Poor etiquette on the water? the heck you say.,...lol.
Over the past 50 some odd years of my fishing, you could say I've come across a few. Most on the water, some at the ramp, and even some at the local coffee shop nearest the ramp. There are people everywhere, and whenever you get strangers together there's bound to be disagreements. It just seems that you come across more while angling your favorite areas. They will buzz you close by while your bottom bouncing deep cover. They will run right over your line while topwater angling. They will invade the cove your fishing with jetski's providing incessive, self induced, wave jumping. They will come up and ask questions in a demanding manner. They will spotsuck your every move for the entire day. They will provide unnecessary info at the ramp, and expect you to offer your best areas to fish in return. They will cut you off, on and off the water.,They will climb on your boat and just trash it, or be back fishing your best spots on their buddies boat every weekend after. The lovely lakefront homeowner that "owns" the area abutting "his" dock.
But what burns me the most?,... is the unsafe morons that just dont care. Whether its ignorance, or arrogance, doesn't really matter. Safety should be number 1 for EVERY boater. Boating can be dangerous enough, even without considering mental aptitude. But, when lack of mental aptitude is added to already dangerous activities, only bad things can happen.
Consider the idiot thats towing a water skier, and watching the skier instead of his boats path. OR,. the moron that is beyond drunk, and is, as ZZ Top puts it: "Driving While Blind",... OR,. the putz thats cruising on "his" lake, on a 35 ft cabin cruiser, showing off to the hot blonde sunning herself on the rear deck, and he's looking at her curves instead of where he's going. ..Sadly, the list goes on and on.
Spotsuckers, cut-off artists, and rude co-anglers drawn in a draw tourney, suck,.. while tourney angling, I have dealt with them all, believe me. Ive been frontended,... pulled off the spot I just livewelled the tournies lunker of the day from.,. denied my time on my spots,..etc. and this list goes on too.
Nonetheless,...safety issues take the cake.
Please, by all means, I beg all of you, boat safely