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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. The thought of doing that to myself just made me gag ;D
  2. I read his Wake Bait article and I like that he gives information from first hand experience. Seen the fish he has caught, too.
  3. Oh, its still hush-hush.
  4. I like the "Darth Vader" faced one....Not a space monkey, but you'll see.
  5. I like the idea. How about Micro Machines?
  6. Ok fellas, help me out here. We all know fishing before an approaching front can be awesome and post front can be some difficult fishing. What determines pre front or post front in this scenario: Front comes through on Thursday and Friday, leaving just in time for the weekend. Forcasted weather shows no clouds and mostly sunny for the Saturday and Sunday fishing days. Monday, another front is coming through.... Are Saturday and Sunday post front conditions, or does the approaching Monday front make those days pre-frontal? I realize any time on the water is a good time to be fishing, but I am trying to figure out the weather portion of the fishing puzzle. Thanks, Wayne
  7. WRB, please expand on the anchoring technique you mentioned in your last post.
  8. Chris, that biologist wouldnt be Steve P would it? That guy really seems to know his stuff. I have never heard of a difference between lake and river fish either. Interesting...
  9. No doubt man. I tried to catch one for that exact purpose, but those little bastiches are fast. ;D Will be taking a minnow net with me next time. Thanks for the clarification fellas. Skink was the initial guess, but I am not good with that stuff.
  10. 19" Brook Trout caught on a Wooly Bugger
  11. Not a bass, dont have any of those. Here is a pic of a 25" Brown Trout caught on a dry fly (caddis) Disregard the swimbaits ;D
  12. Here are two of them biting each other, maybe mating time?
  13. I saw these running around the water's edge while out fishing last weekend. I have absolutely no clue what they are. I thought they were some type of snake, but then soon realized that they had legs. Any idea what it might be? I am in South Central PA for a reference.
  14. I have a couple of the SPRO baits and they look awesome in the water. The slightest movement of the line will cause them to swim, especially the floater. Only problem is "helicoptering" on the cast when you want to really throw it out there. I have seen Randall post that the Revolution shad actually swims and casts better than the SPRO. The Tru Tungsten is small. Really small. It also basically reminds me of a jointed Rattle Trap. Some of the bigger stuff I referred to is the Castaic Shad and Triton Mike's Bull Shad.
  15. How big a bait do you want to throw? They can be as small as the Tru Tungsten all the way up to a few ounces.
  16. Male Bluegill. Check it. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1242961325 http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1242978073
  17. Since you are set with the spinning rod, I wouldnt go any further than 10, maybe 12lb Berkley 100% fluoro. Spray it down with KVD Line and Lure and you should be fine. I have the 10lb 100% fluoro on a Symetre 2500 and it is just fine, although all my jig fishing is done with a baitcaster. I use the spinning set up for weightless plastics (trick sticks).
  18. Honestly, I am suprised it's not a spinnerbait. Give me time. Soon enough, you will have a swimbait tattoo.
  19. Can't believe no one mentioned "Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo" Most likely my favorite due to the fact that my fiance's last name is Hankey, thus making my future father-in-law.......Mr. Hankey. ;D I think that was one of the first things he told me when I met him. He said, "I have heard them all before." ;D
  20. Money changes people. There is really no difference between these two and the "Octomom" pimping out there children to turn a profit. They have been questioned by the PA Department of Labor for possible violations of child labor laws. More manufactured "celebrities" that the world does not need...
  21. Let me know if you need someone to work the net and camera. I know weekends are nuts up there, but that's all I can do for right now. My boat doesnt have a gas motor, so no Raystown for me.
  22. Anyone heard when the first MG tourney is this year? I had Paul's number, but can't seem to locate it at the moment. I am ready for another year of donating money to the locals.... ;D
  23. There are worse things to be stuck to.
  24. I can't look at ebay while at work, but I am pretty sure I have the one you are talking about. It's the Shumacher w/ a blue casing, digital read out, three amp settings? That thing is awesome. I have not had a single problem with mine. I like the auto shutoff / maintenance mode because I fried two different batteries last year when I left them on for too long. I agree with the Wally world deep cycles. For the cost and length of time they last, they are the best value for me.
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