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Everything posted by "hamma"

  1. Thats how alewive spawn,...swirling in the shallows. Not saying thats what they are,.... but
  2. looks like smelts to me, what lake?
  3. A spinning rod with 8 or 10 lb stren green mono would surfice for smallies, get yourself a rebel popr, and a heddon torpedo, a white spinnerbait and another in a chartreuse, and a jerkbait in a smelt pattern. These will cover a good chunk of fishing time. Plastics on a jighead or weightless will round it out a bit. You can be "in" Moultonborough's city limits and the dock be located in Center Harbor,.... you'll see when you get a map. If your boat dock is in Center Harbor it will be a hike to get to Lee's Mills. But,..Center Harbor itself offers both smallie and largemouth fishing dont confuse a fishing license with safe boater certified,.. they are seperate,.then yet,.. I may be confused by your statement. The tricky area's are marked, its just that there is so much space on the lake that its easy to get confused as to where you actually are,.. compared to where the shoals and rockpiles are. Keep a diligent watch as to what markers are coming up and which side you need to be on related to them, and you should be ok
  4. Definately a good lake to fish,... the area chosen should have some fish in it, but possibly not many.,.I do remember that the southern side of the larger island has some huge boulders just off the shore that drop to deep water in a hurry. and the streams have some defined channels thru shallow waters as they enter the lake.,.. the shallow waters should have some thick weeds by now. Its been many years since Ive fished there,... but good luck, theres some incredible bass in there
  5. Early morning topwaters work well, spinnerbaits, jerkbaits, plastics are all good,..As far as locations near watertown? Im not sure,.,... Im from the north shore and relocated to south shore, watertown is in the middle. But only place near there I do know is the charles river, it has some awesome largemouth in its lower basin. Target the pads via frog or spinnerbait run along the edges
  6. Id target the smallies as they are found throughout the whole lake with largemouths in a few areas.,... it would help if you told us the town/location you will be lodged in. Its a large lake. But,...Topwaters in the am, spinnerbaits in the wind, a jighead with a grub or 4 inch worm when the topwater bite fades as well as a jerkbait. Then progressing to a carolina rig. This is a "usual" almost fall day on winnie for me. You will be fishing mostly clear waters for the smallies so be prepped to make long casts with lighter lines. You will find some largemouth in almost every area but most areas for this,... is limited,... other than lee's mills in Moultanboro, Paugus bay, and some in Wolfboro If its windy you'll want to avoid the broads, and stick to the bay/area your in. Knowing what area you will be in is more than important as far as hotspots/species go. I could type out a small novel on the whole lake. That time of year is a good time to be fishing winnie. Most of the "summertime" yahoos will have left the lake, and anglers should be the predominent boaters out there. MOST IMPORTANT !!!!! get a lake map and study the heck out of it. The lake is very rocky and you can go from 100 feet deep to 2 in a instant while cruising across the lake, One area in particular is named the graveyards for a reason. The lake maps show a broken line that the mount washington tour boat follows, stick to it when cruising,.... And in NH you are required to be safe boater course certified to operate a boat. If you are certified ,..good, if not? get certified, as there is a fish and game office/barracks right on the lake and they will usually check you out if they see you. Good luck, and enjoy,...its an incredible lake
  7. If the fish are located at certain depths, fish the bottom within those depths with a shad patterned bait. Eventually you will locate some active fish feeding, best bet will be bottom depths near located schools of suspended fish.
  8. I swapped out the fuse holder and now have the blade type, tried it out yesterday and again failed, perplexed I researched further and found that the wiring they installed for the old wide eye is a 12 gauge, since the fuse I was using was a 3 amp, (like the helix calls for) I figured it should surffice, it doesn't. In the instructions the 3 amp fuse stood out like a sore thumb so I checked mine and figured it would work instead of thoroughly reading on,... Humminbird requires a 18 gauge wire for the power cable to be extended to the battery. Which is much thinner. I'm now headed out to find some marine grade 18 gauge multi-strand wire to re-wire the power cable in with the proper blade fuseholder. I thank you for your responses, and will update when I get the new wiring installed.
  9. No,.. its a older glass type fuse, but,.. I did get a spade fuse holder yesterday thinking it may be that. Should i swap them?
  10. I installed my new helix 9 in the boat and tried it in the driveway powered up fine, got to the lake nothing. Checked the fuse its blown, installed a new one, lasted 5 minutes. Now I had a older wide eye wired up there before and they both use a 3 amp fuse, had no issued with the wide eye. Its the weekend and humminbird wont be available til monday, anyone got any ideas as to what it may be? P.S. I used to work for a wiring harness company and know how to wire stuff, so i doubt its my crimps on the newer power cord.
  11. I use them both when Im cruising from spot to spot, or heading home, and just the front when fishing
  12. Arcades?,..is your trolling motor mounted on a minn kota quick release mount welded to the boat? or to another trolling motor mount?
  13. Mono?,.stren green flouro? just tried it this year,...didnt like it braid? mostly use power pro in saltwater,.. but gunna give it a shot for frog type lures Stuck on green stren for all my bass fishing, maybe its a clearwater confidence thing
  14. Some things you just cant put a price on, I understand your thoughts of learning to repair them yourself, but me being mechanically inclined I even send mine out as it takes a bit of time to learn the specifics, acquire the proper tools and lubes, and delegate a proper space to actually do the repairs,... you will have many small parts, clips, screws that are easy to loose, you'll have to delegate what gets lubed with which, a grease or oil or graphite. And it takes quite a bit of patience, which I gave up on many years ago, Could have been the fat fingers I have complicating things as well. Being a novice I would reccomend DVT for the reels, he did 2 for me recently, and after one day of fishing I already noticed the difference over other shops I used for servicing (Thanks Mike),... In my 50 years of fishing hes so far the best Ive found. Of course these are reels that are over $100 a peice to buy and I feel they were worth the service over replacement As for the rods, never stand them up in a corner, even a cheaper berkley wall type rod rack is a better option, the wooden racks are nicer though and are usually free standing meaning you dont need to have a few feet of open wall space.
  15. looks like you need a med action rod for topwaters/crankbaits,jerkbaits,..and I say this as I feel these lures require that softer action for the treble hooks. And you can throw these lures on a spinning rod. But before I get ahead of myself, The spirex is a decent reel, but the saros and stradic are a different world. They offer the aerowrap line management, which lays the line on the spool in such a manner that the line isnt "fighting" to come off the spool which results in a much longer cast. For smaller lighter lures this can be a huge difference especially with lighter lines, but different just the same with any lure/line. Hence the more $ for them, and yes they are most definately worth it. As for the rod itself? you need to research what YOU want and what YOU can afford. I have rods that I paid forty bucks for, and ones I paid almost three hundred for and I like them the same. The more expensive may be more sensitive, but for treble hooks lures that only goes so far. You dont really "need" that sensitivity so much, yes it would be nice to feel every little thing, but not a "neccessity" as if you were looking to toss a jig/worm
  16. I have a berkley lightning rod that I use for lighter bass jigs which works marvelous.,.. i think I paid like $40 twelve years ago
  17. I have a pair of diagonal cutters on the boat so I can cut the hook after its eye, and sneak the hook out if its point is showing, If it isnt showing I cut the hook as close as I can and release it
  18. I havent been there in a while but I do know its a great smallie lake. The morning topwater bite is a good bet. Brown or black/blue jig&pigs produced last time I fished it. And a 4" worm on a 1/4 oz jighead,...lol ok most of my staples, sound like a broken record, but they worked for me.
  19. Watch the video again, he was using a snap,..not a snapswivel
  20. There goes A-Jay giving my secrets away again,...lol,.. just kiddin bud. Will hit the nail on the head. Baitfish will dictate fishes location more than anything else this time of year. Find the bait, you've found the fish,.. this especially holds true on larger New England waters like Quabbin res., winnie, squam, sebago etc.,.. Now for smaller lakes and ponds the cover may rule, weeds, wood, boulders etc. Most New England lakes and ponds are loaded with these and will hold fish throughout the year, all be it deep or shallow. the smaller waters dont have the acreage to support huge schools of smelt or alewive, to be corraled by bass. so they hang out in their favorite cover to ambush from, or seek out crayfish. Sometimes all you need all day is a frog for weedbeds, or a jig and pig for docks, laydowns, boulders, or a white spinnerbait, or a topwater.,... but usually once you find whats working. It stays true unless light changes, or a fronts effects changes their metabolism I love this time of year, ok lemmie re-phrase that ,...I love fishing period,..lmao
  21. As reels go the more you spend the more you get. All the reels mentioned are good reels and I have no problem with any of them., BUT, I am a shimano fan thru and thru, I just recently bought a mojo bass finesse/dropshot rod and paired with a old reel I had hanging around. I love the rod but will be getting either a shimano saros or stradic for it. Reason being?,... they both offer the areowrap system which lays the line on the spool in such a manner that it casts further. These are both $150 or more, but worth it. Now many companies have good high end reels, but I swear by shimano, they also offer cheaper spinning reels that are quality too, but they dont have the areowrap I seek for longer casts on the clearwater lakes. The old reel on my mojo rod now? is a shimano speedmaster from the 1990's and it still works fine, thats why I'm partial to shimano, they last.
  22. Just by looking at the map was confusing me as I couldnt navigate the site the map is from, (I'm not very computer savy) so i can only go by what you posted here.,,... BUT, my standard operating procedure, goes as such,.... summer fishing usually dictates "deeper water access",.. or shallow,.. lily pads, seeing as pads are out,.. Id start with main lake points and any cover within those points, and areas that the channels swing up close to the shore. You stated that there is no weeds so the wood is what Id target first, then any rockpiles, dropoffs above the twenty foot level. Personally i target the wood with a old fashoined jig and pig, or a texas rigged worm,.. the rockpiles and drops Id try a crankbait in the abundant baitfish pattern, a carolina rig with same worm, or swimbait. Usually on any lake this pays off for me, but then yet I dont have many waters like that up here. I wish I could get a better look at this lake, looks good from what I can see
  23. your welcome Frosty, if you do end up getting one you shouldnt be disappointed, just make sure the rod you buy "fits" the technique your planning to use it on. The OP stated that he's looking for a med heavy for crankbaits, jerkbaits, and spinnerbaits,...I personally would consider a med action for the cranks, and jerks,... but a med heavy for spinnerbaits.,... I adhere to the old adage that a single hook lure requires a heavier action, and trebles a med action. This may be a "old" school of thought due to mono being the line back then. But I still follow it, and a 7' spinning med action lightning rod,... is one of my jerkbait rods
  24. my favorite casting rod? a shimano crucial, telescoping med heavy carolina/jigs/worm, with a calcutta 251 reel... from back when they were using gloomis blanks. I dont think they are even making them anymore, But seeing as they are now one in the same Im sure a high end shimano would have the gloomis blanks. Alot of guys are into getting the high end gear and there is some credit to it IE: sensitivity, casting distance, etc. But heres something to consider and I do have a few of these. There is no rod out there that has more money spent on development, research, innovations, etc.,..... than a berkley lightning rod. And for the money? I've got to say that they are well worth it. I have a few, and use them regularly, with no complaints. They are sensitive for worming/jigs, cast great too. So for the price of one high end rod you could have one for each of the 3 lures you want to throw.,..just an FYI. The suggestions above are spot on and are all good choices. Im partial to shimanos and the compre is another good rod that I have. but I must add that i really like my new bass mojo finesse rod from st croix,...nice rod. So ,..it really comes down to what YOU want to spend, and what YOUR looking for as an end result.
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