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Everything posted by "hamma"

  1. Some light line and long casts will help you out some. You won't need rattles, but a good pair of polarized shades are staples. You may want to be a try some flourocarbon leaders, and light wire hooks for.plastics
  2. The old golden rule delema? That bites,., find the same ruler they use and leave it on the boat
  3. HMMM,..? absolutely, everytime, ALWAYS!: have a jig and pig tied on a flippin stick, a spinnerbait, topwater, jighead and grub, and jerkbait, tied on, hooks sharp, line checked. ,.....(knocking on wood) I always check the plug before launching. I have extra rods in the rodlocker, for certain presentations just in case. Have the batteries charged, Bring food for full days, a hat, sunglasses, apply sunscreen and bugspray away from the boat before launching. Be careful, and have all safety gear checked and on board. Check the livewell plug
  4. I just tie on a swivel about a foot or so above the shot,..Like wrb, I dont care for the extra knots.,..But I tie a good polomar and have had no issues, just when you tie the long leader to the swivel (last knot tied) make sure there's no twist in the knot or it may fail and of course wet each knot before cinching it down
  5. nowadays? I watch a few of them but I like MLF for the info and their format is good. Charlie Moore gets the nod too, as I know Charlie, and when my tackle was stolen they got my brand new lowrance x85 lcr as well, and Charlie sent me one to replace the stolen one.(still using it til I get a new humminbird helix 10 for my ulterra) Back then I was ticked! and he restored my faith in mankind,.. I still can't thank him enough Back in the day I liked Bill Dance, Billy Westmoreland, Hank Parker and Bassmasters, Roland Martin etc: I watch as much as I can for info, always seeking more as this sport changes so much. Hence why I'm here actually,... and Thank You
  6. google,.... bass fishing sites
  7. Little Sebago is another one of my favorites up there, and I fished it out of my little 8' basshunter when the weather cooperated. Panther/cresent has some incredible bass in it as well. Actually most of the small ponds in the area offer awesome bass fishing. I've caught some big bass up there, with bucket mouths mixing in with the smallies. And im talking about big, healthy, clean largemouths. The kind that drives one to want to live up there, or at least a summer cabin. The small area on the other side of the road from the public ramp on moose pond has produced some monster bass for me. A little to the west, hancock pond is another good one. But to be honest? Sebago rules, if the wind cooperates, the northeastern area (near point sebago) offers some awesome fishing topography,.. islands, rockpiles, humps etc. with nice smallies and said largemouths mixed in. Just consider that the waters clarity is usually 25 to 30 feet and the bass usually see you before you see them. Fish it accordingly and you will be pleasently surprised. But before heading out there make sure the wind isnt going to blow from the south. I've seen three to four foot waves at the state park,..., not conducive to a cartopper by any means
  8. First off, it depends on what the barometer and weather was like a week or so prior to your day on the water, to even start getting a idea as to their activity. (to be technical). There's nothing written in stone on this subject. But, "usually" if the skies are clear after a storm front moves thru, the bite will slow down or even shut down. Small finesse baits fished slow, like a ned rig, may be what it takes to get bit. If the weather was alike for a long period of time before the front, you "may" have a couple days of good active fishing before the shutdown comes, and your normal "active bite" baits will shine, Sometimes better than one would think. I actually prefer these days as its a good chance to land a boatload of fish, these fish feel the fronts pressure coming and will feed up before the effects set in. If the bite was shutdown before the front, fish might actually turn on bigtime and be caught on anything you can throw at them. So, to sum your question up, it depends,.... Keep in mind, any day is a good day for a chance at a monster bass. They "seem" to be immune to the weathers effects on bass,.. Why? im not sure, could be they are used to the weathers effects, positioning themselves for the best opportunity to feed, couple that with the prey will be effected with slower metabolism (due to said front),...could be,,. not much phases them anymore period,...again, im not sure Typically, I'd start my day as usual and if after a hour or so I havent got a bite I'll switch over to a finesse presentation and feel out their activity from there. I start with a jighead and small grub.,... then progress to even slower, less active lures on said jighead like a 4" straight tail worm,, then cut an inch off that worm, and so on.,.. until i finally get a bite I actually was faced with this same situation 2 days ago. It was my first time out in several months and I was just glad to be out on the water. I didnt follow my usual train of thought (that I just typed out) and was schooled by a ned rig. Derek kicked my butt landing several fish for the day and I with 1 small crappie. Went home with not much more than piece of mind, a sunburn, and a lesson on ned rigs.,... Not, that i didnt learn about the old do nothing worm 30 years ago, with the ned rig being "kinda" much the same. (yes,..I will still be getting some) Just my concentration was directed more to the fact of, I wasnt bedridden, in pain, wishin I was fishin anymore. I know ,...excuses, excuses, Blah, blah, blah,..lol Congrats to Derek, Im glad someone was catching fish. And appreciate the help to get me on the water. Thank you, and your welcome on my boat anytime.
  9. the first day of bluebird skies I find the hardest and toughest day to fish. a small bait worked slow seems to produce some. I saw this yesterday and a ned rig worked better than a curly tail grub. A few days after the front passes thru is almost ideal. The fish have conditioned themselves and are on the structure still but more acceptable to a presentation. They may want small baits still but moving a bit faster seems to produce better than slow. At least this is my take on it.
  10. Dang! ,... I thought we lived in a free country. I'd contest my property taxes as it seems you really dont "own" squat. Ask the "right" town official about those canvas portable garages on your property, or the metal ones. just a thought
  11. No problem,...good luck Oh yeah, i just remembered, the first bass bets book by Ted Ancher has a write up on this place as well, good books to have if your a NE bass angler
  12. Any time I've fished there topwaters kicked butt all day long, and i stuck with that,.Lucky? i dunno, but didnt question it.. (I love when that happens) walkers for laydown, poppers for slight ripple, and torpedoes for stronger winds. They fight hard there, and this is one of my favorite NH lakes. I haven't fished it for about 6 years, as I needed the safe boaters course cert.,.. I got it last fall, and will return there soon as I get my lakes region fix in,...lol. Plus, one of my brothers lives close by and he fishes to, so im sure its just a matter of time. If I recall spinnerbaits worked well there too as well as jerkbaits, My oldtime fishing bud, would switch from tops, as he liked to diversify his angling
  13. I took jg233 aka Derek out there yesterday. The bite was expectedly slow as a front came thru wed. and pushed the rains offshore leaving bluebird skies. I usually do well there but only managed 1 small crappie on a 1/8 oz jighead, with a 4 inch smoke grub. Derek did much better with a 1/8 oz pb&j ned rig, he got a nice pickeral, small crappie, 2 smaller bass with a 3rd estimated 3+ bucket on the same lure,.. but it was a valiant fight as he was using 6 pd test line on a light action rod. (good job Derek). I was glad he at least got something decent. I learned that the ned rig works wonders, medications and sunshine are a good mix if your looking for a good buzz, and your never so experienced to learn something new I managed to get a few strikes but no takes with a frog over the pads, approx. 1 o'clock from the ramp. This place is loaded with perch, and a perch patterned shadow shad rap was the ticket in the spring and most of last year for my daughter, (I dont fish much when I take her) The water clarity on this side of the twin lakes is barely a foot or two due to algae, with the east side being much much clearer, (which is where i prefer to fish). If you can get thru the culvert and are allowed to fish the east lake. There is a sunken rock wall on the other side of the point thats to your left as you come thru the culvert, Its about halfway up that shore line, and I usually pull a few fours and occasionally a 5 or 6 off of it.. If your stuck to the west lake, Id fish the pads across from the ramp heading north all the way up to the inlet with a frog and black/blue j&p. Topwaters will work in the am, and spinnerbaits in the wind as well. But said pads rule in summertime for me. Hope this helps some
  14. I probably fish a spinnerbait more than any other lure. I have yet to even buy a chatterbait. Some guidelines, single colorado blades are great for around heavy cover, or helicoptering down standing timber, stained water. They offer a strong vibration with minimal flash, and can be golden in muddy waters. Double willowleafs are exceptional in clear water situations, and burning under the surface. Some may say that the colorado is a better slow rolling bait due to the vibe, but the double willow works well slow rolling too. As for colors? white, white/chart, for most situations but in muddy water i use chart.,... at night? black,...in the early am? I have made up some custom skirts to mimick a perch pattern that kicks butt. There are probably tons of info on this site on how to fish a spinnerbait, and I most likely would just be re-inventing the wheel. But,... a couple to try,..manns classic, and any version of stanley vibrashafts. The classic is a "different" bait as it has a gold indiana "primary" blade. and is exceptionally regarded by both largemouth and smallmouth alike.,. P.S.,...Its the bait I caught my pb on
  15. When the bite stalls and fish seem to be inactive my first choice for a finesse technique is a 3 or 4" grub, on either a jighead for deeper waters and texas rigged for shallower weedy situations. The color of choice is usually the previlant baitfish pattern or white. I use a Diawa tony bean smallmouth rod and matching diawa td1300 reel with,10 pd test mono (i know, still in the dark ages) This setup is well balanced and casts just fine. Over the many years Ive been fishing this very rarely fails me and if it does? its a easy transition to a 4" straight tailed worm.,.. And yes the jelly worm is a choice in my aresenal, but i also have many, many handpours in patterns of said "previlant baitfish", typical pumpkinseed, junebug, etc, transluecense, and reapers to choose from.. As for not recommending a finesse tech? Ive yet to find one thats failed me,. I feel its more the action and presentation then the lure itself. but then yet, Ive never actually fished a senko, ned rig, and just bought my first dropshot rod 2 weeks ago, and if need be, will try it tomorrow. I must confess though, i did "try" dropshotting last year on a 6'6 " med light rod i use for light baits (yeah. i finally get to fish my 2nd outing this year)
  16. Boostr, It means any weight under 1 oz, or jig under 2.5 inches in length. Most jigs are smaller than 2.5 inches. I'm not sure about the wording as for when it starts and exact details, but I'd call Maines Fish and Game to be sure, they don't mess around up there, and will not hesitate to fine you Mass yak, they do have a way to test without ruining the jig/weight. I havent seen it or been tested "yet", but I know a few trout anglers that were checked at local trout ponds. The rangers seem to be checking the trout ponds due to the states funded stocking efforts. And, in the western part of the state there are loon nests on a few water bodies with Quabbin being the most frequented. I used to fish there alot and have seen the nests. I dont think they allow kayaks out there, but they do rent out aluminium boats, check out their website. If you've never fished out there I recommend that you at least try it once, and if you do, get their topo map, you will need it. Possible state records for most species, I think the rainbow record was just broke there a couple weeks ago. No houses, complete wilderness, super clear water. Plus, the smallies, omg! My biggest smallie from there was 6 lb 2 oz, and theres awesome largemouth as well. I never saw a skinny or beat up or unhealthy fish there. Contact with the shoreline was allowed in only a few spots that they provided portapotty's (at least they did when I was last there in 1999) After 9/11 I understand some rules changed. Its my favorite Mass. water body due to the shear beauty, incredable topography, usual bald eagle sightings, and probably the best freshwater fishing in the state
  17. Thanks Will, I checked the sites and found cadmans states they have eco friendly products but I couldnt find any in their catalog, Not blaming or complaining to you, just a fyi,.. Thanks again
  18. Ive got a NH fishing license and would be happy to help you cull out some of them small bass,...lol,.. we could donate them to a local shelter for food, or give them to someone you know, even for a gardens fertilizer, im not choosey,...lmao And If its Belleau Lake? no worries,.. my brother has a house there, and I will be getting there soon anyways.... lol
  19. Im glad no one got hurt. and hope all turns out well for you. Ive never been "hit" but when i first started boating in my little 8" basshunter, on a small local lake I was out early one summer am and was crossing the lake when this well known lakefront homeowner (yahoo) towing a skier was watching the skier and not where he was going,.. heading straight towards me,.. I had all my safety gear in a dry box, by the time i got my airhorn out he was no more than 50 feet away when i blasted it, by the time he realized his stupidity he was about 20 feet away and swerved just missing my basshunter by about 2 feet, his wake filled my boat and almost sank me but I had the drybox open, so i dumped it and started bailing like all heck with it to keep from sinking. The skier dropped his towline so he didnt decapitate me with it, and when "captain crunch" came back to pick up the skier, he graciously waived. Which ticked me off even more,.. so I reciprocated with a certain one fingered wave of my own and a few choice words, he didnt reply as I was twice his size and thought better of it. so i ended the conversation with hearty,.. " I know where your dock is, and next time your towing a skier, and i dont see a spotter on your boat?, im gunna pay you a well needed visit!" with,... a few,.. "well deserved select words" added in there,.. which,.. i choose,... to leave out at this moment. He nodded in agreement as I believe he knew better than to extend the conversation any further. From then on i always saw him with a spotter on his boat, and I waive occasionally to him to keep him in a reminded state of my due diligence. You cant mistake my basshunter so he knows exactly who I am. sometimes he waives back, sometimes he doesnt. I believe our agreement still stands,...lol
  20. Painted lead is still lead, and illegal,... believe me I checked,..and Im still looking for someone to pour "eco friendly" jigheads in 1/4 oz and specific jigheads like stand-ups, weedless, and darters. living in lead free states bites if you fish, this ban is all about the loons swallowing pea gravel to aid in their digestion, they will swallow anything this size even the deadly lead,.. if you get caught with a lead based "banned weight/jig" tied on,..you will be dealt with, and yes, they do check if they approach you.
  21. fishing a river/creek? get some 4" black with chartreuse tailed worms, texas rigged with a 1/8 oz bullet screwlock weights, and a 1/0 or 2/0 offset hook. And red shad 6" ribbon tailed worm with a 1/4 oz or 3/8 bullet screwlock weights, and a 3/0 or 4/0 offset shank hook.,... green pumpkin senkos as for hook? idk i dont use senkos but they are popular and work well a couple topwaters, I like rebel pop-r's with white belly, heddons zara spook jr, and a silver heddons torpedo., and a couple frogs for over pads... a couple jerkbaits, my preference, a 1/4 oz original floating rapala in perch pattern, bombers long -a with gold foil inside,... crankbaits? a bluegill patterned squarebill, a rapala dt10 in crawfish pattern.,.. spinnerbaits? a 1/2 0z white double bladed stanley vibrashaft, 3/8 oz. and a white /chartreuse manns classic,... and two inlines, a 1/4 oz mepps aglia and a 1/4 oz blue fox silver or gold vibrax jigs? some 1/4 oz, and 3/8 oz black/blue rubber skirted bassjigs and zooms salty chunk jr black/blue trailers, (smother these with real craw scent)... and a few 1/4 oz jigheads with white, smoke, green pumpkin 3" and 4" grubs.,... as for spoons? a silver 3/8 johnsons weedless spoon, (tipped with white grub), a 3/8 oz silver kastmaster,. and maybe a red/white 3/8 oz daredevil. This I would consider the ultimate starter box., It should cover just about any condition you will encounter, as for using these lures? I cant take up to much time to type out a novel, so look up what you don't know how to use. Some basics of fishing a spinning rod,.. never reel while the fish is pulling drag, always wear polorized sunglasses and a hat, get a spare spool if possible, I use a snap for easy lure changing, if your line jumps off the spool by itself you most likely have line twist (not good) on a river id cut the lure off, let longer than a casts line out behind the boat while slowly moving, this will eliminate the twist from your line in a short period of time. Dont ever apply or keep bug spray/ sunscreen around your tacklebox or rod, keep these seperate. Apply a scent on all lures after tying on, your skins oils are actually "offensive" to fish. Fingernail clippers are great for snipping line near the knot. KEEP QUIET, and be stealthy, if you see the fish they most likely see you.., Always have a small first aid kit with you... learn the polomar knot and use it, just make sure you moisten the line with spit before you cinch it tight, if you dont the line will heat up and the knot will fail,. this is what i can think of right now, as for info and tips I can offer a "new angler",..I hope this helps some and good luck
  22. I consider color to be very important on most days, with the other days,.. not much at all. I let the body of water, available prey, level of sunlight, waters clarity, targeted depth, and what type of plastic (be it craw, worm, swimbait, grub, etc.) dictate what color I will choose. How many different colors do I have on my boat? wow! literally a boatload. Which do I use the most? none, they are all equal. Transluceints and flakes i use on brighter conditions, and solids during mornings and darker conditions. Naturals on clear lakes, with brighter colors for muddy/stained waters As for buying baits? I let experience dictate what I buy. Impulse buys are not welcomed. If im fishing and come across a "need" for something I dont have, I will seek it out. Otherwise,.. I wont buy anything that catches my eye unless its a natural baitfish color that I "will" use,... then I will still greatly debate it before i pull it off the shelf. I used to have a plastic tote full of useless/unsuccessful baits I had bought in my younger years, that was stolen with all my tackle and tools 12 years ago. I refuse to buy plastics that seem attractive to me,....I learned to only buy plastics in colors I will actually use.
  23. Uncle josh pork rinds size 11, and 101's yamamoto's craws (lifelike looking ones) zooms salty chunk jr, and i believe super chunk? (the ones with really squigly appendages) the 101's are for smaller jigs and colder waters the 11's are my usual spring/fall clearer warm water applications yamamotos for really clear summer waters zooms are for summer waters: salty chunk jr, for stained water and super chunk for muddy/ algae bloomed waters
  24. Favorite is definatly a bone colored 1/2 0z rebel pop-r. I use this when waters surface has a slight ripple, on a med action, 5' 9" berkley air rod and 10 pd test mono, working it with the normal popper cadence. The shorter rod allows me to keep the tip of the rod close to the waters surface, as well as close to me. Creating the "ease" of proper cadence and response speed for hook set. This lure works really well up here on these clear water lakes, and on some, will work all day if the surface stays slightly rippled. Lures I dont recommend? the older styled hollow bodied frogs, they fill with water quickly
  25. I use a 3/4 oz double bladed buzzbait, white skirt, and white manns split tail trailer, and a trailer hook. I cant remember the brand, i think it's blue fox
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