Secret Bait? who would think there's such a thing?
Do you mean the giant buzzbait I saw KVD throwing, and allowing to sink to 50' , pulling up huge smallies with? "Oh, Dang!" I was supposed to keep that to myself. Oh well,. Im sure he'll understand. It's not like his livelyhood depends on it.
And the flytying vise I have on the desk over there holds no secrets either. I just tie for fun, it keeps me busy. Like they say,...Idle hands harbor evil intent. So,... I tie on my skirts on just to keep them up, Hairjigs are for my evil idle hands, and thoughtful innovations towards forage base, is just for looks.
Secrets? do I type short posts? Offer help to those who are learning? There are no secrets on the internet, everything here is well known, tried and true. Photoshop is a farse, and foreign women really do "love" american men, marry one you'll see.
Bubbring shakers?,..accents? I live near boston, accents says you? I have no accent, its the rest of the country that has a funny accent. After all, it all started in a pub downtown in the mid 1700's, and "we" have a funny accent? (insert banjo music from deliverence) "I pahk my cah in harvid yahd" ,
I got a secret for ya. but you must promise not to share it. shhhhh! if you tie on a hook, and add on a live worm, toss it out there and wait, something will bite. Im tellin ya it works! I know, i know, Im amazed too. First time I tried it I was astonished too. Now be sure to keep it to yaself, ok?
Modern science never ceases to amaze, Oh I know, closer to "beam me up scotty!" it couldnt be, right. Like there will ever be a devise that we can hold in our hands, and have the information we need, ability to share it, and still be able to talk to your friends as well. Next thing ya know, we will be seeing fish on a tv screen, with the capabilties as a computer. Ah Huh, I got a bridge in New York for sale you "need" to buy to.
Secrets? pishaw! who would do such a thing, especially a bass angler no less? The thought horrifies me! I'd bet you think the next Bassmasters Classic will be won on a certain worm, and then that worm will ever sell? Who would ever fall for such a ploy? I know I dont have a couple totes of gear I bought because I thought I'd need it, Or saw some angler on tv use it on lake fork, and my idea was, "well, it works for him, why not me?" So i ran right out and bought some.
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!",.... "How long do you stay fresh in that can anyways?,...ha ha ha",.. "If I only had a brain, a heart, da neorve!",.... As my favorite local bands big song is "Dream on" ,... here we all sit, dreaming of that "secret" to come along and put us on that magic bite. Im tellin ya,,'s out there, really,.. it is. Buy my sponsors magic brand x "secret lure" and you too will find valhalla.
It used to amaze me, the "Lure" of concept, but these days Im not so amazed anymore. Any secret soon will be mainstream, our ability to share info via the internet has changed everything. If I didnt have this laptop the California spotted bass record, would be area specific info only,... My next tie at the vise would probably fail miserably,... and the op's question, simply mute.
We all have a opportunity to share here, learn here, even cut it up like I just did. I feel compelled to thank all of those responsible for such. Otherwise, we all would still be out there surfing the web, looking for that secret lure. I,.. for one, will tell you,..
There are no secrets anymore, The lightning fast internet and the available marketing these days, see to it.