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Everything posted by "hamma"

  1. what do you use?
  2. With the coming of summer Im looking forward to my most favorite way to fish. I dont just bass fish, I fish for saltwater species as well, stripers, flounder, bluefish, even my own bait. Mackeral, pogies, even the original dropshot rig for squid, But that aside, smallies on top rules in my book. I know many of you will reach for a tube, some a dropshot, others a inline spinner, some the favorite jerkbait, or a jighead and plastic,..but for me nothing excites me more than the anticipation of a topwater strike while smallie fishing, a largemouth is welcome too, but that smallie hit is usually what gets my pulse racing. The hit itself can be explanatory, mostly an explosive strike dictates a smaller fish up to a 3 lber (usually), But when they just seem to nip at it or just suck it under the surface is what tells me that this fish may be a bigger version. There are times under extreme heat and hot surface temps that Ive caught smaller smallies that will "nip" but typically that "nip" is a larger smallie utilizing what I call a largemouth trait,... good sized largemoths will just open their mouth to create a suction action to suck that topwater under without expending much energy.,.. And I believe that big smallies will do the same once their mouths are big enough to do it. Ok Ive expeirenced it first hand, but theorize this is commonplace. Meaning,.. I know bigger largemouths do this,.. and have caught larger smallies that did the same thing, but never read this to be common, or have discussed it with other smallie anglers. But after all the years of smallie fishing, and I mean alot of outings. I get all pumped up for that light topwater hit, I actually have dreams during heavy sleep sessions during winter months, of summer days that this had occurred. Adding to the cabin fever a bit, but a welcomed dream considering they could be nightmares of other fishing outings,...lol,.. I think you know of those outings. Back to topwaters, I like the original spooks for laydown surface conditions, sometimes when they strike short I'll tie a 8 inch leader to the tail hook and tie a streamer fly of the previlant baitfish's pattern on, A trick I learned from a old club member, and it works wonders,. I prefer a white bellied model, sometimes the chrome gets a nod, a clear model works well too.,. And is there a retrieve for zara spooks that doesnt "walk the dog" .. and a slight ripple gets my favorite topwater choice,.. a popper, or let me be specific a Pop-r, and yes i'm old enough to have been using them well before Zell Rowland made them even more famous than they were. I usually tweak them a bit to, I will open the gaps on the front hooks a bit, and if bought without a feathered rear hook, it gets one. I own every size made and use each one for specific reasons.,.. My favorite color,? Bone, without a doubt Ive caught more quality smallies on that lure hands down. sometimes i'll use a chromed model, white bellied, or yellow. My retrieve for poppers is always the same, a single pop, pause repeat Next up? a little more than a ripple? prop baits,... i own several different types, but prefer the heddons torpedoes. from 1/4 oz on up i like them all,.. colors? chrome is no 1 in my book, something about that slightly rougher water and chrome is a good bet, frog patterns with the yellow belly in sun works well to, and the bass pattern with white belly is about the same in my eyes. retrieves vary and i let the fish choose, either a twitch twitch twitch, pause,.... or single twitch pause, sometimes a straight retrieve. or quick twitch pause, like walking a spook. Next top presentation,...Rain,...yeah rain,..I like to fish the rain, lightning is totally another thing, I avoid it like a case of herpes., I have no desire to become a available lightning rod on the water. But fishing the rain can be quite fast, furious, and benificial. and what topwater do i fish? all of them depending on amount of rainfall, a drizzle? spooks,...light rain?,.. a pop-r,... straight rain?,.. a propbait,... but heavy rain I like best, and it calls for a buzzbait for topwater presentation, a spinnerbait will do, but its not a topwater.,.. I like the double bladed buzzbaits in white or chartruese, I add a split tail trailer and sometimes a trailer hook, and bend the blade shafts so the blades just barely touch each other making a slight clacking sound. And this doesnt just work for smallies, but they like it too.,.. I have caught some giant buckets, huge pike, and the biggest pickeral i ever caught, using these buzzbaits in the heavy rain. Now for night fishing,... first off, night fishing is a different world. using sharp hooks on fiesty fish in the dark requires some due diligence on your part. If you havent nightfished before, dont just go and wing it, read up some on it. Get acclimated, educated, and if possible fish with Catt a few times first,...lol,.. im sure he would teach you the ins and outs,....and trust me there is plenty to learn. But say you want to try it from shore, dont go without a black jitterbug,... these lures have probably caught more smallies at night than any other,. a steady retrieve is all you need and once you start using it you will get the speed down quickly. It will tell you how fast to retrieve,.. too fast is just mayhem, to slow and it barely makes noise, the right retrive will blub, blub, blub all the way back to you and thats all you need. These lures and techniques are MINE and by no way are written in stone,... Im sure many of you have your favorites and I (and im sure others) would like for you to reply with them. The topwater presentation for smallies is a blast, can be fast paced and will certainly get your heart beating a bit faster. Any replies or rebuttals for that matter are welcomed and actually sought after. I hope this helps some of you newer anglers and respect the thoughts, techniques, and input of all you. Keep ya line wet!
  3. If I could only use 3 rods? I'd use a 6' med action spinning rod for topwaters/jerkbaits, a 7'6" flippin stick for a jig and pig, and a 6'6" med heavy spinning rod for plastics
  4. could work, but consider that when lakes are stocked with trout they stock alot of fingerlings to establish a possible base for natural reproduction,...at least they do that out here, ask that warden if fingerlings are stocked as well
  5. depends on the lake,..its possible that smaller ponds may be done ,.,,, but then yet the way the weather has been they may of decided to back off the beds for more stable warm weather
  6. All considering it was a great first outing of the year, some setbacks, but at least I finally got to wet a line, catch some decent fish, and test out the new trolling motor,... The wind picked up around 1ish and the sun disappeared shortly after. I left at around 4 and they were still biting,..Id imagine with the weather thats coming its going to be hit or miss for a few days
  7. Using a tiny ultralight hula popper (maybe 1.5 inches long) for bluegills on a 5'6" berkley bionix ultralight rod with 4 lb test stren on a old shimano speedmaster 1000 sized reel, I caught a 6.3 largemouth,.took forever to get him in without breaking off. My buddy said if he didnt witness it, he wouldnt of believed it.
  8. The auto stow and deploy is what prompted me to get the ulterra to begin with. I have 2 degenerated disc's and a pulled muscle thats swollen and putting pressure on my right legs sciatic nerve, very painful without meds, with meds im ok,... until irritated. my old powerdrive was not exceptable by these injuries and within the first few hours of fishing I would have to head home due to excessive pain,.You see,..,.. I have a deep-v aluminium tracker with about 2 foot bowdeck for the trolling motor to be attached to, having to reach out those two feet to deploy and especially stow the motor is quite a reach for someone with this type of injury.. There is no rope to pull on like a cable steer motor has.,... The ulterra totally relieved this issue with the deploy/stow option, I got to fish as long as I wanted yesterday, and look forward to many more days of fishing without the trolling motor causing me undue pain. I bought the I pilot-link model which has all the options,..With all the options this motor harbors I recommend printing out the manual and having it with you on the boat If you are thinking of getting one. You can run the motor from the foot pedal, remote, and sonar/chartplotter,. Its going to take a while to get used to all the goodies this motor has, and I look forward to many of them allowing me to fish, instead of concentrating on handling the boat. It was awesome to get to a area and deploy the motor, start trolling, and set the autopilot, before i even got off the seat I drive the gas motor from, via the remote,.pushing those 3 or 4 buttons was exhausting,..lol... And thats not even half of it, the i pilot link options are going to even extend this motors interaction tenfold from what i've been reading in the I pilot links part of the manual, with follow the contour, go to tracks, waypoints etc.,.. Once I get it all setup with the lakes I fish? a couple prompts on the helix sonar chartplotter, will be all I need to do to fish free from trolling motor handling. I think the only time I touched the footpedal was to change the speed,.. which could be done with the remote, but the pedal was right there so I felt compelled to at least touch it once. If I were to own a fiberglass bass boat I would most likely go with a cable steer motor due to the quiet steering for tournies, but definately get a I pilot link model Thank you minn kota, and humminbird,....my hats off to you
  9. I finally got to test out my new ulterra, Im posting here cuz some of you here wanted me to let you know how i like it, and i figured it might get missed in another forum. It worked well, but its kinda noisey, the spotlock kept me on a great spot for almost an hour with out any input from me. (nice pre spawn female highway) The auto pilot kept me on a decent drop as well so its got my approval. I didnt get to interact with the helix 9 chartplotter as when i was hooking it up i had to have the battery out of its tray (under the rear deck) after I got it working, I shut it down,cleaned up the boat, and slid the battery back into its tray, i must have pulled a wire when i slid it back, cuz once i got the boat afloat today the helix had no power, so I have to address that., The motor has 80 pd thrust where my older powerdrive had 55, so the juice was welcomed. Only real issue was, its loud, even when running its louder than my powerdrive, could be i need some more rubber under the mounting,.. I had a quick disconnect bracket on the powerdrive which i re-used to ease installation, I can address that too. The footpad is a lot bigger and has many more options . Im sure once i get used to it it will be a breeze, the remote may take a bit more. Im going to print out the manual and put it in the 3 ring binder i have my maps in because its alot to remember. I know that theres something im missing,... oh yeah ,... the chick sunbathing on the launches dock was something to behold, Nice bikini,..I knew I missed fishing so bad for some reason,...lol All and all? I like it, saved my back and leg issues from acting up and did what i needed it to do.
  10. Finally got the boat out for a test run today, fished monponsett lakes.,... found the females just off the spawning areas fished a rapala dt 16 perch pattern to find them and a black/blue jig and pig once I pinpointed the "highways" all fish were caught in at least 10 feet of water (guesstimate). Most of the ladies had eggs still so the spawn is still on, caught 11 fish and none under 4 lbs with the best pushing 6.5 (most 4 to 5+lbrs) I dont know what the temps were as my new lcr didnt work, (loose wire) and my primary lcr i broke the transducer at the ramp before I launched DOH! All fish were healthy and clean I saw some fishing from kayaks and a few bassboats, guys I did talk with were catching males up shallow. I like the new ulterra trolling motor, kinda noisey, and it will take some getting used to. but the spotlock feature i really liked, it kept me on one good spot til I was satisfied i fished it thru without me having to "handle" the motor and it was windy there., the autopilot is a godsend too, never mind the deploy and stow. My back and leg were fine all day WOOHOOOO! I just cant wait til i fix the loose wire on the new helix so i can lock some waypoints and such,// but all in all? Im glad i dropped the $ and got what my health called for. Now if I can just fix the broken transducer issue and the loose wire I will be fishing nh smallies soon.
  11. I use a older shimano crucial (g loomis blank) 7"6" carolina riggin rod with a shimano calcutta 201 (left handed model) and 14 pd test green stren with a 12 lb leader
  12. I just tested the boat out on monponsett lakes and found some nice females on the first drops from the spawning areas. I love this time of year, a couple kayaks, a few bass boats, were fishing up shallow catching dinks probably laughing at me thinking im the idiot fishing summer patterns.,... When in reality im getting the last laugh hooking into nothing under 4 lbs.,. I had to use a crankbait to find them due to me breaking the transducer on my rear or "primary" finder, and the brandy spankin new helix 9 up front failed totally, I had it working in the driveway ,...Then slid the battery back under the rear deck into its tray, (i shoulda tested it then) probably pulled a wire when i slid the battery back P.S., some still had eggs in them so the spawn isnt over on monponsetts, each lake differs. And i like the ulterra just need to get used to it, kinda loud but its got more getup then my old powerdrive, and spot lock is priceless.,
  13. I use a med action rod for topwaters. I feel that the lighter action gives those treble hooks a better chance of digging in. Definately a med heavy for spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. I still use mostly mono on almost all my rods, But then yet im getting old and old habits die hard. I did however buy a spool of flourocarbon, and another of braid, this spring,..Just been waiting to finish off the boat before i get out and decide what im going to use them new lines on
  14. looking at it i'd say around 4 or 5 lb,...its belly doesnt look full
  15. I fish much for the same reason you do luna,.. and a couple funny but true stories I grew up in salem massachusetts, the ocean is right there. I had 3 older brothers that teased me as a kid when they would go with dad fishing, and i was too young to go. and boy could they rub it in,.. then at the age of 4 dad took us all to sunapee lake in nh for a week in a cabin on the waters edge. I finally got to fish, I was so excited, I'd run from bluegill bed to bluegill bed catching any fish i could see. That night I had a dream that someone stole my fishies, (I was told later by my parents) I had woken everyone up at 2;30 AM,... I was up sleep walking ransacking the whole cabin looking for my fishies , every bureau drawer in every room got checked, even the kitchen drawers, the refridgerator, the stove, and while i was doing so i was sobbing "someone stole my fishies, where are my fishies" and no one could wake me up.,... i finally passed out on the couch at about 4 am. Maybe im still searching for them, im not sure, but i know I havent stopped fishing since,. At the age of 7 we moved to neighboring Peabody ,...At the age of ten i had a paper route, and fridays was payday. i looked forward to it every week, saving money for my own saltwater fishing rod. I had drop lines already, but that shiny reel with that awesome black and red rod I saw at jerrys department store in downtown salem,.. I desired more than anything. So every morning before school id pedal my butt off on my bike (which I bought with paper route earnings) to get the route done before school. Finally the day came that I had enough to buy my rod, i couldnt wait to get out of school. School lets out and Im on my way to jerry's, going down a steep hill im pedaling like the wind trying to get there as quick as I can, when a car comes out of a sidestreet right in front of me, I jam on the brakes and the bikes rear end slides out from under me, and we tumble about eighty feet down the pavement. When I woke in the hospital battered, blooded, and bruised, my mom asked " do you want anything?",... My reply? "that black and red fishing rod in jerry's front window" ,. when the hospital finally released me, it was lying on my bed when i got home. So like many here, I've been doing my whole life, it's what I do, my vice you could say. Some say Im crazy owning almost seventy rods and two boats with the idea of two more, enough tackle to embarass a good stocked tackle store, and wanting more. Maybe I am crazy, or mentally disturbed,... but if you were to ask a shrink? I could point out my brothers taunting me about fishing from day 1 has twisted my thinking from the very beginning... lmao!!
  16. With all them bluegills there? there could be the lakes biggest bass hiding in the shade, eyeing them all. Maybe thats why they werent hiding in the shade, it was occupied.
  17. Hmmmm,...Skunked? hasnt happened in a LOOOONG time. I carry so much tackle with me I have probably 2 or 3 dozen finesse type baits to try before i give up, I usually find the one they want,.But if it were to happen?. it would be near the end of the day when i finally breakdown, pull out the ultralight rod, and a tiny beetle spin, and beat up on some bluegills or perch, whitebass, crappie, pumpkinseed etc. and im sure id eventually find a small bass mixed in there. This sometimes turns out to be a blast, big crappies on a 5'6" ultralight is alot of fun, as for the scenery and relaxation, I dont ever "avoid" that while fishing.,.,... I see that as just another part of my bass fishing every outing.
  18. I just bought a helix 9 to match with my new ulterra trolling motor. for my tracker well beyond what you wanna spend, but when i was waiting i checked out the 5's and 7's,.. less money and they still put out a decent picture. I have a little basshunter I was looking at them for it. Just a thought
  19. I have a minn kota 3 bank 15 amp per bank I bought in 1997,.... was pricey back then,.. but, still works the same as day 1, never had any issues with it, and no questions as to if my batteries charged overnight, always 100%
  20. so ,...did you keep the lowrance?, did you have the "correct trolling motor transducer" or did you bracket a transom mount transducer? Or are you buying 2 new units all together?
  21. Pawtuckaway in raymond nh has hiking near the lake
  22. typically a "minor" adjustment is exactly what it takes, the fish's mood may change but its not like a manic/depressive,...lol,.... they gradually adjust to the environment they are stuck in. I know sometimes it seems that they just all of a sudden gave up hitting anything. thats usually when its a slight adjustment that does the trick,... most anglers are switching from a searchbait to a bottom bouncer. When all they really needed to do was change color, or size.
  23. that last paragraph speaks volumes nitro! Not much can boost your bass fishing more than a good club congrats on your personal bass fishing progress, I wish you nothing but more
  24. Nice fish! for anywhere, congrats,.and, the smile on her face says it all. Such a nice thing, especially these days, to see a parent taking time to spend with the kids.. If you know what i mean,.... Kudos to you sir,... If they show any interest in the future to fish again, please allow me to offer a few tips I have 3 daughters and I found that, if you head out to fish with them and the perch or bluegills are actively feeding the outing will be filled with you re-baiting, unhooking, and releasing so much you wont be fishing at all. This also will keep them from getting bored and they will be excited to fish anytime you mention it. Get them some polarized fishing glasses for protection, hats, and sunblock, and their experience will be enhanced ten fold,... My girls are all teens now and if I say "wanna go fishing?" they are willing and happy to help preparing, But since they are older now, and we have progressed in our outings, couple that with I now own a boat,.. If I say "wanna go smallie fishing?" I get that same elated reaction I use to get in the beginning of their angling adventures,..They cant be any more agreeable. (just a hint) I've realized that kids are eager to learn, as long as they are active. If the fishing is slow they may get discouraged. but if the fish are actively biting they will be so interested they wont want to go home when the time comes
  25. The memories and experiences from them, are what I believe has given me a well rounded outlook on fishing. Many a day i went fishless after spending a 16- 20 hour day away from home, but then yet there was just as many or more that i learned something new about the quarry i chase. It actually forced me to learn new techniques and create some new casting options that are not mainstream.,... Like my "own" pitch/skip under docks and shoreline overhanging trees. Its a sideways pitching action with a baitcaster that ends up skipping under cover. I stumbled on it one day while pitching about 15 years ago, and it works wonders. Something I never would have come across if I didnt have the dedication to fish the amount of waters I have. Or, my frog type jig and pig fishing over the slop. I cast a light jig and pig where others would be fishing a frog. I start reeling in before the lure hits the surface so it doesnt sink at first,.. and just keep reeling slowly,..when the fish hits , if he misses it , I let it drop in the hole and jig it a few times waiting for the hit, and it usually works like i was flipping the edges of lilies. That one came to me one day I was up in Maine skip/pitchin docks and the shoreline opened up to a huge cove covered with lilies and I just tried that same jig and pig on the lilies,...These and a few others I credit to the diligence of "having a gameplan" BUT at the same time being versitile enough to "wing it" and learn new stuff. Another aspect of this is the incredible scenery and colorful people I have met fishing all these different places is unmeasurable.. I never would have known the things I do now if I just hung out fishing my general area's few dozen ponds. Not that i discourage that, cuz I dont, Its just like the old adage,.. variety is the spice of life. Typing this out,.Im kinda thinking that I cant wait to be done in New England and branch out to other regions in the states. The possible experiences must be endless Consider the TVA impoundments, California's giant bass reseviors,, the swamps down south, Wiscosin and Michigans natural lakes,.. The Mississippi and so on,...
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