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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. And you can adjust the brakes w/o opening the side plate....
  2. I have been pretty good lately. Havent said anything to offend anyone and this isnt meant to either. You may want to check your boots.... I am no scientist or trained in emergency chemical clean up, but if something like that happens that quickly, I would want some answers from a professional regarding my ground water. BTW, check the filter in your Brita. I will gladly retract my statement if valid pictures are provided and that shouldnt be a problem since you have clearly stated that they do exist. Good day.
  3. Its a toss up....I have always wanted to catch peacocks in Brazil. But, since it would be a once in a lifetime.....I am gonna go with Lake Victoria and Nile Perch fishing Yeah Boy!!!!!
  4. No problem. I remembered one like this a while ago and, like you, thought it might shed some light on some members. I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I am sure next year when we have another 5000 new members, we can revisit this topic. Wayne
  5. I am pretty sure Alpster and I will be there on Saturday. Anyone else getting tired of waiting already? LOL
  6. http://www.berkley-fishing.com/prod.php?k=82451&sk=74917&p=PURHBCSB5-AY%20(1139072)#zoom-/dimg/8fcb42b556351bdcdad7de7c40d903c5.jpg $9.95 for three seems kinda steep. Especially if they only hold up as well as the "other" hollow bodies supposedly do. Just remember kids....You were catching bass before these came out, and you will catch them even if you dont buy these. That doesnt mean I wouldnt try them though : Wayne
  7. I think the moment the waitress called him fat, that would have been the end of it for me. I may very well be in jail should such an incident occur. Wayne
  8. Allen, I didnt know you were in Hagerstown? I just read that under your name. If you end up hitting some MD water this year and need a tag along, let me know!!
  9. yes you are correct, hopewell is in fact downstream from breezewood. i dont know what the hell way is up or down out there. but yeah we might actually fish the same section of river. ritchey bridge road or or lower mountain/bowser rd sound familiar? thats where im used to going. next year i would like to go upriver from breezewood into some skinnier water. but yeah im more then happy to meet up with anyone to get some time in the drink wherever. my biggest problem is i work for the railroad so my days off suck for about 20 more years! im monday and tuesday unless i bid a new job. I have seen some large muskies in the stretch of stream above where 30 crosses over it. I would love to learn some of that area for smallies. You are correct when you call the river above that "skinny" LOL
  10. What Alpster said. I also lower the rod tip during the cast and when the buzz hits the water, bring the tip back up to get the bait moving faster.
  11. The only thing is that if you want to change anything in your profile and you log in using your password, the system is making you change your screen name because it is considered a security problem to have your login name and screen name the same. I tried to change mine the other day, but didnt want to change my screen name.
  12. This being a family site he couldn't use his other name ]#%$":!@# You mean this one Haha, I remember that screen name from last year LOL
  13. To each his own, I guess. There are different traditions and jokes that go on in just about every deer camp. A lot of times, the older guys will tell a first time hunter some crazy things they must do after killing their first deer and then stop them just short of completing the task. I was on the receiving end of one of these jokes. The guy who was showing me the proper way to gut a deer waited until we were all done and then said, "Ok, get your head in there" as he was pointing to the cavity where the deer's entrails had been. Me, being a young dumb arse, thought...."Hey, this must be part of the ritual of hunting!!!" Well, when I got near the deer, I received a boot in the backside that shoved me right in there.....face first!!! I can still hear him laughing about that today. Luckily, it didnt turn me off to hunting. I can imagine that you would have to judge a young hunter's character pretty closely to see how they would react. Take up hunting. But be warned.... The Bow Monkey is a force to be reckoned with. Wayne
  14. Here is the link for you to read. http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20080103/sc_space/mustseemeteorshowerfridaymorning Enjoy
  15. The quadrantid meteor shower is to peak Friday morning and should be visible to many of the night owls in the Northeast US early tomorrow morning. Peak viewing time is supposed to be around 1:40am and varying rates of meteors (shooting stars) are possible. If I can drag my rear out of bed early enough or stay up late enough, I will be out there looking. I will get the link to the story. Wayne
  16. I hear ya Russ. Believe me, I realize this trip is bigger than catching fish and exploring a new lake. I know my memories of this trip are not contingent upon catching fish at Gville. It would definitely be nice though
  17. Shad, what kind of numbers can one expect on a typical day? While I wouldnt mind catching a pig, I would definitely enjoy catching fish on a consistent basis.
  18. Good point. Over 5 if you are above the Mason Dixon Line....over 8 for everyone else LOL
  19. Haha, sorry. Should have been more specific. What size of fish (pounds) are we gonna consider "fat girls" I am sure its a little different between Fork and Guntersville, just curious as to what level one would have to achieve to be in the "Fat Club" ?
  20. Well, typically, you can fit three tricos on a dime. They are that small. Those things are so small, reading your leader length becomes paramount to hooking fish. Basically, if you see a trout rise in the general area of your fly, you better raise your rod tip to see if he took it.
  21. I wont have to pay shipping, I'll drive there and pick it up
  22. I hear ya brotha..... What are we calling "big ones" at Guntersville anyhow? Anyone know?
  23. Cliff, you need a "Low Budget Hookers Fishing Team" shirt. After that explanation,....I'm sure it will fit. ;D Well, Unless you have them in anything but "Baby Gap" sizes, no one over the age of 6 will be able to fit into it Wayne
  24. Yeah, I know what you mean. They also had packs that only came w/ one skirt but had an extra willow or oklahoma blade. Sorry, dont own any pink ones LOL
  25. I agree with Tokyo. I hang mine until they are completely dry and then fold them for storage. If you have room to let them hang, I would. Its easy to hook them on a hanger w/ clothes pins. Wayne
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