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Everything posted by CaliBassRipper

  1. Thanks for the tips. Went back at it this weekend and a great 30+ fish day. Didnt have anything break but kept on a look out for abrasions to the line and not one break so it was prob just the rocks. But the fluoro i was using as a leader just sucked there was a kink it every few ft that was week so i believe i found my solutions.
  2. That makes alot of sense about the guides il check that. The line should still be good its not very old and kept inside my house. But real good advice.
  3. Im not sure if this was the problem it was a 1/4 oz jerk but that may of been a contributimg factor to by the braid With the braid it was right by the knot not real sure if it was at the knot. And the fluoro the same thing i was at a full cast when i got hit and broke off. But it did look like a clean break.it wasnt frayed or anything. I did forget to mention i was fishing around alot of rocks. After reading all this im starting to think i may have just nicked one when ripping it around. It atleast sounds more plausible then a bad knot Or bad line since it happened on 2 different lines?
  4. Ya definitely not the case here. im in central california haha. Have you guys used a loop knot. For jerks
  5. Thats good to know. Ya i have no idea what was going on. both those knots never fail me until now. But do you use the uni on fluoro and braid? And are you using this light of line or heavier.
  6. I sell the stuff i bought i dont use and use that money to get new toys il sell later lol endless perfect cycle and the women dont get mad.
  7. So i was out fishing the other day and a great 20 + fish day. They all came on a jerkbait i was using 8 # fluoro i would re tie after each fish i caught but even doimg that i had a huge slam then the line goes slack. Fish and lure gone. Then i decided to switch to 10# braid after about 30 45 min of not catching one i make a cast and there goes my lure flying into the shallows. Luckily i was able to get it back. I was using a clinch knot with the fluoro and a palomar with braid. Has anyone experienced this and figured a way to combat it. Im guessing ripping on this bait is making the knot tighten to the point of cuttimg the line. Im hoping maybe someone has a better knot or better solution. Thanks and tight lines.
  8. those are some good suggestions. i wouldnt personally use flex seal. i work at a hardware store and hear more fails than success but if its working for you thats great. after a lot of researching going to use the 2 part for a more permanent adhesive. use some sheet metal screws with a screw glue and probably a 3m caulk as a finishing water sealer. imma install the battery ports, fish finder, run the cables for the ff threw the hull, some clips for oar/net, pole holders, and rudder this week. i guess il see what works best lol. hopedully wont have to re do any of this.
  9. thanks guys both those help was thinking of going with loctite marine 2 part epoxy sounds like it will work.
  10. are you running a deep cycle and how many hours does that last approximately.
  11. i was womdering what size battery for running a sonar only? im on a small boat and trying to use as lil spacr and weight as possible.
  12. so im gonna replace the plug for the battery receptacles on my sun dolphin sportsman and im going to run new wires for the boat while im at it. but i was wondering what kind of adhesive would be best for keeping the top half and bottom half of the boat where the rivets are waterproof. im thinking of a 2 part epoxy but if a caulk would work that would be easier to deal with and cheaper. so if anyone has any experience with this or other suggestions would be really appreciated.
  13. Im posting a lil late but oh well. Thanks that all helps. Idk if il ever use it i put word around locally to see if anyone wants to trade but no bites yet lol.
  14. Yeah i did actually change expecting a hit. That could be it. My lure was always close to the end of the retrieve and didnt wanna pull it out the water so i would slow way down then hit it a couple quick times. Ya thats a really good way to look at it. Kinda simplifies things. I am gonna be able to get a couple hours after work thurs to throw some baits around. So il take these things in consideration and see if i cant get a few extra hook ups!
  15. Sounds good i will have to try that and see what happens.
  16. So imma try to answer all at once. I had a pole with straight 50 lb braid and one with 12 lb flouro. some of the water is stained some is clear depends on what part of the water im on. I noticed this more in the clear water since i can see a lot farther. As for the spawn i believe some have already spawned since there is fry everywhere in parts but i still seen some fish on beds so i believe its in the middle of them spawning. There are lots of lil males that are always within feet of the fry as well. I have tried to give a quick snap of the rod and reel in quickly they just back off. I did have some pick it up but spit it out really quickly. By the time i saw set the hook it was already spit out and my lure was flying out the water lol. As for the water structure it went from really shallow (1ft) to a depth of around 5ft so there was a drop off. I did catch some nice 2 lbers but i am trying to increase my hook up rate. You all brought up some good suggestions maybe this will help a lil more. The bass never would take it they swim up fast check it out then casually swim away.
  17. So out fishing the last few days and i been noticing something. Il be using either a jig, jerk bait and/or worm and the bass will smash up to the bait get right on it and they just turn around and leave to never be seen from again lol. I am catching fish some quality size guys but i would like to understand a little more on whats happening here. Is it the color, maybe a smell, or they just thought it was something else. I have tried to stop moving the bait, i have slowed down, then giving it a pop and/or wiggle. I try to learn more every day and just wanna understand what im experiencing. Any suggestions would be awesome.
  18. I know in my case i use 12 lb straight flouro at times even when finessing a jig in wood. I have pulled 4 to 5 lbers lmb over limbs and up on the bank with no problems. Just gotta be a lil careful of sharper points. As for the coiling what i do is after i spool my line i run the spool under semi hot water for a lil bit and it seems to help with new line. It kinda forms to the spool better. But this is just my opinion. I happen to love flouro. But use braid more since i can use it longer and it dont cost me as much.
  19. Ok thanks guys. I never got into fly fishing but always wanted to learn lol. So i guess its worth more to keep. They are in really good condition. Got them from a old timer who just cant do it anymore. Thanks again for your unput as i had no idea what i have. Gotta love a bass forum where people will help out even when its not really bass fishing lol.
  20. So im hoping there may be some guys who like fly fishing. I was given two fly rods and dont know anything about them. From the lil research i did it looks like i may have gotten some good gear. So here it is. Orvis battenkill disc reels 1 3/4 and 1 7/8 both made in england 1 g loomis gl3 fr1087 rod 9' 7# line 1 st. Croix legend series im-s graphite Any info would be appreciated. if there worth what i think im going to try to trade maybe later on for baitcaster/spinning rod & reels. But not too positive yet
  21. I been thinking about that but im just not in a spot to get one unfortanetly. But il do that thank you.
  22. Ya usually if you make yourself known they dont bother you. I have seen them go check everyone for licenses and bag limits and pass me with a have a good day fishing lol. Most of our guys are real cool and they sometimes will help you find some more "off the beaten path" spots.
  23. I usually talk to the game wardens around the area and knew there wasnt anything protected in this area. These had no teeth at all. Or i wouldnt be lol. But i may need to see if that is going on here if so i could make a bunch of money. They are everywhere.
  24. Thanks for the help i tried finding what it was but couldnt. But it seems like the part of the river im fishing they are dominating everything. They are the biggest fish that gets pulled out of there besides planters. It seems like there population needs to go down so other fish can grow. The cats are all small and i havent ever even seen a bass or bluegill there.
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