To each his own, I guess.
There are different traditions and jokes that go on in just about every deer camp.
A lot of times, the older guys will tell a first time hunter some crazy things they must do after killing their first deer and then stop them just short of completing the task.
I was on the receiving end of one of these jokes. The guy who was showing me the proper way to gut a deer waited until we were all done and then said, "Ok, get your head in there" as he was pointing to the cavity where the deer's entrails had been. Me, being a young dumb arse, thought...."Hey, this must be part of the ritual of hunting!!!" Well, when I got near the deer, I received a boot in the backside that shoved me right in there.....face first!!!
I can still hear him laughing about that today. Luckily, it didnt turn me off to hunting.
I can imagine that you would have to judge a young hunter's character pretty closely to see how they would react.
Take up hunting. But be warned....
The Bow Monkey is a force to be reckoned with.