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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. All my swimbait sticks are 8' plus. You'll appreciate the extra length. I have two Lexas, throwing baits up to 7 oz without a problem. The C3's are a great bulletproof reel, just lack the creature comforts I like in a big bait reel, namely a thumb bar. These reels have 20lb test on them. My biggest baits are right in the 10-11oz mark. I use a 401 Shimano Cardiff for those due to the extra line capacity and heavier line (25lb)
  2. Luckily, I've never lost anything more expensive than a 8" Hudd and that's only because I was fishing from shore. I carry two plug knockers on the boat and I'll spend as much time as necessary getting my swimmers back. Last week I almost had my first Deps 250 casualty. I was wading a river for muskies, got bit and it tossed the hook. Without thinking, I tried launching the bait without checking my line....SNAP! Happy to say I was aiming back toward the bank into about 2.5 FOW so I waded over and fished it off the bottom with my rod tip. I got a little puckered there for a minute.
  3. I will admit that I thoroughly enjoy when a customer enters my store with a preconceived notion about what I know or what experience I have. I try my best not to make someone look like a complete jackwagon but hey, sometimes it's well deserved.
  4. This will run for another day or so. I made my FB page public so that people could participate. Maybe try sharing the stock photo from their FB page and tagging me in the post?
  5. What's a "big" fish considered at PWC?
  6. LMAO! Spelling is important kids.
  7. FYI, I'm a retail associate in both the fishing and firearms section of an outdoor retailer. I know a little bit about a little bit. I know what you mean though. This time of year is the ramp up for holiday sales. There are a ton of "warm bodies" that get hired on. Maybe you get lucky and get someone who knows what they're talking about, maybe not. Usually you can tell from the first couple minutes of interaction.
  8. Not much response in the General Forum. Hopefully some guys in the Reel forum seize the opportunity. GIVEAWAY TIME! The guys at Hawg Tech have been kind enough to offer up one of their 102mm swept handles with a set of their new knobs for the an awesome giveaway. The winner will receive the handle and knob set pictured below. I have the contest listed on my personal Facebook page with directions on how to enter. http://www.facebook.com/wayne.campbell.98 Make sure to like the Hawg Tech Facebook page and share the photo!
  9. Wow, surprised there's been only one comment on here. Doesn't get any better than free fellas!
  10. GIVEAWAY TIME! The guys at Hawg Tech have been kind enough to offer up one of their 102mm swept handles with a set of their new knobs for the an awesome giveaway. The winner will receive the handle and knob set pictured below. I have the contest listed on my personal Facebook page with directions on how to enter. http://www.facebook.com/wayne.campbell.98 Make sure to like the Hawg Tech Facebook page and share the photo!
  11. I'll reserve the "told ya" for whenever you get rid of the rash.
  12. I use a size 2, 2x or 4x gammy. Butch uses VMC. Fish Chris uses Owner ST36. Pick your poison. As far as braid or seven strand, depends on the length. Going to the dorsal, I'd use the braid. Going behind the head, seven strand. If I'm rigging for muskies, always seven strand or crimped heavy fluoro. *Disclaimer* I still am not a hudd "guy" but I fish them if that's what they'll eat. More musky than bass for me with hudds.
  13. Tom, as far as I know, the custom rod blank is made by Phenix. I'm not sure where the Production rod blank comes from but I'm fairly certain it is Phenix as well.
  14. Regular for that depth range. Also, if you know their location, drop a flutter spoon of some type down through them. That should trigger a few strikes for you as well.
  15. If you've got that type of price range, I would definitely look into getting a rod from LDC. Been fishing with them for quite some time now. Very nice rod. If you're going to fish a hudd with a BB rig, the XH production would be ideal. In your price range, you can have him use the production blank and add some "custom" treatments to the rod to personalize it. If you're going to stick with the jig hook, I'd maybe step up to the LDC Custom as it has a stiffer backbone for single hook baits. You'll be a bit over your top end but you won't regret it for a second. Look up his website and shoot him a message. Good dude that I consider a friend.
  16. Keep in mind that oils from your typically encountered "poison" plants can exist on clothing and cause another rash for 6 months or more. If you're putting on the same boots, tieing the laces, you're likely getting the oil on your hands all over again. Long sleeves and pants will help but unless you have someone to undress you (lucky), you're going to contact the oils with your hands AT A MINIMUM. Get the Tecnu, was thoroughly when you get home with COOL water and hope for the best. I still wouldn't purposely go rolling around in that mess.
  17. Series 5 SK
  18. You watch Lifetime movies?
  19. What water temps are you seeing that time of year up there?
  20. Someone likes fishing in the rain....
  21. Trout Resource presents....
  22. I did not. Suffice to say "round" would be an adequate description.
  23. Everything is impossible before you get it done.
  24. May, 2014 8.64 You bet she was released and you can also bet I want to meet up with her again next year.
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