Not the time to "learn", or to fish someone else's fish, tactics, areas etc:. Do "your" thing, relax and have a good time fishing your strengths. You can do this,... its easy to get distracted, anxious, and even overwhelmed. But if you just realize these "big sticks" are just regular guys, that need to catch fish too, you've already got half of them beat.
I use to utilize a tactic I would employ when I was dart player, while tourney fishing. As I climbed the ladder to a "super a" dart teams status, I would get nervous, as these are the guys that used to kick my butt.
But in reality? They are just people,.. alot of them would get uptight,.. and try to psych others out. Which in turn, I learned meant they were intimidated, scared, worried that they were about to fail miserably. They lost the fun of it all, playing darts was now "above" their enjoyment of the game, commraderie of good friends, and meeting new people.
So, I would just play my game and have fun, and it worked wonders, I was now kicking their butts. Just the mere thought that these "super a" "icons" really were just scared, lost shells of their former selves. Trying everything they could to hold on to their fame/status. Made me stand back and take a good look at what I used to allow above me, were actually miles below. Their antics forced me to "not" become one of them, and be a better me, having fun, and really enjoy the game and all the positive it had to offer. I was never better at the game after that sunk in. The team I was on became state champs shortly after.
I offer you this as I can see how a sponsored pro with all the trimmings, wrapped matching truck and boat. sponsored by the top tackle manufacturers with patches all over their shirts, stating they found good fish during prefish, at the ramp before take-off, can be quite intimidating. And throw anyone off their game, and it mostly does.
So, when your at the ramp, and you see these "big sticks" cutting it up, or worse yet and I hope not, looking down their nose. Just smirk, and go have fun, doing what you do with your mind on "your" game and not theirs. You will perform much better and most important ,.,... you'll have fun
If you already knew this? ,...awesome! If not? here's a little "present" for ya. Now go young skywalker, may the force be with you!, ,...and by the way,...stay up wind,..jabba farts!! ,..lmao