I have an idea, and I include myself in this of course....if you take offense to something someone says, maybe we could PM the person we have an issue with and clear the air in private. I am as guilty as anyone with regards to this as I have posted my feelings regarding things/comments people have posted. It is nice to see everyone so ready and willing to stick up for another member, but at times there is simply a misunderstanding and no need to defend other people.
I can recall not too long ago a misunderstanding that almost had Jim B. leave the site. Some, myself and others, immediately jumped his case about an issue that was not even an issue. He meant it jokingly but it was perceived as an ignorant comment. PMing would have cleared this up without numerous people weighing in on the subject.
I am not saying dont post differing opinions about topics, that is what makes this forum fun. But if there is any doubt as to the meaning of someone's post, lets try and clear it up before jumping to conclusions....
JMHO, of course.