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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Bass Tackle Depot is another good one and they are a sponsor here. BTD and TW, when they have their holiday sales, both compete for my money. I have had great experiences with both. I work at Gander Mountain, so I can pick up some pretty good deals there from time to time too.
  2. I have been fishing your same scenario in a particular lake for the last two weekends. Both times, fish were caught on the outside weed edge in ~12FOW on a split shot rig and a zoom finesse worm. They wouldnt touch the Thumper, Anaconda or the 10" Power worm. They wanted the little stuff.
  3. Yep, I certainly expected somebody to mention that. I don't profess to know anything about that controversy, so I have no alliance to either side of the issue. It is what it is, and nothing can be done about it. So, now that the predictable has been said, let's move on... Oh wait! One more - the Rodney Rule regarding coach Carrol. Some are saying the Hawks did a token interview to fulfill that rule. And to that I say, "Big Whoop". Requiring candidates to be interviewed simply based on color, creed, sex, religion, etc. is wrong. They should be interviewed based on their resume, abilities, track record, etc. In other words, their qualifications for the job! So I see nothing wrong with the Hawks doing a token act to fulfill a token rule. Ok, so NOW that the predictable has been said about the new coach, let's move on. Wow, token rule? Really? Nice trivilization of a big forward step toward equality. Hey Glenn, the 1950's called.... The spirit of the ROONEY rule is to give minority coaches a fighting chance at merely getting an interview for an NFL job. You can't deny there is a serious lack of minority representation among high level coaches in both college and the pro level. Minority coaches are getting interviewed for jobs that they would have never had the chance to get. The Steelers are a great example. Wisenhunt and Grimm were considered the front runners when Bill Cowher left the position. Mike Tomlin was interviewed as part of the ROONEY Rule. Lo and behold, he impressed during his interview. I think he has done pretty well so far. Go Steelers.
  4. What exactly is it that you do to make all the money for your extensive reel collection, "almost" new house and a corvette?
  5. You're not turning into a mini-bizz, gleefully romping through the backcountry, eating granola and molesting ticks are you? ;D
  6. I know what it is and I am not above selling secrets. ;D
  7. I am really hoping to run into some stripers when we go up there. I got a little something yesterday that they may find interesting....
  8. 4" ZOOM Finesse worm with a small bull shot weight 12-18" above. #2 Gammie EWG, red. Known in my boat as "The Secret Worm" ;D
  9. He's wearing his 'hood issued Urban Camo. Legs are there, you just can't see them.
  10. Your house isn't worth anything until you sell it. Am I wrong?
  11. For those of you who have been around for a while, you might get a kick out of this. Word of the PA trip has made it to (drumroll please) Muddy and he would like to come down for the gathering. He has said he will bring his boat, which I am pretty sure will fit another person. This is preliminary as of right now. I will keep him updated. For those of you who have not met him, you'll get an earful about ALL kinds of stuff. Funny SOB. ;D
  12. What lake? Congrats on the PB.
  13. You're the one looking in the mirror. Do you really want to know what we think? Obviously by you stating that "strike king made up for" the other company, you are already likely to keep them for your misguided perception of being wronged by Cotton Cordell. Keeping them is wrong. As far as I'm concerned, they all seem to be your fault. I guess that's what you get when you ask what people think...
  14. Your two cents or Dave Ramsey's?
  15. Yes
  16. Age aside? OK I wouldn't mind a hot older cougar sunning herself while I was fishing. Now, my wife might say something about it. ;D
  17. That Megabug is legit on a C-rig. That is all I'm gonna say. :-X Bobby gave me some of those and the Wingdings at the Philadelphia fishing expo this spring. They have a great action on the fall, nice and slow. Those apendages slow it WAY down.
  18. Got my 7'11" Pinnacle Perfecta in the mail yesterday. Does that count? ;D BTW, you guys are going to be impressed with these rods. Guaranteed.
  19. Another suggestion of proven lures is stuff from Joe Bucher. The Buchertail and Top Raider would by my top two choices. I like my Squirrely Burt too.
  20. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Raystown+James+Creek+Launch&sll=40.373097,-78.15691&sspn=0.021546,0.045447&ie=UTF8&hq=Raystown+James+Creek+Launch&hnear=&ll=40.367016,-78.157468&spn=0.02073,0.045447&t=h&z=15 If you put Rochester in on that page as "from" and James Creek Road as "to" it will give you directions John. That will get you close for sure.
  21. I have been throwing swimbaits for them, but the biggest producer this year has been a regular old Terminator spinnerbait. I have thrown everything from a High Power Herring all the way up in size to a Nate's Bait 11" trout. Fish Cave Run and you'll hook up.
  22. I'm a little biased because I work there part time, but I have a Gander Mountain Mastercard. 1% on everything, 2% on store purchases. I have earned back over $200 with it just buying things I would have used my debit card for (which gets me nothing). As was said before, pay it off every month. There are no fees associated with the card mentioned above. Don't fall into the trap that Tin alluded to. Many students come out of college saddled with a ton of credit card debt.
  23. Great post Randall. After reading your posts over the last two years or so, I started using the light split shot rig more and more this summer. It is one of the best ways to target inactive fish for me right now. Of course, you gotta throw the High Power early and late too.
  24. That's because you were smoking dope in it. Fuddy duddy
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