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Everything posted by "hamma"

  1. Well, usually I break ice at the ramps to start my seasons, but the last couple of years I wasnt as fortunate to get out there so early,... My typical first lures are for "early" season and they are a suspending jerkbait a floating jerkbait, a hairjig and custom cut pork trailer a bladebait a old strike king 3/8 oz. short armed singlebladed colorado spinnerbait a 1/4 or 1/8 oz jighead and 3" or 4" grub These are all depending on the first water I decide to fish, certain lakes will get "special" attention. Said attention depends on forage base.
  2. seamonkey's, my prom dates lil brother?,... OH!,. in Texas?,...I know,... chupakabra! J/K mornin funnin
  3. LOL,..... February is coming!!!! r u ready? Having freaky weather? There's no need to fear, before we know it, April and May will be here and most of us will be out fishing instead of here typing. I on the other hand may be still experiencing, snowfalls, ice storms, and blizzards. I remember a mothers day snowfall of 12 inches of snow, then out fishing three days later in 80 degree weather. Crazy weather is what it is, even Florida gets some freezing temps in winter, little as it may occur, it does. But we are on a bass website, so, do the fish care? Not really, they too are slaves to the barometer, but the effects of such are usually short lived in their liquid domain. A shutdown of the bite will take place, but they do rebound well, and if your lucky enough to hit it right the fishing can be awesome. Good luck this year, I hope your time on the water doesnt include snowfall.
  4. The bass will stay in winter mode til winter ends. Ive seen these winters before, and even winters when cape cod ponds and lakes got no ice at all,.... The bass stay in the winter haunts till the weather breaks for good. I believe it has something to do with the days light duration, and moon's phases, Ive been on cape ponds fishing in relatively warm weather stints for a mid winter and the fish are locked in the winter mode. They dont move up until its time,..you may find a few stragglers looking for a shallow meal, but the mass of them are diligent.
  5. perch, ayu, silver, gold, alewive
  6. Did you check out the detail on them screens? nice,...The email I got stated that on some cases with mega down imaging, the detail is so fine you can tell a fishes head from tail.,... but go on their site and these arent free,.. the 15 si is 3500. I guess, if you can afford it, what the heck. Ive been looking for a original helix 10 si/di for the back of my boat, I wonder if the price will drop now these are out.
  7. Id be pro-active about this if I were you, follow J Francos advise above, and go even a step further to protect yourself. If HOA means a lake association, or water board. Attend their meetings, speak up when need be, make sure that you are covered for incounters. Instead of waiting for one to happen, be pro-active and insure your in the right before the powers that be decide otherwise
  8. Other than being a sponsored pro,...why would you dispose of rods that still work? I like many here have some old rods that I still use. Some,... if they broke? i'd probably hold a memorial service complete with soft music and tissues. They have served me well, better than some of my girlfriends that I've dated over the years, and unlike the girlfriends? provided me much less grief. Therefore, a full on service, my shedding tears of pain, and a well placed spot on a wall,...lol
  9. Stripper? striper? I'll keep my comments to myself! I get into enough trouble all on my own thank you,.... dont know what I mean? read funny story
  10. Better to be safe, than sorry, I'd recommend not pulling on wires or cords as there maybe a splice in the wires, or a connector, a fuse, etc, etc, etc,....hindering further movement.,.. I have always "tried" using whats there to make things easy, but if they dont want to co-operate. dont force things,... route things as they need be via a metal wiring snake, or even a coat hanger, is a better option, maybe not what you "want" to hear,... but just the same a "better" train of thought
  11. Maybe more of a tacklemaking thing but funny nonetheless So, I have been getting in depth with my jig making, I am seeking to pour my own non leads, and so on. But, I have been tying on my bass jig rubber, and silicone skirts for years now. I had found a good source for tying materials at a local fly tying shop, and figured some hair and feather jig versions may be useful. I found a fly pattern for a hellgramite, (NH's lakes region has them),...that calls for some black raffia material, and as my girlfriend was going to a Micheals craft store I decided to tag along, since we dont have any black raffia.... As we pulled into the parking lot the discussion turned towards the tying of my jig skirts as my girlfriend has seen me tie some, but wondered what the raffia was for. Now this store, has a smaller vestibule, and sound echos in it, not that I dont have a loud voice,...cuz I do,..But I digress. We discussed the raffia some, and as I opened the first door for her, she said,.."So, ,...whats up with your skirts?", she opens the second door and I say,.."I dont like when they slip down, Id rather they stayed up where they belong, so I tie them up tight",.... the store went silent, and all the customers and employee's (all women) at the stores front, turned and looked straight at me.,...I think I turned all shades of red, and the girlfriend? is still laughing...lol,,.........
  12. Just an fyi A coleman crawdad, or bass raider, have been the electric choice for many years now, and both have stability in the water. A bigger and "better" tin rig with a bigger electric motor, seems to be the craze nowadays, and a viable electric only option. But they require more money,..effort,..and "need" a trailerable ramp. I have a small 8' basshunter I can slide into my trucks bed and close the tailgate, with 2 motors, 2 batteries, humminbird finder, with temp and speed gauge,... and the ability to fish just about anywhere,..ramp or not. Granted its a one man deal, but the crawdads, and bigger bass raiders can handle two anglers, and still slide into a trucks bed, with the same ability to fish ponds and lakes that have no ramp. AGAIN,...just and fyi
  13. I believe that color does matter, but only to the extent of where you are fishing. I think that different waters require different attention as far as color is concerned. Some it does matter,...and some not so much. I've found that clear waters,.. it makes a difference, and swampier/muddy waters not as prolific as the gin clear lakes. Could be my perception, and still "my" issue,....but I think not My jig box has 4 different colors of jigs in it,... Why?,...cuz thats what I need to be consistent no matter where im fishing. They are black,...Black/blue,....brown,,, and green And if I'm wrong? tell me what color I do need, so I can clear up some valuable space! The bass seem to like what I already have, so,... if you have the magic color,....Please, by all means, correct us all
  14. Ive done both options, and while the tackle wrap is great for space,.. the holes in the baggies is needed,... the Plano 3700 is a good option if you have the space for it. Example: when fishing from my tracker? I have a 3700 when fishing from my basshunter? a small tackle wrap
  15. Here's the skinny on jigs,.... If you cant FEEL it at the depth to be fished, it's too light So, start with a light jig,... say,...1/4 oz with the trailer of choice, if you cant feel it, go up to a 3/8 oz, and so on till you do feel it down on the bottom. Reason being,..you want the lightest jig possible to go over and thru stuff, but not so light that you dont feel what its hitting Did I word that so it's understandable?
  16. Try fishing the area with the hump (top blue circle), to the shallow weedy area with a jig and pig, and continue right on into that weedy area. By what I could see from the map, these areas look to be the best shot at changes from the norm. The shorelines of course, drop off sharply and could hold fish as well but the mapping I could navigate didnt really show much, or dictate which way was north. Leaving me to think that the shore "could" be good as well, if you just continued around the lake pounding the shoreline. If the shallow weedy area is pointing north then thats where Id camp out, and fish a variety of presentations from its "opening" or "compression area" to the back of it. The drop into the main lake from that shallow area, may produce the smallies you mentioned as well, even some decent largemouth too. These are just guesses, as I dont have a bearing on due north, or any "knowledge" of prevalent forage. Water clarity, etc, etc. Im assuming crayfish are present, and would give the jig and pig a good soaking throughout this lake. If the lake is unpressured this bait should produce well. At least,... thats what I find over here on lightly pressured waters.
  17. Cavitrons are good, and I have a few,...But I prefer the old blue fox double buzz for my buzzin,.. Im not sure if they still make them,...but they rule as far as Im concerned
  18. Sounds like the bigger tackle bag would be a good option. I've found the plano 3700's the best route to go I fish from a deep v 16' tracker, a 8' basshunter, and sometimes from shore. The plano 3700 series offer the versatility, as I keep a few empty ones,... that I can pick and choose what I want for a day of shorefishing or from the puddlejumper. Fill those few with what I want for the day, and empty them when I get home. Therefore still having the "stocked" tackle on the tracker.
  19. check out this mornings ties, the plastic and feather/flash idea came from a jig crafting site, but the double tailed grub and powdercoated jigs are of my design
  20. 20 years ago I spent a week in early June up at Sebago Lake in Maine. I stayed at Point Sebago which is close to some of the lakes best smallmouth area's in my opinon. The big smallies were getting ready to move in on beds, Now this lake has extremely clear water, clarity at that time was like 25 to 30 feet I could see bottom. So A long cast for the truly big girls is neccessary. I got up before the sun each morning, slipped out of the cove, and would be fishing right away. There is a few islands and hazards closeby and I'd fish my favorite topwater,...a Pop-r, and it produced well. On like the second morning I quietly fished along and came upon one of the hazards, tossed up on top of it, and tugged the first, BA-loop!, second ba-loop, then it quietly disappeared, and I set the hook, felt some good weight, but then the line went dead, and the lure surfaced. After a few choice words, and a few more casts, I moved along. I knew by the silent hit, and the weight felt,, that this fish can be my PB smallie, over (6+) Two days later I found myself around that same hazard, same bait, same time of morning I gave it another shot. BA-loop!,...ba-loop,...ba-loop,..Four more tugs and no response (im getting concerned nothings there) Another cast, rings settle down, and just as Im about to tug the line, the lure disappears,. I feel the weight and set the hook, and this time I got a good hookset, and its on. She feels like a whopper, my drag is singing and she heads for deeper water, Im playing her like a piano, twist for turn and so on, finally I see the line coming up, she's about to jump,...I reply by sticking the rod tip into the water and reel for all I got. She breaks the surface and sure enough she looks to be my new pb, She does a perfect triple gainer with a full 1080 twist, and splashes down like a pro. My hearts pumping to beat the band, Im beginning to realize whats about to happen, I've got the boat positioned right, my decks are clear, and this seems to be it, Im going to break the long wait for a new PB. After she dove deep again, she's playing around, pulling drag and racing towards the boat, but im on top of it and fighting back all I can to keep up with her. I can feel she's slowing down, Im at that point in the battle that it's time to take over and get her boatside, As Im doing so , she peps up again and heading for the surface for another jump, alot closer to the boat this time, like about 15 feet away, I reply the rod tip down and reeling again, but this time, in the middle of her divers performance, it was as if time stopped and in slow motion she appeared to look right at me, opened her mouth and the inevidable "Pahtooey",... spit the lure directly at me. ,............ I stood motionless for a few minutes, not moving a single muscle. The mornings bird chirps were muffled, the beautiful scenery was faded. That early morning fog was still on the waters surface, and it was as quiet as quiet could be, on a georgous Maine lake,... until,.. "AHHHRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!" I think I woke up sleeping kiddies on the complete other side of the lake. Wasn't intentional, but yet still quite evident, as to what just happened. She yet again escaped the hopes and dreams of another anglers clutch. Swimming off into the clear cool depths, probably smirking. As, she was a true brute of a smallie, a wallhanger, the kind of fish we all dream of. Definitely My new PB, she was a sight to behold,...I didnt see hide nor hair of her again that week, not even a sniff over that hazard from even a kibbie. I've been to the lake since, and of course fished that hazard, to no availe. ,...this? isnt over! Good morning all ! MMMP (my morning marathon post)
  21. Ok, Ok,..Im trying!,...lol, I need something to take my mind off pain till the morning meds kick in!.....lmao thanks guys, good laughs are always welcome
  22. I got mine yesterday, and was actually surprised that the issue is all about finesse fishing. I was a B.A.S.S. member for many years, but let the membership run out when I stopped tourney angling. So it was a surprise, and yet kinda a downer as well. I used to look forward to the magazine, and its info, tips, and tricks. It had become a intrical part of my life, filling idle moments. It did have alot of "southern" impoundment info, as,.. well lets face it, thats where most of the bigger tourneys take place,...(or should I say TOOK place). I would read about some new technique and attempt to emulate that to "my" areas waters up here,... and let me tell you,.. it wasnt easy. Many,.many,... hours, and dollars, I put forth, trying to copy the pro's direction. No matter what "it" was,... I tried. It took a long time for me to see that the direction I was receiving needed some "help".,... Some techniques did work, but they were easily identified, and stowed away in memory as a success. It was the unsuccessful that really stood out. Much like in life, the victories are well known, but easily forgotten, where as failures burn for a long time, and are seldom forgotten at all. I hold no claim as a "pro" by any means. But those "self tweaked" techniques that I made work for me? were well learned. And the techniques I did successfully learn from the mag's pages, that were well documented in my memory? are all, in fact, lessons learned just the same. All of this I offer freely, as I remember those days of struggle. My "passion" for the sport is mine, and mine alone, I understand that I may have this passion, but others may not. Nonetheless,...I would rather help someone struggling with the desire to learn this sport, than to standby watching someone drown in the sea of endless gear, techniques, situations, and basics. And lets be real,..there is a endless amount of basics alone, when one enters this realm. My victories, and failures, yes,.... are mine. But if they can help someone, even just one person? I'll be there for them,.,.. For I know all to well the strife, of spending endless hours, floating (uncomfortably) in a sunbaked canoe, in the middle of a bug, and snake infested swamp. Learning about line twist, proper line weights, line watching,,...right place, right lure, right time.,....sunburn, or I should say sun poisoning!, the importance and cautions of deet, scents. Proper rigging of baits, flipping, pitching, skipping,.AND! OMG!,...... l e a r n i n g , . . t o , . . c a s t , . . a BAITCASTING REEL!!!,.....lol, (can ya tell I had trouble there?),... polorized sunglasses, white meshed baseball caps, hydration, etc, etc, etc,.. All learned the hard way!,.... and the list goes on. So,..In summary,...thank you BPS for my complimentary subscription. Thank you, Bassmaster for the years and years of direction, inspiration, and hope,... But most of all? Thank you Bass Resource,. for the opportunity to help those that need it, the opportunity to interact with like minded, and most of all,..the endless amount of info that we all, yes,.. we "all" need.
  23. Be sure to cast "ahead" of you. If you are dropping straight down or letting the lure sit, while your moving away? this will create more snags then fathomable.,...Cast ahead of yourself and alot of snags will be eliminated
  24. Thanks for the clarification RoLo, I've been confusing them for years, I find alot of the fanwort here then, as they are rooted, and dont float away with wind or current. Bass sure do like it. I stand corrected
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