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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Bend it up and store it in the garbage disposal then when the wife goes to work, pull it out and go fishing.
  2. Different baits for different times. "The amazing jig" ring a bell?
  3. LOL, Fish Chris? Going by your numbers there and using him as an example, why doesn't he throw the Hudd Bug exclusively then?
  4. There are days where a swimbait will smoke a jig and vice versa. That's not a theory, jack. That's a fact. Your statement also involves a point of diminishing returns. Honestly, if you were fishing an 18" swimbait I wouldnt expect that you would catch anything under 6# so in that case you are correct. I wouldn't expect to catch many at all but if I did, they would have some size to them. Baits up to around 8" or so, you can reasonably expect to catch fish of all sizes with the majority falling in the "above average" class. Baits above that size range and you are targeting one thing: the biggest fish in your waters.
  5. Kinda defeats the purpose and design of the senko, no? I guess it would work but I'd say there are better options for a straight retrieve.
  6. Fished this lake a few years ago from shore during the white bass round up. I always wanted to get out there and see what I could do with swimbaits on that lake. Anyone live there and have a boat that wouldnt mind me tagging along sometime? Thank you in advance.
  7. That doesn't address the strength issue though. I have a 16ft Tracker Jon boat. Extra decking, three batteries, two trolling motors. The lack of strength mentioned here is concerning to me now. Decisions, decisions....
  8. Line thrus slide up the line as well but they are a moving bait and prone to short strikes on occasion. To me, the Mission has a better hook up ratio as I fish it like a jig. The hudd also has a jig hook but also an internal harness, so the bait stays near the fish's mouth when hooked. Just make sure to bend the hook point out on the Mission Fish. Dramatically improves the hook up ratio.
  9. Fresh lobster and clam boil. LBH made this and it is still one of the single greatest meals I've ever had.
  10. Stop it. Just stop it.... LOL
  11. LOL, I wish it were only one. To the OP's second question, "reasonably priced" is subjective. Cost per fish, IMO, hardbaits win. The initial startup cost seems steep but I've caught a TON of fish on my original Mattlures Hardgill I bought a few years ago. For round numbers, say it's been 100 fish (seriously, conservative estimate). I think back then I paid $50 for the bait. That comes out to $.50 per fish. Compare that to the cost of a bag of senkos or some similar "premium" bag of plastics and it's apparent to me that the hardbait cost per fish is comparable to the soft plastic costs. If you compare it to the hollow belly swimbaits, there is no chance. Those get torn up fairly easily and a lot of times are rendered useless after one fish. A lot of times it comes down to what you want to catch. Since picking up a swimbait stick many moons ago, my PB has been broken numerous times. My average fish size has increased. I've decided those are the fish I want to catch. It's not for everyone but you never know until you try. Some quick examples of stuff that will catch you fish, using the low end of the cost spectrum: Hardbait: River2Sea S-waver, 6" BBZ, Slammer Soft bait: Any of the line-thru swimmers, 6" Hudd, 316 Mission Fish
  12. Shut yo mouth! That's my finesse rig.
  13. Pink buzzbait under a bobber. Deadly.
  14. Well, sounds to me like this isn't happening. Guess I'm fishing around home that weekend.
  15. Looking at deeper water (depending on what deep is in your area) I think the Hudd will outshine any hardbait in the lower half of the water column. It's always cooler in deeper water. The TT isnt' a bait I would fish deep. I would fish it in deep water but it would still be in the upper 1/3 and only if I knew fish were suspending out over the deep stuff. Listen to Tom WRB above. He's forgotten more than I'll ever know.
  16. The answers are going to vary from area to area, state to state, even body of water to body of water. Short answer: Softbaits in cooler to cold water. Hardbaits in warmer water. Billed wakebait for when there is some chop on the water, lipless floater hardbait when the water is calm. The best way to tell you is to not tell you at all. That way, you have no preconceived notions about what "should" work. Experience and time on the water makes it less difficult to figure out. There is no real "right" answer.
  17. I've not used the YZ with swimbaits but from using it in other applications I think it would perform well in 20lb. I prefer CXX moss green 20lb for most of my swimbaits. I bump up to 25 on baits over 5oz.
  18. There is a reason the majority of "us" use 300 and 400 sized reels for swimbaits. It works. I like the higher line capacity not because I think a LM is going to spool me. I use it so the reel, on a long cast, is retrieving line "around" where it's supposed to. Is it nice that the reels are beefier? Sure, but that's not really the point. I dont want to be able to see the spool on a cast. Ever. If you say "I don't have to cast that far" then you just haven't encountered the situation yet. Fish them enough and you will. The gear is specialized because it works. The rods are built on blanks to set the hook from a distance. The reels are meant to hold a great deal of line because sometimes you "need" it. Can I break a block with a 16oz hammer? Sure. It's a hell of a lot more fun to me to blow the thing up with dynamite though. Sincerely, Someone who knows a little.
  19. Slammers, yes. Matt uses something different now, much more durable than others.
  20. I'd say you would have more of an issue if it went back and forth, above 80 and below 80. Fluctuating water temperatures can have an effect. If the temp has been consistent for 10-14 days, bass have no idea what time of year it is. Sounds to me like you have a stable environment and should be able to catch bass from shallow, deep and in between.
  21. I can't speak for soldiers, but as a tax-payer it sure as hell would make me feel better.
  22. LOL, they keep taking the employees' discounts away! If any of you guys happen into the store, his name is Dustin. Tell him you know the guy from PA with the beard. I'm sure he will chuckle. Haha
  23. My buddy is moving down there to be one of the department managers. Good dude.
  24. I agree that what he did has no place, anywhere. I dont think Mike Vick had any other choice that the "Hey, people screw up" explanation that he gave. Kinda hard to lob hatred when you sit on Vick's perch. NOT a Shady McCoy fan. He's from Harrisburg (not far from me) and the stories I've heard of him from High School all the way up through make Riley Cooper look like a choirboy.
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