???? I've had both aluminum and glass ... I don't treat my glass boat any different. If you treat the boat like stuff and bang it around, sure you will chip or scratch the gelcoat. But, most if not all aluminum boats are painted now and I wouldn't want one of those scratched up either.
I agree. I spent WAY more time fixing and maintaining my aluminum boat than my fiberglass. It seemed something was always leaking somewhere (rivets), or splitting (requiring welding), or coming loose on my aluminum boat. I'm not saying fiberglass boats are maintenance free, but with a good washing and a coating of BTS, you're good to go. And with a keelshield, you can beach it most places you would with an aluminum without issues.
I'm not so sure about all that guys. I let my aluminum bounce down rip rap and chunk rock banks all of the time and the most it does is scratch off the paint (which can be redone with just a few cans of touch up spray paint every year). I would have never did that in my fiberglass Triton. Fiberglass dents more easily and gel coats ARE more senstitive to abuse than solid aluminum. Not to mention repair costs are not even close to the same. If I put a hole in my aluminum boat I can either JB weld it or just cut it out and weld a small square back in... its that easy. x
I liked my fiberglass boat for stability and ride smoothness when cutting across the lake, but for carefree worryless fishing... not a contest, aluminum wins. Also, don't get riveted if you plan on doing anything abusive, they will pop and leak. Get all welded hulls.
There is a reason the majority of river boats and duck boats arn't camo fiberglass... they expect abuse and the fiberglass isnt designed for that.
As far as fishability, my aluminum is roughly the same size as my old 18ft Triton and as as much room, if not more. It also drafts much shallower.
I'm not saying that a big jon like mine is ideal for some of your huge reservoirs and it certainly isn't indestructible. But for an all around boat that can do about anything... its pretty good.