Yep, I certainly expected somebody to mention that. I don't profess to know anything about that controversy, so I have no alliance to either side of the issue. It is what it is, and nothing can be done about it. So, now that the predictable has been said, let's move on...
Oh wait! One more - the Rodney Rule regarding coach Carrol. Some are saying the Hawks did a token interview to fulfill that rule. And to that I say, "Big Whoop". Requiring candidates to be interviewed simply based on color, creed, sex, religion, etc. is wrong. They should be interviewed based on their resume, abilities, track record, etc. In other words, their qualifications for the job! So I see nothing wrong with the Hawks doing a token act to fulfill a token rule.
Ok, so NOW that the predictable has been said about the new coach, let's move on.
Wow, token rule? Really? Nice trivilization of a big forward step toward equality. Hey Glenn, the 1950's called....
The spirit of the ROONEY rule is to give minority coaches a fighting chance at merely getting an interview for an NFL job. You can't deny there is a serious lack of minority representation among high level coaches in both college and the pro level. Minority coaches are getting interviewed for jobs that they would have never had the chance to get.
The Steelers are a great example. Wisenhunt and Grimm were considered the front runners when Bill Cowher left the position. Mike Tomlin was interviewed as part of the ROONEY Rule. Lo and behold, he impressed during his interview.
I think he has done pretty well so far.
Go Steelers.