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Everything posted by fishbear

  1. Now that is cool! 8-) You gotta love Shelby cars!!
  2. I am getting to go to the Houston vs. Portland game in November. Can not wait to see Oden vs. Yao. You guys getting to see Oden vs. Howard, are in for a treat, imo. I think Oden will be superman's kryptonite! Like Russel was to Chamberlain.
  3. Sam, you forgot he said Calculus.. so 1+1 = x-y(4x/9Y) ;D ;D oh man, just gave myself a headache......
  4. What if we had a "Pay it Forward" sticky, I have seen this on several hunting sites I frequent, and it works great. Basically if you have something to give away, the first person to say they want it, gets it, then has to put something up for someone else, shipping usually is worked out between parties..... It seems to work great, one such site, has over 100 pages of guys doing this for each other. just an idea :-/
  5. 3.50-369 here in the ATL area.
  6. What games are you watching???? How could Basketball be more boring then: Tennis, Golf, Bowling ????? and you can add baseball to that list, to slow for me. Sorry muddy... ;D
  7. He is coming off of a year of rehab for microfracture surgery on his knee, and in college, he broke his wrist. Even though he was drafted last year, he is a rookie this year due to the surgery. However, if you look at pics of him now vs. when he was drafted, he has really put on the muscle and kept himself in shape. So hopefully he will be ok.... :-/
  8. Portland may be young, but they have the team, with Brandon Roy, Bayless (whom we stole in the draft) ;D , Aldridge from Texas, Outlaw, and now Rudy Fernandez (famous for dunking on Superman in the Olympics) Give them 2 full years together, and lordy have mercy, the NBA will not know what to do with those guys in such a small market... it will drive the execs crazy!! ;D I am actually anticipating opening night, Blazers vs. Lakers. Oden vs. Bynum, Roy vs. Kobe.
  9. If you have not seen him play this preseason, go to Youtube or find highlights on ESPN. He will be THE dominate force in the NBA for years to come, if he can stay healthy. He reminds me of a young Shaq, except he can shoot free throws, and actually has more moves than back you down and dunk.
  10. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Georgia is still 0.35 above the national average....... but we have plenty of fuel now.
  11. 6'4" 320 lbs. of pure table muscle here, ;D although I can pick the back of a older Volkswagon Bug off the ground, with the motor in it.
  12. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  13. That monkey is cruel!!!!! Trust me on this, the details would shock even the most hardened!!!!
  14. Now that is funny!!!
  15. Ummmmmmm Muddy, you are showing how old you are with some of these bands. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. I am not sure that you could claim the Eagles are a rock band, however, those harmonies are killer. As for bad bands, come on, noone has mentioned Nirvana yet??? Lets sing "Rape Me" over and over and over again, and maybe someone will buy it!! (Barfing Now) If he had not eaten a shotgun barrel, they would be a nobody band now.
  17. Good one.
  18. Zell, I know exactly how you feel x3. It does help knowing they are no longer in pain, and can run and chase squirrels all they want now. It may take awhile, but there is another pup out there that needs your love and will show up at just the right time. Not to make you forget, but to help you heal.
  19. I can not believe you young bucks are dissing 2 of the best and most successful bands in history. Both of those bands are something special in music history.
  20. Welcome Home!!!!!
  21. rolflmfao.... That is the funniest thing I have read today... thanks, really needed that.
  22. Not sure what you are looking for, but my brother just came out of the Bob Marshall Wilderness, yesterday, got a 6x6 that gross scored about 270. What kind of info are you looking for? I have hunted around there a few times myself.
  23. At least my Seahawks came out of their stupor, even if it was against the Lambs.
  24. obviously, you have never seen someone try to crush a can of beer on their forehead.... ;D ;D ;D
  25. Love my Kistler rod! It is a Magnesium model.
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