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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Wow. That's rough with no practice. Oh well, whatever is cool.
  2. How did they work who ran the TM? Was there any practice time or was it just show up and fish?
  3. LOL, if it's Wisconsin I'm scheduling extra time to fish for muskies.
  4. You'd be going the wrong direction then. There are plenty of guys that carry a swim mask and fins in addition to a lure retriever on the boat. It might not be the smartest or safest thing to do, but people do it. Some of these baits are worth it.
  5. Wouldn't happen to know where we'll be seeing you?
  6. Well, looks like a great field. Looking forward to hearing what the next steps are.
  7. I'm happy with the responses. Perhaps the price will come down some now. LOL
  8. LOL, you ain't kidding. Speaking of musky fishing, you think $250 is bad for a swimbait? I'd venture a guess that the prices of Dadson blades currently are more offensive than ANY swimbait.
  9. On the boat, I've lost exactly TWO soft baits to a snag. One was when I was unprepared and didn't have a knocker, the other was hopelessly embedded in a tree in 20 FOW. If you take care of your stuff and check your line, you'll be fine. I realize it's not for everyone due to the weight of the lures and the specialized equipment but it is productive if you devote the time to it. Just like anything else in fishing, you have to learn the technique and it needs to click in your brain. If it doesn't, it can be a very frustrating endeavor.
  10. OG Deps 250, teeth marks sold seperately.
  11. Swimbapes don't work. No one should buy anything more than $5.
  12. That is me smiling.
  13. As far as I know, the Raton is still being made. Expect to pay around $100+ when/where you find one.
  14. The Cl8 possum, Jr and water vole are not made of wood. Just an FYI.
  15. I'm not what you'd call, um, slight....LOL That setup fits perfectly tucked under my arm.
  16. And for the record, I'm the authority on nothing at all.
  17. Deep pretty much covered it. While I typed that up quite some time ago, it still holds true to this day. There is just something about a wooden rat that clicks, not sure what it is. I have a new prototype from Mattlures that seems to hold some good promise. Still working out the details but it should perform as well as his other baits do once production starts.
  18. Ok, ok... There's a particular spot where I've been bit before and the general area has given up a few good fish. It's a shallow shelf in about 4 FOW, steps down to ~11FOW with access to 22 FOW within 15 yards. There is sparse vegetation, about a 8" diameter log and good sized chunk rock all in the same location. I made a long cast, parallel to the 11' step and bumped the bait back to me. It hung on the log, popped it free. It hung up in weeds, popped it free. I crawled it almost the whole way back to the boat and popped free of the last patch of weeds. The fish ate the bait about a rod length away from the boat. My buddy was quick with the net and landed her pretty easily. She had both the jig hook and stinger stuck in the roof of the mouth. 76 degree water Low Down Custom Production XH Daiwa Lexa w/ Hawgtech 102mm and Winn knobs 20lb cxx Sheetz MTO ham sub Walmart bottled water Green underwear (I think) Beard That should cover it.
  19. It was swimming in water and it was hungry?
  20. Trust me, it's really not just a west coast thing. Put in the time, reap the rewards.
  21. Lum knows whats up
  22. Seems pretty open and shut honestly. The OP asked a question, two long-time members in the area aswered said question. What's the problem? If the question was "Can anyone point me to some decent spots, etc" I bet the answers would be more geared toward answering THAT particular question.
  23. I'll keep it in my pants.
  24. I'm with RoLo Time saved = Money won
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