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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. Deep is definately relative to where and what you are fishing. In the Pacific Northwest, I fished for Kokanee (landlocked sockeye salmon) in freshwater lakes. I have used a slip bobber, from the bank, with the bobber stopper 85-90 ft. up the line. Some of the lakes there, you can be close enough to the bank to touch it with your rod tip and be in 150-200 ft. of water, where they dammed up rivers in canyons. However, for bass, and such, deep to me is anything over about 15 ft. of water. Lakes I fish in are about 30 ft. deep but I have not found anything but catfish at those depths.
  2. Mine so far are Motor oil/chartruese, pumpkin seed, and watermelon.
  3. I have no idea what year it is. Georgia does not require titles on boats, just registration. I bought the boat in July from a guy who bought it from someone who had it stored in a hay barn, with hay stacked inside lol...... and of course it had not been registered for about 5 yrs. Still waiting on my paperwork back, hopefully that will tell me. I am more than happy so far with it, I have 2 50 lb. TMs on the back and 1 more on the bow. I just need to fix it up some, and get a deck on it, and I am ready for a few tourneys next year. Thanks for the input.
  4. here is the other half of the boat....
  5. I am sure this has been discussed a lot in this forum. However, I have a 14ft. Fisher boat that I am going to deck and put in a live well, etc...... Any help or direction to articles and pictures would be great.... Especially on what materials work best, without breaking the budget. Thanks in advance. This is what I am starting out with, so any suggestions would be great.
  6. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm I am not sure,, but am going to check now... man am I gonna feel reaaaaaaaalllllllll stupid if it is........... :-[ :-[
  7. OK, I bought a Cuda 242 Fish Finder, (I bought what I could afford). However, the temp is always at 72 degrees. It never changes, is there something I can do before I call the factory to possibly reset it?? Or is this a factory default? I have not abused it or banged it around and the my boat is trailered, so there is no issue of it getting drug on the boat ramp or anything. It has done this since day one, that I have used it. Any ideas??????
  8. No offense intended ladys. However, it is real easy to tell a female bass from a male bass. The female can not keep her mouth shut! :o
  9. Man, you hit that nail on the head. My 19 yr. old daughter dates these "metrosexual" guys. Can not tell if they are guys or girls half the time. They wear the girls clothes, talk in feminine voice, etc....... I am told that is what is fashionable now, to be totally unisex. Maybe the bass are just trying to be trendy???? ;D
  10. Thomas, Thank you Can you get me a phone # or a website for them??? Lowe Green though??? . Just kidding. I really dont care about color at the moment. I am just sick and tired of fishing out of the back of the boat. This winter, I can paint,, because it will torn down anyway to put a casting deck in the front.
  11. here is another pic.
  12. Guys, I have a 14 Fisher jon boat. It is a little older boat, and I am slowly getting it fixed to my satisfaction. Howevever, I am having trouble figuring out how to mount my bow t/m. I am having to use a tiller type motor, vs. a foot controlled due to expense. I know that I need to attach something so that the motor will have a non-flexible mount, but am at a loss as to what to use(so it wont rust or rot) or exactly how to mount it. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  13. OK guys, I went out again this am for about 5 hrs. I went to Fox Lake on the Charlie Elliott Wildlife Refuge. This lake is very stained, and full of flooded timber and grass,,,,, I tried everything I could think of, or invent, and still could not hook a fish. :'( > >. I even rigged a suspending crank bait on a dropshot rig. I saw other people catching bass, so, I know they could have been had. I am about to give up until it cools down about 20 degrees
  14. I was watching the Outdoor Channel a few weeks ago, and saw a show by Hank Parker. He pitched a product that was a Bass Pheromone. I can not remember the name of it, but he claimed that the two guys in the boat with him used it, while he did not. The other two guys caught 7 fish each to his 1. Anyone see that show, and can you tell me the name of that product. I was discussing this with a Co-worker, and for the life of me, could not recall it.
  15. Let me all tell you a little story. I have a cousin who has lived his entire life on the Southern Oregon Coast. One elk season about 25 yrs. ago. He killed a monster bull elk. He cut the horns off, and hung them over a ceiling joice in his basement. That is where they stayed for almost 20 yrs. Finally after a few years of getting bugged to have them measured, he went to a Boone & Crockett Measurer. You can now find his name in the Boone and Crockett Record Book, in the top 20 of the World. Keep a state or world record??? IN A NEW YORK MINUTE!!!!!!!! Especially since I have yet to catch one in the double digits. I may have to sit in my boat for an hour to calm the shakes down enough to get that baby to the scales, but I would.
  16. Mike, Thanks a lot. I am going out this weekend and gonna put everyones advice to the test. As for the cold drinks, ice and A/C. You dont have to worry about this fat boy staying out in 90 degree heat when the fish are not biting,,,, I am gonna find me a shady spot with a tall ice cold beverage. ;D
  17. thanks guys, I am going to hit it hard again this weekend, and try your ideas. Hopefully one of them works out for the best. A co worker today told me to C Rig a floating crankbait and see how that works. Gobi, to answer your question, I am just outside of Loganville, Georgia 50 miles or so east of Atlanta. I fish Varner, Black Shoals, Fort Yargo, Tribble Mill, and The Charles Elliott Wildlife Refurge Lakes. Thanks again for the ideas everyone. If you come up with anymore, let me know.
  18. Unfortunately, no fishing allowed after dark at these resevoirs. They lock the gates at dusk and tow anyone still there. And, yes, the water is crystal clear. Maybe that is my problem. I do not know how to fish clear water. However, I am using the correct color patterns for clear water, I do know that. White, Chartruese, etc....... The lake I fished today has a lot of flooded timber. I fished thru 3 different stands of the timber, nothing.
  19. Well, that is what I did today. I emptied my tackle box. Everytime I took something off, I put it on the deck next to me. It took me almost 1/2 hr. to get it all back in the tackle box after getting the boat out of the water... lol,,, The only thing I did not try was a drop shot rig. thought about it after I had quit for the day.
  20. Thanks guys, I will give those ideas a shot. Yes, it is still very hot here in Georgia. Water temps in the 80-90 range. I fish mostly drinking water resevoirs, so there are not a lot of docks, but structure is there. I guess I am just frustrated, went out for 5 hrs. today, threw everything but the boat at the fish, and NOTHING! lol..... Thanks again.
  21. since i have moved to Georgia, I am still looking for a fishing buddy. my wife only likes to fish when the crappie are biting real good, and only from the bank.(she gets motion sickness). Before I moved here, I had my brother and best friend that I fished with exclusively.
  22. OK, I am fairly new at bass fishing, but have my jon boat, and electric motors, and have spent more money than I care to admit on lures and such. Now it is the dog days of summer here in Georgia, and I can not catch a dern fish. I have tried plastics(carolina and texas rigged, spinnerbaits, diving lures, chatterbaits, nothing is working now that it is so hot. Any help would be appreciated, before I get so frustrated, I pull a Crocodile Dundee, and break out the dynamite. ;D
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