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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Lay off the peyote....
  2. I'm with you, I think. My wife and I have both separate and joint accounts. Things like these come out of the joint account and are essentially split 50/50. Marriage is an equal partnership, JMHO.
  3. I have fished with both and own a Symetre. I prefer the Symetre over the other two, based on price and features. It is much cheaper than a Stradic yet feels as smooth and strong; it is only marginally more expensive than the Sahara, yet feels quite a bit better in my hands.
  4. Was a top producing musky bait this year for a couple guys I fish with. I would imagine the pike eat them up too.
  5. Eh, maybe I'll pick them up and pass the savings on through the flea market. Keep a few that I like and offload the rest.
  6. I'm just wondering if they are worth ~$5, which is what I could get them for.
  7. Might have a line on a few of these in the near future. I was wondering if they have any fans out there. Gracias.
  8. Good luck Kelley. Hope to see you on the trip...


    Is that first pic a Nighthawk? Very nice collection you have there. I just got the same 357, but mine doesn't have the full lug.
  10. I just may buy every green pumpkin creature that I can get my hands on before I head down there. LOL

    Mossberg 500

    Haven't had the opportunity to fire it. Handled it in the store, assembling/disassembling for display and sale. It feels like a solid gun and if it shoots like anything else "Browning" then I am sure it is worth owning. I love Browning archery equipment as well.
  12. Why yes...Yes I do. Thank you for noticing. 8-) Wayne, he said swagger not stagger! 8-) I'll make up another batch of the "home brew" I promised everyone on the Roadtrip last year. You will know what stagger is all about. ;D

    Mossberg 500

    Gander Mountain was selling a 20ga semi, black synthetic for 299 today. Our store still had a couple left. That is cheap for an auto. On the above notes, I have not handled the SXP but I do own the SX3. THAT is a bad *** firearm.
  14. Why yes...Yes I do. Thank you for noticing. 8-)
  15. Ugh, those 30+ safes a responsible for a fair share of my mistake days...I try not to sell them! Grow a pair... ;D
  16. I have a Liberty 48 gun on order to be picked up sometime around the beginning of the year. Gander Mountain is selling the Liberty Fatboy Jr for $899 on Thanksgiving Day or Black Friday. You didnt hear it from me. ;D
  17. Gerber Clutch and Suspension
  18. Glad to hear it Ronnie. Hope the next one goes even better than the first. For the record, the Guntersville assistance was the least I could do. Don't go telling people that; they might expect me to be nice or something. Don't want to ruin my rep. Looking forward to seeing you in April.
  19. Whatever Gander Mountain decides to serve.... :-[ Working 8:45 - 3 Family eats at noon. The almighty dollar wins again.
  20. And I will do my best to find something to your liking around here. Dark? Light? Bitter? What is your preference? Ah, who am I kidding. I'll just bring some good chit.
  21. Oh, they'll be making the trip. Absolutely. I have another idea as well. Stay tuned.
  22. Reservations being made tomorrow for the "Four Horsemen" of the North. Be afraid...


    Piece? That single word tells me that you are not mature enough to handle a firearm. Sounds like a 1990's rap video or a bad episode of Miami Vice... :
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