I got mine yesterday, and was actually surprised that the issue is all about finesse fishing. I was a B.A.S.S. member for many years, but let the membership run out when I stopped tourney angling. So it was a surprise, and yet kinda a downer as well. I used to look forward to the magazine, and its info, tips, and tricks. It had become a intrical part of my life, filling idle moments. It did have alot of "southern" impoundment info, as,.. well lets face it, thats where most of the bigger tourneys take place,...(or should I say TOOK place).
I would read about some new technique and attempt to emulate that to "my" areas waters up here,... and let me tell you,.. it wasnt easy. Many,.many,... hours, and dollars, I put forth, trying to copy the pro's direction. No matter what "it" was,... I tried. It took a long time for me to see that the direction I was receiving needed some "help".,... Some techniques did work, but they were easily identified, and stowed away in memory as a success. It was the unsuccessful that really stood out. Much like in life, the victories are well known, but easily forgotten, where as failures burn for a long time, and are seldom forgotten at all.
I hold no claim as a "pro" by any means. But those "self tweaked" techniques that I made work for me? were well learned. And the techniques I did successfully learn from the mag's pages, that were well documented in my memory? are all, in fact, lessons learned just the same.
All of this I offer freely, as I remember those days of struggle. My "passion" for the sport is mine, and mine alone, I understand that I may have this passion, but others may not. Nonetheless,...I would rather help someone struggling with the desire to learn this sport, than to standby watching someone drown in the sea of endless gear, techniques, situations, and basics. And lets be real,..there is a endless amount of basics alone, when one enters this realm. My victories, and failures, yes,.... are mine. But if they can help someone, even just one person? I'll be there for them,.,..
For I know all to well the strife, of spending endless hours, floating (uncomfortably) in a sunbaked canoe, in the middle of a bug, and snake infested swamp. Learning about line twist, proper line weights, line watching,,...right place, right lure, right time.,....sunburn, or I should say sun poisoning!, the importance and cautions of deet, scents. Proper rigging of baits, flipping, pitching, skipping,.AND! OMG!,...... l e a r n i n g , . . t o , . . c a s t , . . a BAITCASTING REEL!!!,.....lol, (can ya tell I had trouble there?),... polorized sunglasses, white meshed baseball caps, hydration, etc, etc, etc,.. All learned the hard way!,.... and the list goes on.
So,..In summary,...thank you BPS for my complimentary subscription. Thank you, Bassmaster for the years and years of direction, inspiration, and hope,... But most of all?
Thank you Bass Resource,. for the opportunity to help those that need it, the opportunity to interact with like minded, and most of all,..the endless amount of info that we all, yes,.. we "all" need.