time of year. Like I said, I prefer the tribs and wading anyway or fishing for largemouth and muskies.
  9. I can understand the prohibition of tournaments during that time but I just don't understand how C&R is all that bad.
  10. I dont know that the tribs are comparable to the main river however, especially the portion of the susqy from the confluence of it and the Juniata above Harrisburg. They flow through drastically different areas with different problems encountered on each. The Juniata is a mainly rural flowing river with few occurrences in concrete jungles and the Susqy (again referencing below the confluence) flows considerably urban. The J river deals with pasture runoff, granted, but I have to imagine the salt and road waste from 322 and I-81 coupled with the crap that ends up in the river from Harrisburg has to be more damaging to the Susqy. Another consideration, how much water is taken from the Susquehanna and used by communities along it's banks? That's gotta be considered as part of the low water problem as well, right? I'm not a scientist, just kinda throwing stuff out there that makes sense to me. I may be way off base, but I believe these to be valid points.
  11. That's my point. I fish a few AMAZING areas in the spring but come late summer there are not nearly the number of fish in the tribs. I know we are not talking "salmon run" for spawning but those fish go somewhere. I gotta trust my experience. That Susquehanna is a BIG river and there are plenty of places that can't be hit by boat and only the most determined wading anglers make it to. I just have a hard time believing that removing fishing from the equation is the answer. How many YOY bass are eaten by flathead catfish, stripers, muskies, etc? How much pollution is put into the river from all the communities, large and small, along the river? Start with the problem, IMO, not the people who put the money into the fishery.
  12. I just wonder if they consider how many YOY bass are in the tribs and not the main river?
  13. LOL, must be nice!
  14. Boy or girl? Congrats!
  15. Variety is the spice of life. I'm still sticking to the choices being: A. Bacon B. Cheese C. Jalapeno D. Are you freaking kidding me? Roll all those fools together and eat up! I'll take D, please.
  16. Doesn't look like a fluke bait to me, more like a Skinny Dipper type bait. The way I run through flukes, a buck a piece could get out of hand pretty quick too.
  17. Got a buddy that swears by the caffeine shad. I prefer the super fluke for it's price and durability. Also doesnt hurt that it catches fish just fine for me.
  18. Not fair. Need a "both" selection and another button for "jalapeno"
  19. Great looking fish! Sean, when you taking me to BH? LOL
  20. Que? No offense, but I'd probably thank the guy that wrote the check if it was that much of a surprise it sold.....
  21. How big of a bait will a snakehead try and eat? You say "wakebait" and I start thinking big baits.
  22. Been a while since I have attended. Is LongMike's viking helmet still making appearances?
  23. Not everyone likes girls who break easily Kent. I know it's been a while since I've seen you, but lest ye forget that I'm about 6'1" and 280lbs. Blake is taller than I am and probably 250 at least. We need women that are DURABLE!. LMAO.
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