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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. I do not feel you can go wrong with the Powell. Excellent rod for the money. Lighter and more sensitive than the L&T, imo.
  2. very sorry to hear that, and please send our condolences, what little good they will do, for a grieving family. The only good thing is at least it is in Texas, where you are pretty much assured the guy will get the death penalty for his crime.
  3. One of our advertisers on here show his clips on the computer. Lunkerville.com? If I am not mistaken.
  4. I would like to shake that guys hand.
  5. For the first one I built, I took a stand up rifle rack, and modified the design to fit my rods, then went all out and picked up some red cedar and built it..... worked great. Then a buddy offered me more money than I could turn down....
  6. When I did a search all it brings up is this post. : :-?
  7. Powell rods are one you should look at. 139.99 B&R Outlaw rods are also deserve a look at 129.99 plus they are 100% American made. A buddy bought a Light and Tough. Broke it first time out. That is the only experience I have with them.
  8. Looks like you got a great deal!! Love the green paint job.. So when do we get to see pics of fish IN the boat???
  9. Maybe the color of the boat has something to do with it, as in its a LEMON!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Seriously, though, there is no way that a dealer could sell that boat for that price. Now a scorned woman getting even with her man? Maybe!!!!
  10. I was planning on using 20 lb. Suffix Performance Braid, it casts great and is the same diameter of 8 lb. I am going to start with that, and then if I need to, switch to mono.
  11. In my experience, fish that do that are feeding, but whatever it is they are looking for, is not exactly what you are providing. I might have tried a spinner bait just under the surface, since they seemed to want to strike your lure under the water. Or a Ragetail shad, burned under the surface. You were enticing them on the surface, but they wanted something under the water for some reason.
  12. Hate to ask this of a tourny fisherman, but were you using a trailer on your buzzbait???
  13. I see they have a coffee/shad scent. In regards to another post here, about coffee tubes, it seems that Strike King would have the patent on that particular odor.
  14. Do not want Strike King mad at me either, ,, but how do you patent a scent? That is like patenting a color or sound.
  15. Congrats on the milestone... However, you understand you have joined the exclusive club of people who spend wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much time on BassResource.com, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Guys, I have been dealing with this since April, and I have to vent somewhere, so here goes. My wife has been diagnosed Bi polar, with Extremely fast cycling, basically she is a manic depressive on a daily roller coaster. She can no longer work and is applying for disability. That being said, I think now I am going crazy, lol. Her mood swings, and the fact she may be up for 24-36 hrs. straight when she is manic, and she will not take her medicine, because it MAKES her sleep, then she drops in a deep depression and actually had to be put in the mental hospital earlier this week for evaluation, because of it. How am I supposed to deal with all of it. She does nothing around the house to help for days on end, because she is depressed, she expects me to do everything even after putting a 10 hr. day in at work. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I love her to death, but somehow, I have to get her to understand what she does to me, when she acts like this. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.
  17. Aaron, The actual buzzer may be in one of several places. Under the seat, in the dash or even under the hood. It took me about 6 hours of tracing wires before I found the one in my Bronco and disabled it. By the way, it will look like a flasher unit, just plugged into a socket. Good luck
  18. Some states allow you to take the meat home as long as you get WRITTEN permission from the local authorities, whether it be the Sheriff or game warden. Most states do not, due to the way the poaching laws are written, have any leeway for a mercy killing. As for taking the meat home, if legal yes, if not legal then, no, the animal will feed the local scavengers and predators. Probably a day or week sooner than if I had not put it down.
  19. Suffix Performance Braid... Best Braid I have ever tried.
  20. If you do a search there was a whole thread dedicated to this topic last month I believe. My ? is this. Who of our esteemed advertisers will develop a coffee flavored worm? Shad? Craw? Lizard? first. Hint! Hint! Brent,,, lol By the way, the bass here in Ga. prefer Maxwell house!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  21. Try a black or dark colored 10 Monster worm on a jig head... hop it then let it set, hop it 2 or 3 times, let it set..... best big fish bait I know of, except for jigs.
  22. It is freespooling to fast. You obviously do not have the settings correct for the weight you are casting.
  23. Bass-Brat, I am with you on this one. Legal or not, I am putting it down. I have been an avid outdoorsman all my life, usually the game wardens are so overwhelmed they would not even respond. I have in the past, and will do so in the future, put seriously wounded animals down. Whether hit by a car or wounded in some other way. I guess this is where ethics and legality cross swords, because I feel it is the ethical thing to do. Just my opinion of course.
  24. I was actually thinking about doing that, but wanted some "expert" advice from all of you first..... Hey Stasher, you are not all that far from me,,,, you fish varner? Tribble Mill? Charlie Elliott?
  25. Raul, I was not just thinking senkos, but also splitshot/mojo rigs with finesse worms, 1/4 oz spinnerbaits, weightless flukes, etc....
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