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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Keith, I dont have specific brands in mind, but generalities that you can fit to your needs. Flat sided will have a tighter wiggle, fatter will swing wider. Square bills will come through cover better with more deflection off branches, etc. The RC Lucky's are awesome, the WEC cranks (second hand knowledge, I have none) are supposedly very high quality baits, SPRO Little Johns are nice as well. Someone with more specifics will eventually be along, I'm sure.
  2. Good deal. Will note on the front page.
  3. I agree. Perhaps even the exact opposite will work as well. Feed 'em a meal. Get a wake bait and go to town.
  4. She kinda looks like Jessica Biel to me. If Steven Tyler had chesticles like that, I would probably look. ;D
  5. Hope no one checks the weight rating of the boat. You might be going for a swim...
  6. Not affiliated at all. Just some PA residents getting together to fish. So, you may chant, "This....is.....just a random gathering of folks fishing the same lake." Doesnt have quite the same ring to it... ;D
  7. This is shaping up nicely. I'm impressed with the potential turn out.
  8. Oh Sh!t!!!! Goose season is in until Saturday as well. If you hear random shots in the morning, you'll probably find me under them. I think our boat is going to be full of gear.... ;D
  9. I have Nate and BK's cell numbers. If anyone would like to, feel free to PM me cell phone numbers and I will try to keep everyone up to date on Saturday. If you have a radio to bring, put it on channel 4-2.
  10. Methinks the cat-sitting is starting to affect you. ;D
  11. Just like we talked about. Definitely one seat open. Get Blaine to come up too. You guys can crash at my place Saturday night if need be.
  12. You ever see the crazy bastiches that were fishing for coldwater sharks in Alaska from yaks? At the end, the shark tows the yak while the guy holds the dorsal fin. No thanks. ;D
  13. Lol dude everytime i see your Randy picture i can never take you seriously LOL, dude I think the same thing when I see your avatar.
  14. LOL, awesome. Let the haters hate, Bobby.
  15. Howdy
  16. Congrats!!!
  17. Coke and a cloth to buff with. Try it once.
  18. Brannus04 mentioned the name of the person, but I don't know that too many people realize what the thread was about. I miss the days when there were members videos at specific increments. Seems like yesterday we were watching the 5000 member video.
  19. Either this or Led Zeppelin IV
  20. What's the deal with the name? I get the name recognition from Owner, but seriously? I'm sure they are quality hooks. If Steve Parks is using them, that is a nod toward the quality. I trust Big O's opinion on tackle. I just think it's a little dirty playing that close to another name....
  21. Owner Beast hook with the Twistlock. Those "moaner" hooks? : Gee, not playing off the name there huh? I think I'll start the Yamakatsu hook company and fish Gamamoto Sinkos on them. Give me a break...
  22. Ok, this Saturday is coming up quickly. Got a couple new baits that I can GUARANTEE the Raystown fish have never seen. Hopefully they are looking for a mouthful. Paangler, you find an *** for that seat yet? ;D
  23. Cattatron with Megascratch attractant. Innovation at it's finest. There, I fixed it. LOL
  24. Looking forward to them Bobby. Glad to see someone listening to the general population. Does the packaging have on it somewhere? ;D
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