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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Not....Yet. The struggle is real.
  2. I'm not killing a state record fish if I can help it. I'll get it on a scale, take pics like I normally do and then release it. I'd rather keep my spot low key than simply have my name in a book. Those who know me and what I do will recognize and appreciate the fish, that's what would count to me.
  3. LOL, I hate Florida guys this time of year. Nice fish man.
  4. Good Lord what a fish! Where the hell is that from?!?! Hopefully released?
  5. What else do you have to do between double shots of Metamucil?
  6. How about a flat shovel and some rubber boots?
  7. Good Lord man. That makes my hands hurt just looking at it. I feel for her. Good thing is kids seem to heal really quickly. Hoping for the best for her.
  8. You'll like the SR9. I've sold a ton of them and had zero complaints. My biggest gripe with them is the stainless slide. Not a fan of two-tone for carry although it does look darn pretty in the display case or at the range. Good choice, I'm sure youll be pleased.
  9. Sean, you ever see or hear of any teeth in that area? BTW, congrats again!
  10. I'm quickly discovering your plight....
  11. The rod you have, while a decent rod, is not an effective rod for Hudds. Listen to what has been said to you in this thread. There has been one rod mentioned a couple times and for good reason. There aren't many guys throwing swimbaits who haven't at one time owned the Okuma Big Bait rods. For the money, they are absolutely a great value. Buy what is recommended by guys who do what you want to do. It will save you time and money in the long run.
  12. They still let you go? Did they ban your donkey or just put limitations on his act?
  13. Just upping my post count with this one.
  14. Did someone say pie? I like pie...
  15. Shhhh.....

    New 9Mm

    http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/82836 If you know someone with an FFL that won't charge you an arm and a leg to receive it, there ya go.
  17. He's "retired" at the moment. LOL
  18. Either way is effective, depending on what the fish are doing at any given time. I think one of the biggest advantages to having a boat is the ability to retrieve a snagged bait much more easily. The prospect of losing a 30, 60 or 100+ dollar lure keeps a lot of guys from fishing them effectively where they need to be fished.
  19. I like the Shield in 9, not so much in 40 due to the snap. I prefer anything M&P over Glock IN MY HANDS (there will inevitably be someone who takes offense to that statement LOL). In the winter, dressed for conditions, I carry the 45c without any imprinting issues. I don't think you are crazy at all.
  20. I'm just wondering why a FLW pro would drum up a two year old thread to either agree or disagree with the actions of another competitor? BTW, I invented the internet and currently hold the recipe for KFC.
  21. I got the lip grip style for this year to give it a shot. I always carefully hooked below the gill plate but I started thinking that if you catch something decent, that's a lot of weight hanging from a small fleshy area. I absolutely am against putting holes in a fish's mouth to weigh (already doing that with hooks). They are a suction feeder and IMO you could be doing quite a bit of harm there.
  22. On Koon? Didnt know they had a tournament on it. Never know, depends on how my bite is going this year.
  23. I love me some Koon and Gordon on occasion. The Que too.
  24. It's highly dependent on which server you're using as well.
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