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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. The fact that they have the balls to do that crazy stuff.....that is what makes it cool.
  2. The Shield. Oddly enough, I am beginning to be entertained by Lost....it only took me three seasons LOL
  3. A defensive lineman for the Patriots died this past weekend in Lake Ponchatrain (sp?) after he fell off his jet ski and was swept away by the current. He also was not wearing a PFD. Wayne
  4. One of my personal specialties is the..... DEEP FRIED OREO!!!!!!! The pickles are very good too. Candy bars are tough to make, secret is to freeze them first. Twinkies are ok, they soak up a lot of oil though. BTW, I will deep fry anything. LOL
  5. I looked it up, Hooters in KOP will be showing the fight. I will likely be there unless I find somewhere closer. Thanks Wayne
  6. EDBASSMASTER'S topic made me think.....dang, I am gonna miss the fight on Saturday b/c I will be near Philly for a wedding this weekend. So.....Does anyone know of a place in or near Exton, PA that shows the UFC fights? I guarantee that I wont be able to order the PPV in my hotel room. Any suggestions appreciated. Wayne
  7. GREAT LOOKING FISH!!!!!!!!!
  8. Another vote for the Symetre, but the more I hear about the Presidents, the more I think I want one.
  9. Like I said before, I cant do meetings and stuff b/c of the distance. I can, however, give assistance at the event if you tell me what needs done. It wouldnt be a problem. Just thought I would let you know the offer was still there. Wayne
  10. I like your posts. I will put you on the list of people I need to have a beer with sometime....right along w/ Muddy (Soda) and Avid....
  11. Ask Doug Hannon, I am sure he would know. He is a snake authority...
  12. I like the jigs I bought from GMAN earlier in the year. Still new to jig fishing, but that one that ROLO posted looks pretty sweet. Wayne
  13. Or off your back porch in your underwear...... I will never forget that call.
  14. I am sure you had permission to be on the "private" lake as well.... : A hook in the hand seems like you got off pretty easy....
  15. Some of the best deer hunting in PA is in the areas surrounding Philly. I have talked to DCNR guys from my county that said the state will literally recruit people to go into the area to harvest deer, there are that many. Granted, a lot of that comes from "Richy Riches" in the area that dont want the deer to eat their precious flowers in the yard.... As for bow hunting....ABSOLUTELY!!!!! I have a Browning Mirage that is a tack driver. Well, last year, that was until you put a live animal in front of me. I couldnt hit the broad side of a barn last year. A few tweaks and I should be back up to form this year. Wayne
  16. Famous, maybe...... Late, DEFINITELY.... Just messing with ya
  17. Depending on the season...Riding my scooter (2001 Harley Low Rider), Hunting, Golf All year long....Lifting weights and working two jobs (yeah, they talked me into coming back to Lowe's again, lol) Wayne
  18. This is incorrect. The exact opposite it true. Wounds on fish will clot under water faster than in air. It's how nature works. Otherwise all naturally wounded fish would bleed to death. Also, although not mentioned here, do not revive a bass by moving him back-n-forth in the water. The gills are designed to handle water intake one way - when the bass is moving forward. Moving him backwards may in fact damage the gills. So move him in a circle in a forwards direction instead. Glenn, I think what he meant was to hold them in the water, then release, as opposed to letting them swim away immediately. I dont believe he was suggesting to keep them out in the air. Wayne
  19. I got one of the Midnight Shad ABT's. Looks good in the water, apparently it is too pretty for the fishies to eat it though.... Sick action, I am sure it will produce at some point. Wayne
  20. Was that really too difficult? Seriously, I dont have a problem with you one bit. But, he is a rather young kid with a pretty good track record on here (as far as I know). Everyone has bad days, weeks, months, years.....doesnt necessarily mean they are looking for a handout, but I GUARANTEE they are not looking to get their problems discredited either. Say some words of encouragement, or if you dont feel up to it.....dont say anything at all. This is supposed to be a special "club" that people feel free to share their triumphs as well as their defeats....kinda difficult when there is a possibility of an inconsiderate member telling you "Good for you, you deserve it" Wayne (off the soapbox now)
  21. Maybe while referring to you maturity level.... He has done some things to annoy me purposely? Even with that being said, in the grand scheme of things does it really affect your life that dramatically? I doubt it. If it does....i think you may have some things to discuss with your doctor.
  22. You sound like someone picking on a young kid to me.... Geez. Ease up on the kid. I am all about sniffing out fakes and beggars.....he just doesn't seem to fit the mold. Just like you said, NJFISHINGGUY, if you find a combo laying around the pond....good for you. If he happens to get something from someone with the means to provide it to him, good for him. Wayne
  23. Ha, thats good stuff right there... SQUIRRELS!!!!! %$&*@#@!!!!!!
  24. Look, if its not yours and you knowingly enter the property without permission, does it really matter if your are NINJA'N (is that a word?) around anyone's property, cutting fences or anything else for that matter? I hope for your sake that you only get arrested....
  25. Yep...
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