Guys, I have been dealing with this since April, and I have to vent somewhere, so here goes.
My wife has been diagnosed Bi polar, with Extremely fast cycling, basically she is a manic depressive on a daily roller coaster. She can no longer work and is applying for disability.
That being said, I think now I am going crazy, lol. Her mood swings, and the fact she may be up for 24-36 hrs. straight when she is manic, and she will not take her medicine, because it MAKES her sleep, then she drops in a deep depression and actually had to be put in the mental hospital earlier this week for evaluation, because of it.
How am I supposed to deal with all of it. She does nothing around the house to help for days on end, because she is depressed, she expects me to do everything even after putting a 10 hr. day in at work. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I love her to death, but somehow, I have to get her to understand what she does to me, when she acts like this.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.