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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Palomar, 24/7.
  2. Here is a way that you might want to try. Doesnt exactly replicate what was on there, but it will give you legs. Take two tubes and cut off the "head" of the baits, leaving about 1/4" or so of the body and the legs. Put this piece over the stubs where the strands used to be and glue it in place. Instant frog legs.
  3. Lodging accomodations are left up to individuals, so I dont believe that would be a problem. The registration covers meals and gift pack. Hope to see you there.
  4. I am not a lure builder, but I know how a fly is made. You see, sometimes a female fly and a male fly meet on the same pile of dog crap. They talk, share some feces and eventually one thing leads to another.... A couple days later, a fly is born. Simple really....
  5. I have never used a Revolution Shad, but I have actually heard some positive things about the swimming abilities of the bait. I believe Randall (member here) prefers the RS to the Spro.
  6. LOL, whatc a fight one time and you will be hooked! MMA is 20 times more exciting than boxing!! I think you might be giving boxing a little too much credit in there... ;D
  7. That info is no help. Are you talking about Basstrix type paddle tail, hollow bodies?
  8. At this point, I am down for whatever. I have seen some reports of bigger bass at Pinchot and I am always looking for new water or water I havent seen in a while. The last time I was there, we had a couple toothy follows on bucktails, so that is a plus... I will let you know.
  9. Anyone been fishing at Pinchot lately? I always seem to forget about this lake. It's only a little over an hour away from me and supposedly kicks out some large (for PA) fish. I would like to make it out there sometime in the next couple weeks, likely an evening trip during the week or a Sunday trip. Let me know if anyone with lake experience would like to go out...
  10. Didnt work for me either Glenn
  11. You want to part with that rainbow at the top of the first pic?
  12. Thanks Raul. I am at work and can't put pics up. Like he said, just stand the box up on its end to store them vertically. You can also run the threaded rod the same way those baits are sitting in the pic. This will allow you to hang quite a few shorter baits in there, and you can store it in place of two 3600 boxes in your normal tackle box.
  13. I made my own type of "Markey's" box. What length of baits you are trying to store determines whether you want to make your box stand vertical or horizontal. The things you will need to do this are: 3700 box w/ no dividers 1/4" threaded rod Two fender washers and lock nuts to match the rod Wire ties Relatively heavy snap swivels Drill and bit Dremel w/ cut off bit Drill holes on either end of the "top" of the container. For the horizontal application, BE SURE TO DRILL THE HOLES ON THE END NEAR THE LATCHES. THE HINGES SHOULD BE ON THE BOTTOM. For the vertical box, I like my hinges on the left. Insert the rod through the holes and cut it off leaving enough thread for the fender washers and lock nuts. Put the washers and nuts on the ends and tighten. Take the wire ties and run them through the top of the swivel. I like to cut the barrel part off and just use the snap as it saves space. Wrap the tie around the threaded rod inside the box and pull snug. I like to leave enough space where I can slide the tie back and forth to allow for larger or smaller baits. Unsnap the swivels and hang your baits vertically. Works for me.
  14. Dude!! Fishing with the Captain? That guy is awesome, have a great time!!!
  15. I thought his B-day was yesterday? :-? Ah, whatever. LOL Happy Birthday Russ!!
  16. I think you might be looking at the pic the wrong way. I believe he is holding the fish vertically which is no big deal on a fish that size. At least he isn't jacking the thing up vertically by the jaw. That's a whole 'nother ballgame...
  17. Since you are the 29 year old it's coming from, no problem. ;D Bassman, yep it was th 25th. Congrats to you too man!!! Will post pics on here at some point, gotta resize them. For the people that know me on Facebook, request Lauren as a friend. She posted the pics under her name. I told her that there may be some people she doesnt recognize requesting her as a friend so she wouldnt be ignoring them
  18. I trim about an inch off the legs and "pop" the rod downward with a shorter motion than a hard walk-the-dog bait. It doesnt really "glide" back and forth like a hard bait, more like a 45 degree body turn in the water. (Wagging its head kinda, if that makes sense).
  19. Take out what you think is "alot" and then remove some more. I am available to help ;D Welcome to the site.
  20. Tim, 2 PM's sent to ya.
  21. Hmm, that's a new one. Never heard of it. What county?
  22. Nice catch redneck....
  23. What is the name of the lake, if you dont mind....
  24. Exactly how long does it take to get used to the new metal on my left hand? ;D Had a wonderful wedding with my beautiful bride yesterday. She is taking a nap right now after a very long couple of days prepping for the wedding. Thanks again to all who made well-wishes. Leaving for Jamaica on Tuesday. Later everyone!!!
  25. You really just found out about this? Holy &%*, do I feel old.....
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