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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. You can say "Jerry Rago." No worries. I think Bill S and SPRO are going to give him a coronary one of these days. LOL
  2. I'm seriously in tears reading through this thread. I can't tell if people (other than Raider) are being facetious or are seriously convinced that a rock-throwing, limb-twisting, bipedal creature is somehow singling the OP out for his apples, trash, rocks and seat cushion. This is pure interwebz gold!
  3. I cannot tell a lie, I've got something in my eye. Awesome job to all parties involved!
  4. Good job man. Keep chuckin'!
  5. LOL, don't visit BR all weekend and I see it's still alive and kickin'!
  6. The stuff that Savage Gear is showing at Efftex right now I'm sure will show up some at ICAST. They've got some COOOOOOL stuff coming out.
  7. You think it's just the river below where the 'cheague dumps in or is it muddy/high up near Dam 5 too?
  8. I know you said crankbait but if you are fishing Lower Otay and Perris, why are you not throwing swimbaits!?! Jealous. LOL
  9. That was my concern. Parts of Franklin County PA got DUMPED on yesterday and the Conococheague runs right through most of it. That water needs to go somewhere....
  10. Anyone put eyes on the river this morning? I'm sure it can't be good....
  11. They'll also be releasing two additional sizes of the line thru trout. A 6" and a big boy bait, 12" long.
  12. Bottom hook should be available after ICAST. The guy doing the fishing is Mads Grosell. He's got access to more Savage toys than anyone.
  13. Oh, I get to hear about photog forums from her. You think we're harsh? LMAO! Not even close.
  14. I have no clue how it's gone this far really. I just want the guy to post a pic
  15. Wow. A Johnny Carson reference? You're dating yourself bud. You keep doing your thing. I'm not entirely sure what it is but you keep doing it. Since this is a fishing forum, perhaps even go fishing and post a picture to share with the group. I hope you weigh it. I'll be watching!
  16. LOL, I have one strictly to mess with the DREAM fellas. Hate those things.
  17. Big O is ok. Not so sure about that Dwight character though.
  18. You're an entertaining ol' cat, I'll give you that. Your treading into LongMike crotchety zone also, which is truly impressive. Question my pics all you want. I've got no problem with it if you LEGITIMATELY think I've altered the pic in some way, shape or form. I'd actually expect and encourage someone to call me out if my fish didnt appear to be accurate representations of the posted weights. However, if you're doing it for some other self-serving reason then your intentions are misplaced IMO. Do I care that you question me? Nope. I feed on that. It makes me want to post bigger fish. It makes me want to help more people catch bigger fish in their respective areas. So, thank you for your time. Please, whenever you feel like posting up some fish, feel free to do so.
  19. LOL, "claimed" just what the scale says. I'm sorry you seem to have taken this so personally but amazingly enough, people DO have differing viewpoints on things. Just because I state mine doesn't mean I'm trying to sway you any more than you are trying to sway me. The only thing I ask is for you not to be a jackass about it.
  20. What other reason is there for fibbing on the weight of any given fish?
  21. PM Glenn. He would be the one to give you the "all clear" to post the info.
  22. So, you ordered on a Federal holiday at the end of a site-wide 25% off sale and you're complaining about shipping times? A bit of too high expectations, no? It's a small operation, not nearly the size of TW. I've ordered from both and there are good aspects of each company.
  23. I think a lot of how you look at this subject depends on your expectations from bass fishing. You've got guys that do it for fun/relaxation, tournament guys, big fish guys, etc.... I really think the guys who are fishing for ONE fish hold honest, exact weights in a higher regard. It's part of the game and a big part of the mystique of that ONE fish. While someone claiming their fish is at a higher weight than it actually is doesn't directly effect me, it does show a difference in perception. My opinion is you should be happy with what you catch without having to falsely bump up the weight. If you are not catching the fish that you want to catch, change where you fish or how you fish. What is the purpose of embellishing a weight? To gain acceptance and recognition from peers who are catching larger fish? Those peers are the ones who see through the BS and call out false claims, pretty much killing any credibility you hoped to create. In all honesty, if someone didnt care about what others thought about their fish they wouldn't feel the need to lie about weights. In the end, I'll keep doing what I do and others will do what they do. The people I respect and associate with know I put up honest, accurate weights. My credibility is important to me and, in my opinion, that is the way to keep it. Just because our opinions don't line up doesn't make anyone wrong.....except the guy lying about his fish weights.
  24. That fish has a good frame to it. She should weigh nicely in the spring.
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