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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. I know of a guy here in Georgia, that leaves his rods strapped down on his boat, year around. Now, if you have never experienced the sun and humidity here in Georgia say around August, you have missed out on an experience as close to Hades as you can get... ;D ;D Anyway, this guy has had 3 rods fail in the last year, and is constantly losing fish to break offs. I have tried and tried to tell him to just spend another 5 min. when he gets home and put his rods in the garage, but he will not listen,, he just badmouths every line he has ever tried, and rods are sent back to the manufacture for replacements.... : : : :
  2. Personally, I think you should have to take your driving test in a stick, just so you know how to drive one. I have been driving a stick since I was 9 yrs. old on the farm truck and tractor. It actually feels weird to drive an automatic sometimes. There is just not enough pedals....
  3. I want to go, but I am as old as the band members are!!!! Plus, I absolutely REFUSE to pay 100.00 a ticket!
  4. Looks like someone failed plant identification in Boy Scouts ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. I would rather cheer for the Raiders, than the Cowboys. (and that says a lot being a lifelong Seahawk fan) GO EAGLES!!!!!
  6. Now that is worth cheering about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. blazersedge.com hannity.com foxsports.com gon.com huntwashington.com ?? think that is right.
  8. Years ago, had a big German Shepard, I took him along whenever I went salmon or steelhead fishing. He loved salmon..... now, as a pup, the guy I got him from had poisoned him with raw salmon blood, so he was immune, and he had acquired quite a taste for it... lol.... could not throw one up on the bank with him around.... it would be gone!!!!! and he didnt eat like the head or tail,, he went right for the meaty, fleshy, fatty part of the back.
  9. They said this morning on the radio that WHOLESALE gas, is now at 5.00 per gallon. So expect it to jump bad. and probably soon.
  10. That is really upsetting. Our gas prices went up 0.15 a gallon over night because of Ike, and they are talking about rationing it as well.
  11. Man, he needed his more than his shorts cleaned.. wow!
  12. X2 We shall never forget, those that died needlessly, and those who became heroes that day.
  13. Thread it onto your trailer hook.
  14. I run trailer hooks on all my chatterbaits, a little less weedless, but I almost never miss a hookset.
  15. How many times do we all have to tell you???? NO MORE GORILLA Bill Dance HOOK SETS!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Ummmmmmmmm RW, you been hanging around MY house lately???????? ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. 2nd Week of Deer Camp - lol.... yep it about that time of year.
  18. I am a Call of Duty fan... the game is great, and the online gaming is absolutely fantastic as well...
  19. Here's a Quarter - Travis Tritt
  20. This is why this forum ROCKS!!!!!!! You will be blessed a hundred fold! The family is still in my prayers.
  21. I only have experience in Kistler Magnesium in these heavier duty rods. I have a Heavy Cover Fish Snatcher (yes, that is what Kistler calls it). 6'10" Heavy with a Fast tip. I love it!!!!!!!! I use 65 lb braid with this rod, and it performs flawlessly. Very sensitive. Plus, the tip is fast enough, that you can actually make the rattles work on a jig (if you use rattles) without ever moving the jig. Lots of backbone, and can haul a fish out of about anything you can catch one in. It does not kill you to fish with it for hours, and seems fairly well balanced.
  22. www.thunderstruckjigs.com Just curious if anyone has tried these and if they are as good as advertised.
  23. Seattle Seahawks - Wanted, any healthy body that can regularly catch a football. Due to ummmm circumstances, the Seahawks are in need of anyone capable of learning the West Coast Offense in less than a week and run very precise timing routes for games for the next 15 weeks. You will need to be quick, arrogant, and already have titanium screws and or plates in your knees and shoulders. Anyone with more than 10 NFL catches are welcome to apply (you would become our most experienced receiver on the team with that qualification alone). :'( :'(
  24. Hank Parker, he just seems like a buddies dad that likes to take people fishing.. and teach them how to fish.
  25. A shimano spinning reel????????
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