You couldn't be more dead on right, with the above posting.
Case in point, please,.... bere with me a moment.
Back in 95 I prefished the hudson river with my team partner, we were both prefishing for the mass bass state team fishoffs. He was to be a boater and I a non in said tourney. So, on the way out there, we discussed that most of the prefish time was for him, as I may not get a shot at "my" areas depending on who's boats Id get partnered on, and he was assured, he would get time on his areas. Which was mostly my idea. And we did just that, I picked one area, Cementon's point, as it is the largest point, and close to the catskill launch, which, was the take-off. I found fish there and was confident.
Day one of the tourney, I get on this guy's boat, and he asked about "my area" I told him I only prefished one area, and its just downstream a bit, named Cementon. Astonishly, he states thats his only area as well, so we head there right away. We start fishing the furthest out in the river part of the point, and we are both using a jig and pig. His lure is straight out black, and mine a custom greenish that I tied with a bit of white on it. He's kinda frontending me as there's a huge boulder there, and he wants to hit it before I get a shot at it.
He tosses in their 2 times, and doesn't even get a sniff, as he's noticably moving his lure to fast. I get my shot at it, first pitch, I hook into a 2+, next pitch a 4, he gives me a dirty type look, next pitch, a 6 lber,.. lunker for the 2 day tourney. And on that river? thats probably the biggest largemouth in its entirerty,...He states that he's done there, and were moving to his next spot.
LOL, next spot? he only had one, a half hour ago!
My point is, Catt,s statement that most anglers wont put the time in to wait big momma out.,... is dead on.
That guy was in such a hurry, he passed up the best spot on the whole river that day, with just 2 casts at it.
I really didnt fish that spot long either, but I didnt have to, she was there for a reason, and so was I. I was prepared to hit that boulder as much as I could no matter what, as thats the biggest eddied spot on that whole point, and I got a couple nice fish off it during prefish.
If more anglers would just slow down, take the time to "thoroughly" fish a spot, with the right lure, at the right time. Their efforts might just be rewarded, and put the fish of a lifetime on their wall. I ended up with 500 bucks in my wallet, and made the 12 man state team! and I can credit that one lunker, for it.
You spend all kinds of money on the best boat, best gear, etc. Why not put forth the best efforts? Whats your hurry? The biggest fish in that water body isnt going anywhere. She's in there, be smarter than her.
LMAO!,..or is it that,.. you spent all that cash, but wont spend the time,... telling the rest of us anglers something? lol
Ok,..Ok im sorry, that shot was kinda unfair...but it was right there, and I know many of you were thinkin the same.
Its as my dearly departed Dad used to say,.... Sometimes you just need to slow down, and see the forest thru the trees.