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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. What can your gear handle?
  2. I agree....and I'm crazy.
  3. It's not going to draw the strikes from the fish I KNOW you are targeting.
  4. Costas. You're not going wrong with taking your fishing glasses seriously.
  5. I think that might be the concrete ramp. Not sure though.
  6. Swimbaits don't work.
  7. I'm not rich. LOL My family is warm, happy and well fed. If I have a few bucks left over to buy something of value, so be it. As long as I'm not throwing the price in your face or saying you are less of a person because you choose not to purchase those things, then what does it really matter? I appreciate the time and effort that swimbait makers put into their product. In my eyes, they are dedicating their effort to help me catch bigger fish. Are they making a buck? Sure, you would want to make some money in that situation too. Don't get it twisted though. Break it down into hourly rate, taking into consideration all the R&D, carving, pouring, fine tuning and you'll see that it's probably comparable to what you make hourly or more likely less. The guys who REALLY know what they are doing (perfect example is the guy a couple posts above me) can honestly command a higher price than they are currently charging. Have you ever seen the second-hand swimbait market, affectionately known to most of us as the Black Market? I'll agree that it's ridiculous what some people will pay for a hard to get bait. If manufacturers based their pricing on what people would really pay for a bait, THEN you'd see some craziness. Fish what you want and what makes you happy.
  8. For 55 bucks, buy a Mattlures Hardgill and start catching fish. I'll respectfully disagree on the "Bullshad is best" assessment.
  9. I'd marry her and let her cheat. I wouldnt have to deal with her and I'd be rich enough to fish all the time, anywhere I wanted. Different area codes!
  10. It's OK but I'll take some good fried catfish before just about anything else.
  11. South to North wind on Kentucky lake, 18ft Bass Tracker. We were across the lake from Blood River when the wind picked up and we could see the rollers. We idled across the lake with waves higher than my head going under the passenger side and exiting the driver side. Boat felt like it was at a 45 degree angle with each wave. Probably the most scared I have ever felt in a boat.
  12. Become a student of the game, make yourself well-rounded and appealing to sponsors, fish. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
  13. I dont know the exact ROF on the soft plastic baits but unless it is a U2 Floater, they all sink about the same. ROF 10 maybe? I'd say a foot a second is a decent enough guess. The flat tail one says "jigging" because it doesn't swim. It's intended use is dragging and hopping the bait along the bottom, much like a jig. Your second bait can be either jigged or used as a swimming bait. Hope that helps you.
  14. Don't tell your mother what you paid for them.
  15. I'd learn the overhead hookset and keep the casting to whatever feels comfortable for you. I know exactly why you are doing the side arm casting since you mention fishing swimbaits. It's probably the least tiring way to cast big baits all day and lets the rod load properly. I feel ya.
  16. I give guys crazy eyes at the ramp. They steer clear.
  17. I think they are cool looking and might work as stated for shallow, clear water. Still just gonna look like something banging into stuff and shaking in the water.
  18. LOL, quick for a big fella.
  19. Phone and work both. The flash would be the issue I'm sure.
  20. No joke, that link is the only way I can see anything. It brought it right up. If I go to the original link and click on Events, nothing. Weird.
  21. I use them to search for structure, does that count? Just like using a carolina rig to feel the bottom.
  22. This coming from Mr. Deep Fish Aren't Effected as Much as Shallow Fish? They are still there, relatively speaking. May have moved off a little bit and suspended. Not sure of your water temps but I'd probably be fishing some type of flutter spoon as those temps are likely to kill some shad off IMO. They might just have the feed bag strapped on.
  23. My mistake, I forgot it does have a joint but only the front hook.
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