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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. NOT if he is like my wife!!!!!!!!! :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. Biggest thing I ever caught, was a sturgeon in the Columbia river. Using a 14 ft. pole, 40 lb. test line, 16 oz. sinkers with cement nails driven into it to snag the rocks on the bottom. Fishing from High Bank, just down river from the Bonneville Dam. I fought that fish for 1 1/2 hrs. from the bank. It cleared the water 4 times. I burned a groove into my thumb, thumbing the reel. When it finally gave up and I was able to reel it in. My buddy and I taped it out at 7ft. 7". The fish and game enforcement officer I talked to later, said that fish weighed between 500 & 600 lbs. I was so sore the next day, I had a hard time lifting my arms to put a T shirt on. But oh man was it worth it.. :) :)
  3. I was wondering if we could make this thread a sticky like the one on Carolina rigs, so it does not get lost...... It would make a great reference tool IMHO. I have read and reread this thread about 5 times now, and I can not be the only one, can I????
  4. ok if you do not mount the transducer to the TM but to the stern of your boat, is there any problem with interference using the same battery for both?? I am running my bow mount TM and my fish finder off the same battery, and every once in awhile my fishfinder goes a little bonkers,,, but I also know my transducer is bad, and Eagle is sending me a new one. So maybe I need to just wait, and see if it still acts up with a new transducer;
  5. Divorce Monkey is that large Bigfoot type creature that crushes you like a small bug..... lol,, been there done that , got the T shirt. My ex actually told me I Could Not go hunting one year,,,, man, I still miss her sometimes,, : Raul, My avatar is one I found here on the site,,,,, I just kept scrolling thru them looking.
  6. A quick estimate of my monkeys work this year. Boat Monkey: 4 batteries, 4 life jackets, 3 trolling motors, 1 fish finder, a wiring harness for the trailer, 4 bulbs, 100 ft. of rope, license on both the boat and trailer, still to come,, decking, carpet, pedestals, livewell pump, Bait Monkey: 2 spinning rods, 2 casting rods, 3 reels, about 250 bucks worth of plastics, 150 bucks worth of crankbaits, 100 bucks worth of chatterbaits and spinnerbaits, 100.00 worth of line, hooks, lead, etc.... So who is winning here???? lmao darn monkeys
  7. Man, I know that feeling all to well. I have spent probably double on my boat this summer as I did all year in tackle before I bought the boat,, It will slow down after a bit... especially if the wife sees the receipts ;D ;D ;D :'( :'( :'( :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
  8. I believe winter starts on the day I have to put the long johns on to go fishing.... that means it is colder than a brass toilet seat on a shady side of an iceberg. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. I agree with the above posts, about seeing you and memory,,, I think that is what they said,,, darn, now I cant remember :-/
  10. Oh, just wait... it happens! It's usually a big fish and she'll smile as she surfaces & spits the bait back at you! Except it probably will not be a plastic, but a hard little missile with a couple of sets of Treble hooks coming directly at your face.
  11. I have one question. Has anyone used the C rig floats that BPS sells???? It is a bullet shaped float that you slide on your line above your hook. It is supposed to help float your bait above grass, etc.... I was just wondering if anyone had tried them or if they are a novelty that is not worth the effort.
  12. As I sat and read this GREAT thread, drinking my coffee, I thought, he just wrote about me! I get out on the water, with all these great expectations, because I know there are some big fish on my home lake. I start fishing, and if things dont work like I THINK they should, I start out thinking myself, instead of concentrating on JUST FISHING. Wow, I have had an epiphany. Or maybe just a brain aneurism, I am not quite sure. Thank you, guys, for turning on one more light bulb in this thick headed, stubborn fisherman's tacklebox.
  13. A T-rigged worm is my confidence bait. I will throw that when nothing else works.... shallow water seems to me the perfect place for it as well. I caught all my fish this spring on a Texas Rig. It was a great learning tool for me, in that I actually got to see fish hitting it in clear water when I was fishing off of a fishing pier. I was casting away from shore or parallel to shore, and caught fish both ways,, the key IMO is to work it slow. As soon as I slowed down I caught fish. I used trick worms, U-tails, finesse worms, they all caught fish. I do not know if it was just dumb luck, or if it was the way I was fishing. Some of the more experienced guys will probably be able to explain it better, I am sure.
  14. I want to add my thanks to this as well. I have only been on here a few short weeks. However, my bass fishing knowledge has grown exponentially(wow, what a big word :-?). Now it is up to me to put that knowledge to good use. Glenn, even though I had only been on the forum for about a week, you jumped right in and volunteered to take me out fishing and show me some tricks. Even though our work schedules have gotten in the way so far, that meant a lot to me, and I am still trying to get a day off during the week so we can go out. I was there and saw what you did at Varner when you caught your PB, and I hope I can learn how to catch those big ones. To Glenn, and all of the Mods, Thank you for doing the hard work behind the scenes for all of us who have a passion for fishing, this is a wonderful learning tool for us newbies and probably even for a lot of the more experienced fishermen as well. I look forward to a continued learning curve, a lot of laughter, and an ongoing great experience on this forum.
  15. Thanks, gonna place an order today......
  16. I do have one question for RW or any of you knowledgeable "gentlemen" ;D on this subject. Will any tube the size of the Fat Ika work? I have gone to my local Wally World and looked on Bass Pro's website, and can not find that brand. Maybe someone here in the N. Georgia area can point me in the right direction.
  17. ok, I am in. The student/newbie/frustrated fisherman here is going out this weekend and use this strategy. I need to feel that jerk on the OTHER end of the line for a change!!!! ;D
  18. Grilled Salmon,, hands down.
  19. LBH, Thanks for the tips. I am going to deck the front half of the boat, up to seat level. I would like to leave the middle open for storage, etc...... Just put a floor in it like yours. The back half, will probably be left alone, except for maybe a pedestal. That is my idea so far, but that is subject to change once I get started.....
  20. Adam, Thanks. Those Fisher boats are actually made by Tracker, from what I have been told. And trust me, I am going over every picture I can find with a fine tooth comb, looking for ideas, or something different that made a difference. I already have a great idea for more storage, and not having to add anything else to the boat, but a couple of piano hinges. We should have lots to talk about when we get out on the water together. I do know that I am not going to deck the entire boat, to save weight. Maybe we can make a dual project out of this, and do yours and mine at the same time.
  21. NJFishingguy, My wife puts up with me spending about 3 grand every year to go elk hunting with my brother for 2 weeks, plus I bought the boat this year, and I have had to add everything, since it came just as the picture shows. Plus, she does go fishing with me once in a while, so I am not complaining... more joking than serious, whenever I talk like that about my wife..... So she no more holds me back than I do myself. Heck, I know guys who have to ask permission to go fishing god forbid,, lol....
  22. LBH, wow, what a difference some work and paint make.... I am impressed. Although I had to put on my sunglasses to look at it. ;D j/k. Thank you for all the input so far. I am developing ideas, and after I am thru fishing for the fall, will start in on it. I have a good welding supply shop in town that carries aluminum stock and they will bend it or cut it for me. I am thinking aluminum supports for everything to save weight. I am still not sure about a live well. Whether to build one in, or just go with like a 50 gal. cooler with an aerator pump in it. I guess finances will determine most of it. I would love to paint the boat when I am doing the project, but again, finances. I do not want to have to sleep in the boat, after the wife changes the locks on the house ;D ;D
  23. I have to say the only thing that distracts me is snakes. If I see a snake in the water or close to my proximity, I dont care if I am catching tons of big fish. I am gone. Snakes unfortunately are my big fear, and has been all my life. The only good snake as far as I am concerned is one already made into a pair of cowboy boots. :o ;D
  24. Muddy? Is your mother in law related to mine???????? ;D ;D ;D ;D :D
  25. Dream Sponsors: Ranger Boats Team Daiwa Berkely Abu Garcia Jack Daniels Miller Beer Sponsor I would want to stay away from? * Any women's products Ronco? Zebco
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