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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Not to sound dumb, but what harm could be caused by the introduction of a leaf into a lake? Dont leaves blow into lakes from surrounding trees all the time? That leaf, depending on where it came from and what it had contact with, could carry any number of different invasive species that DNR is trying to keep out of a fishery. That is their line of thinking....
  2. Now this I gotta see....The pic of that boat is BAD ARSE!!!!!!!
  3. Its been a while, but I agree with what he said. Every stinkin word.
  4. I finally spent some money on glasses for this season and yes, they absolutely do seem to make a big difference. The interchangeable lenses are nice too. I havent had them on the water yet, but they make my windshield look like it's not even there. Wayne
  5. Has that new Legend been in the water yet? I think you should try it out down there Great to have another one aboard!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I can say this without fear of legal consequences due to the fact that it is painfully obvious.... That is one ugly looking "Bama Boy"
  7. Dang, I just saw 28 days!!!!! I had to look at my calendar to bring me back to reality LOL You having problems sleeping again?
  8. Great thing you guys and gals are doing for a worthy cause!!! Russ, Great video. I think you should put together one of your fishing vids to that song "Low" It fits perfectly and he seems to be singing about you....Shorty (you) got low, low, low, low (budget) PERFECT!!!!!!
  9. Any of the 3X products will float on a Crig. I like the Zulu soft jerkbait, but you gotta keep them cool and away from your other plastics. Bad things happen
  10. I only have experience using soft jerkbaits on a carolina rig and I prefer the 3X Zulu b/c it will float a 4/0 hook with that set up. I usually throw some type of stickbait in place of the fluke (probably my error )
  11. This should be fun.... :-X
  12. Ohhh NOOOOO. You can keep the snakes and I'll pay you for the rod tube LOL
  13. Does anyone have a number for Troy Jens? I emailed him on Monday and I still have not heard anything from him. Thank ya
  14. I dont believe the award is about "getting" anything. I dont think the pat on the back is even expected judging from the first two guys picked. The type of person that is given this honor sees the value in people acknowledging them. That is just my take on it.... Wayne
  15. Congrats on another one Dom. Many more to you!!!!!
  16. Well, we do have control of the meatballs until Monday night.....Ronnie, maybe the Guntersville bass will like a little "Italian Chum Bucket" They will be calling their big sisters in from miles around...
  17. Great job Raul. Another outstanding choice. I think this is really a great thing to recognize those members that go above and beyond.... Wayne
  18. GOOD GAWWWD!!!!! 50 days and counting.....
  19. MEATBALL NAZI!!!!!!!!
  20. Dominick, According to the website sign up list the current total is about 50 members. I can't wait to get my face into them meatballs again. What a treat. You are Da Man Muddy. Sad for you guys that can't make it. Ronnie I'm not.....More for us!!!!!!!!! j/k
  21. I am buddies with the mook above.
  22. 31 states are currently in a lawsuit with wal-mart for not paying their employees for the hours they worked. That is a true fact, not bull. I got all this from a pretty good source. Cant confirm all of it, but some of it I believe. That is a totally different situation and has nothing to do with Health Care benefits. While I am not a fan of big oil, I need to drive to work and I will continue to buy gas. Not much you can do about it....
  23. Its like gun porn.... Daddy like!!!!!!!!
  24. My wishes have come true.....Rondef was wrong about this one!!!!!! Good team? Yes Greatest team of all time? Hmmmm, probably not Thats why they play the game on the field!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. 6'1" 270lbs Russ, have you ever considered a career as a puppet?
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