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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. ooops, Avid....someone didnt think this through... ;D
  2. LOL, how bout it? I saw those yesterday in the water, no idea on this end either...
  3. Should have taken your sorry rear too. Booten ain't that far from you and he fished alone since Speedbead was too much of a [censored] to make the trip down this weekend. Hmm...Just happened upon this little jewel...We shall see!!! Blaine, AJ and I have had the worst event coordination skills ever this summer. Well, actually, its just been me.... : I really do appreciate the fact that everyone keeps inviting me despite my complete lack of free time and my constant excuses. ;D I gotta figure out how to strap the rods and tackle bag on the Harley. That ought to be an interesting trip.
  4. Is word of mouth from me confirmation that they exist? I have seen a cat in Potter County and have seen the tracks from one in Cambria County. I also spoke to an older fella in Potter County that has dated pics of at least a couple different cats in the surrounding area.
  5. Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he woul d buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each.' The villagers rounded up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant ever again, only monkeys everywhere! Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.
  6. Thats messed up my man.... > Way too far away
  7. Raul, please stop beating around the bush Cant answer the question much better than that LOL
  8. Would require a scanner. It's actually quite an accurate drawing, just seemed funny that he decided to tell me what the specific pieces of cover were on the page LOL
  9. BTS, just like the Line and Lure conditioner, works like a charm. Great post Bobby!!
  10. If you happen to have it, use some of the Catch and Release formula too. It will keep the fish sedated to a point and make it less likely they will harm themselves...
  11. THAT....IS....AWESOME!!! ;D
  12. First off you have to be of sound mind at all to use that statement second you have lived in Coeburn long enough to have lost all math skills. Basic Coeburn math consists of.... 30 pack - (1 beer X 30) = Beer Run Quite simple really ;D
  13. Look young'un... I am a pretty big, white guy and there are still areas of that state that I have felt uncomfortable in. I can imagine how a football team's only black player felt during the racially charged 1960's. Bottom line is, it could have happened anywhere and it still would have been wrong. You said that today, both sides refute the fact that it even happned? If you were there and participated in the taunting and racial slurs, would you admit to it today? You're a smart kid and yes, you do live in a state that is stereotyped to no end. (I am guilty as charged with ridiculing you, all in fun of course ) Think about why they would be denying that it happened and then decide for yourself.... Wayne
  14. Im shooting a Browning Mirage at 65lb right now. I have shot Matthews, Hoyt and PSE but for the money, I havent shot any better than the Browning.
  15. Thats what I was thinking too, George. Mason Dixon line is about a 15 minute ride from my front door.
  16. Holy Crap, you're alive!!! Glad to see you got the message about your password. Catch 'em up this weekend.
  17. I like the "Rock, Weed, Rock" designations on the diagram. Very helpful. ;D
  18. Almost a month and no reports? :-/ Anyone have a status on progress?
  19. Thanks man. I'll stand down. Me a tree hugger..............wow. Just wow. ;D I like to hug trees.... Right before I take my climbing stand platform and drive the teeth into the bark. LOL
  20. Thats the funniest dam thing I have read all day!!!
  21. I've always wondered if it's the most common pencil, why is it called #2?. . . and I've never personally seen a #1 pencil. RW- Devan or couch? (or sofa) It's couch in my house, although my wife's grandmother still calls it a devan. Speed, I didn't think about "q-tip". Keep'em coming guys. I didn't expect the "dialectual" terminology, but that's very interesting. Having never traveled very far north, I never quite realized there were so many differences. I have seen a #1 pencil, and my mother still uses them to this day. They have softer lead and tend to smear around on the paper when something rubs over them, typically an arm or shirt sleeve...
  22. Mike is in the process of getting his own painting business together. In his efforts to get up on his feet, he was selling off some (most) of his fishing gear. Being the true buddy I am, I agreed to purchase his swimbait combo from him. First of all, he gave me a heck of a deal, went to great lengths ensuring the rod made it here in one piece and also split shipping costs with me. The reel came one day later. When I open the box, I see a reel...and other things Got a brand new spool of Suffix Siege and 3 packs of soft plastics. Sweet deal man, very sweet deal!!! If you need anything at all, just give me a call...
  23. That's hilarious!!! Ok BassSnapBoss G, second chances in life are rare....Make the most of it here. We'll be watching.... Nice job on coming clean, keep making positive decisions....
  24. I know it is a long time from now, but I think it would be cool to get the lure to someone going to Kentucky for the BR Trip. No better chance to have that many members together, and a really good shot at catching fish on it....
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