Thanks for agreeing with me on e series. I really wanted to love those reels because everything else was great on mine, but I just could not get over the roughness. And it is not a grinding feeling at all. If you do a search on the internet, you can find some people that said the same thing about their e series, but its hard to find. They tried new gears, removing the anti-reverse pawl(which I think makes it noisy),levelwind pawl, deep cleaning them, but the roughness always came back in a short period of time. Now all the other shimanos I've owned did not have that roughness even after heavy use. I've had my 200i for a year and half with no problems(except when I forget to oil the brake drum). It is very smooth, and powerful under load and it is an excellent caster. Nick use your i's they will become one of your favorite reels. Check out this video with the curado i's.