Due to my diligence to fish as many lakes as possible before my time is up. This question imposes a tough answer. One would think my favorite lake would surffice as my best known lake, but unfortunately it isnt. I like Quabbin Res. for its beauty, the fish present, and the past sightings Ive experienced of the resident bald eagles,... Growing up you just didnt ever see them in my hometown. But the res. has posed restrictions that have halted my outings there, its been a while since Ive last launched in its clear waters.
My tournament days dictate my answer of Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. With 72 square miles of surface area, the way its spread out, and (current count) of 261 islands and dozens of hazards and shoals, it offers some of the best fishing in all of New England. Look at any Map of the state and you cant miss it, its huge. I think its like 185 miles to cruise around it,...The islands alone comprise over 5000 acres. It offers alot of clear water fishing, mostly for smallmouth bass,.. but some of the largemouth bass areas are impressive all on their own. And beleive me some of the buckets I've seen at weight ins are well within trophy standards. And seeing as its a big tourney lake holding fish offs and such I've spent many, MANY hours there, and still have some areas there ive yet to memorize.
With all of the different species there, any angler would be impressed. Several areas boast a couple hundred foot depths, and with all the shoreline, hazards, and islands, its well known as a Bass tourney mecca. Any given weekend there can be several different organizations holding a bass tourney on it, and the dept of fish and game regulates it all.
To fish there? what do I always say??? topwaters in the am, then jerkbaits or spinnerbaits in the wind, and bottom bouncers on tough days. Color? pumpkinseed, watermelon, or smelt pattern as smelts are the previlant baitfish. (A chartruese doublebladed spinnerbait with chartruese blades works well too). I personally try to launch before sunrise, to take advantage of the awesome early morning smallie topwater bite which usually lasts til about 10 am, (5 to 6 hours of explosive heaven) Areas to fish?,..take your pick, theres good fishing everywhere. But beware of the hazards, and especially of "The Broads",... the windy days on the broads boast some impressive waves. To the point some bass boats have speared waves that cracked the boat in half, ripped off many a trolling motor, and have probably been responsable of most NE pro's back and kidney issues, than any other lake in New England other than Champlain. So many incidents out there have prompted the fish and game to build a barracks on the lake, and they patroll constantly looking for boaters that have yet to pass a safe boaters course,... as NH demands it. so BE CERTIFIED!!!
If you ever get a chance to fish there? DO IT !!. You to will fall prey to its shear beauty, small NE towns charm, the call of the loons, and the impressive common smallie testing your reels drag as they leap and cavort about. There are areas there that you will see, and just be amazed that there is such structure available anywhere. Some of the most healthy and therefore beautifully colored smallies, and mountain views that take your breath away. That is, of course, if you can spare the moment to not be checking out the available rockpiles and other underwater structure.
Im typing this thinking to myself "yeah, it is impressive" But in reality,..? what you guys have shared,... the lakes listed in this thread are truely impressive.,... To some living on these gems, or having one nearby,... must be such a draw to just skip work for the day and go fish. I dont know how you do it other than shear demand,...lol
I know I'd have trouble