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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. How would you compare them to other rods in the same price range?
  2. I have heard coffee colored plastics are pretty hot.
  3. Anyone who can afford that much and more deserves the applause. WOW!!!
  4. That is just absurd.... ;D ;D
  5. Been there, done that. Looking for more challenging things to do now.... : : : ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. Chris, please do... seems no one has any info on them.... Also, how do they compare weight and feel wise to other rods in that price range???
  7. I have an Eagle Cuda 168? The Cuda series are all great and are work horses, nothing fancy, just get the job done.
  8. Wow, you have the same model as I do..... works great, well most of the time.
  9. well I will pay for any you want to part with..... put it that way. I want some of those new baits badddddddddd :-? : :o
  10. That is wrong on so many levels. Muddy is definately back!!!1 :
  11. Sure did, rigged a 10 monster weightless and run it on top, let it sink a bit, and pulled under the surface..... nada, nothing. zip.... Saw lots of bluegill around the dock lights.. bass too, but nothing was biting.
  12. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll never be out at night again!!!! lol I freakin' hate snakes!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You and me both man......
  13. That is just wrong... to introduce such an enticing/innovative new bait, and a guy has to wait 3 months to get his hands on them to try......... Who has some extra Anacondas I can buy. lol
  14. All I want to know is Who, When and Where. Who do I need to smooze to get my hands on some soon. When will I be able to get them. Where are they available right now. Love Ragetails so far... Can not wait.
  15. Muddy, Having you back on here is like reaching into a coat pocket the first time you put it on for the winter,and find a $20 bill. Although a 20 won't buy much anymore!!! : :-? Welcome back.
  16. This thread made me really think. I am a trained gunsmith, and all of my firearms and those of my brothers are custom or customized. I am a firm believer that they will out shoot any off the rack firearm. I also reload all my own ammo, so it is custom. Because, one it is cheaper, and two more accurate than factory ammo. Then I go buy off the rack rods, and expect them to perform. I buy reels that are at best mid range and expect them to perform. I am beginning to see the problem with my lack of fishing performance..... ;D ;D ;D
  17. Make sure you DO NOT wash the car before visiting!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. x2 I own 3 of them. They are awesome knives.
  19. I know.. that is why I asked. Never seen em there before either.
  20. Any one know about these rods or the company? www.deepsouthfishingrods.com
  21. Not bad looking rods at all..... seems to be well made.. wonder how they feel in your hand though..
  22. Only one I use that has people look funny at me, is my Monster worm set up, either as a Trig or a jig and worm set up. I use a trailer hook to catch those fish that are not inhaling the whole bait. Works great!
  23. I feel the pain of this search... used to have it when drift fishing for steelhead and salmon.... have lost it as I have gotten older.
  24. Full moon my A------ Fished for 6 hours last night on Jackson Lake here in Georgia. Caught two dinks on a popper right at dark.... threw everything but the kitchen sink at them the rest of the night.... NOTHING! Moon was up the whole time. Snakes were out though.... tried getting in the boat GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  25. Amen Brother... Along with Fried Fatback, fried okra, to name 2 more. Although fried corn, and fried green tomatoes are pretty darn good.
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