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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. ^ just like I do. Trick stick or a Zoom finesse wacky will usually get one to bite. As was said before, if there are fish following the hooked one and you have a buddy in the boat, tell him to throw in near your fish.
  2. That's terrible man. I have not gone through it, but I feel for ya. You have the number...
  3. Correct. Don't forget though, they "might" ignore it or they also "might" just eat it when there are fresh trout. Personally, I would go to either end of the spectrum with baits. Hudd 0 and Hudd 12/16. Deadstick one, bottom bounce one.
  4. It's not going to hurt to throw them now, but my guess is that with an abundance of fresh stocked trout swimming around you are less likely to get bit than say.....a week or so later. You'll see.
  5. Great looking dog!!!
  6. I know that they are saying that the rules are not changing, only the focus on those rules. Show of hands... Who has played organized football? I grew up learning the game and being taught not to lead with the crown of the helmet (spearing). I was also taught to put my facemask into the other guy's chest, wrap and drive with the intention of making him not want to enter my area ever again. ;D The rules of the game are there, IMO, to combat "dirty" play. Playing hard and playing dirty are two totally different things. Suddenly a big hit is now a more egregious penalty than a chop block (absolutely against the rules)? Again, playing hard and playing dirty are different.
  7. I am squeamish in that situation too. Anyone who has ever played football would be to some extent. I played full contact football from 4th grade all the way through three years of college ball. I saw more injuries to teammates and opponents than I would wish on my worst enemy. That being said, when compared to the total amount of time spent in practice and games the total number of injuries is quite small. Count up the number of games over the last 10 years and compare it to the number of "life altering" injuries in the NFL alone. I would venture a guess that the number is quite small. Those that were hurt paid a heavy price, no doubt. But the overall safety record of the league and the game of football itself is, to me, impressive.
  8. Apprarently they are now innovative enough to use.
  9. I see that point and it is a good one when looking at the financial aspect of the sport. You and I both know, Tyrius, that people don't watch football for the aesthetics alone. Deep down, people watch the game to see big, powerful, larger-than-life characters hit each other as hard as they can. That is the foundation of the game. Anyone who vehemently denies enjoying it for the violence (even a little) is not telling you the truth. It ain't golf. ;D
  10. People are injured or die in car crashes every day, even though today's vehicles are safer than ever. We still drive... Not the same entirely, but close. There are risks involved with different activities. They can take all the precautions in the world, just don't let it alter the game.
  11. I'm even ok with the possibility of a booth review to some extent. Granted, you can't read someone's mind through a replay but you most certainly can determine malicious intent. They are saying the hits are going too high? Just wait until it's not only D-backs going after a runner's knees. Can you imagine what Ray Lewis or James Harrison would do to someone's legs if they launch themselves low instead of high? Same potential result as a head hit: Life altering injuries. They get paid well to be our modern day gladiators, much like boxers and MMA fighters. All three are violent, violent sports with inherent risks and rewards. When you weigh those risks and rewards, I would be willing to bet all but a few would continue to play the game as it currently is.
  12. Thoughts? Personally, I think Stewart Scott summed it up best this morning on SportsCenter: You are not "sentenced" to play football, it is a choice. I agree wholeheartedly with his assessment. They know the risk when they step on the field, obviously excluding malicious intent from one player to another (which I bet is exceedingly rare). The hit on DeSean Jackson from Philly? To me, legal hit and a GREAT ONE. From day one, people are taught to put a facemask on the shoulder pads, wrap and drive. In this case, the Jackson was in the air. When you hit someone who is in the air, they are going backwards. When he begins to go backwards, the helmet is going to slide up the pads and contact the other player's helmet. While the aftermath is extremely unfortunate, he knew the risks when he put his jersey on that day. It's not like a citizen walking down the street and being mugged. There is no realistic assumption that something bad may happen in that situation. Football, pro football specifically, is the exact opposite of that. The hit on Baltimore's Todd Heap by the Patriots D-back? Totally illegal and completely different from the above mentioned hit, IMO. He obviously launched himself into the head of an opponent as Heap was being tackled by another player. Personally, if he would have kept his feet under him and ran through Heap and the other defender I would have ZERO issue with the hit. Inevitably, someone will bring up James Harrison and his two massive hits on the Browns yesterday. Again, I see this as a football play and not a malicious attempted to permanently injure someone. Just like Harrison said, "I play to hurt the other guy, not injure them. There is a difference." Civil discussion please...
  13. You are convincing me....LOL Still checking the upcoming schedule. Nice one Dwight.
  14. Amazing
  15. I like when I see bass in groups. I feel that the competitive predator in them gives me the advantage. One of them will usually hit a lure.
  16. Well, in that case... 7 tops
  17. 50-65 Not saying it was brand new line, but it wasn't beat up. Bottom line: It happens.
  18. For some reason the member named SimonSays comes to mind when you mention that video.... Not sure.
  19. High Power Herring www.fishatl.com/swimbait Mattlures Hardgill www.mattlures.com Slow Sink models, one of each bait. Those will get you started for around $100 and will catch fish. Period. You can get into pricier baits, but those two will catch fish wherever fish swim.
  20. Would have replied sooner, just came back from being near death sick. LOL It's really a cool little bait. I have found that it will actually run deeper if you use it like a jerkbait. It is really erratic looking when used in this manner as well. I also like to burn it, burn and pause it, burn and rip it...etc. Find submerged grass or shallow cover and go to town There is a bunch of different stuff to do with the bait. Shoot me a PM and I would be more than happy to discuss further.
  21. Or ban you for practice? Mmm, yes. I like the sound of that... HAHAHAHAHAHAH that just made my night hahaha I love you man. That was epic. This post makes me uncomfortable... You and me both. FYI, exit only....
  22. d**n you John!!! Stupid mod abilities!!! ;D
  23. You seriously believe that, don't you? Throw a heavy enough lure with enough "oomph" behind it, get a backlash and then show me a bait that won't cast off with braid. Yeah, a 3/8oz jig won't do it. A 5oz Hudd or Punker most certainly will.
  24. J, I've got the brown trout down here. Back in the flyfishing days, had one mounted that is 25 1/2" long. Caught it on a Tan Caddis dry. So sick to see a hook jaw come out of the water to sip a dry. Steelies = 0 for me.
  25. Wait until his lakes freeze and he can't fish. He might have us all on lock down Lakes might freeze, but the ditches don't..... Where's your chemistry set, Dexter? ;D So jealous. Would love to catch one of those...
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