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Everything posted by "hamma"

  1. Its a tricky thing searching for a pattern. As not all fish you may catch, are in a pattern. Its a chance, or opportunity to actually find one at times. When you do find one "great" now you have a incredible tool in the fishing tool box, to get your bass fishing fix. Repeating a catch in another area opens a doorway, one that will not really guarantee a fish, but more likely than not "offer" the "chance" to hook another. In a tourney situation it's like a god sent gift. Giving one a shot at first place, or even in the money. You tourney anglers should already know the pattern game,... On the other hand, during a day out funfishing. It can be the best day on the water ever, because you have the time, usually, you wont find other boats fishing the same pattern. And (I hope) you have enough of that seemingly "magic" lure with you to complete the task at hand. As I stated earlier in this thread,...100 fish days can be had when a pattern is found. And within those fish a truly big one may be the days prize. Beit a personal best, a tourney win, a photo op, or your childs first big day, with the pb thrown in there for the proudest parent moment. Which in my opinion, is one of the best memories a parent and child can have, as it's a memory the two of you will never, EVER,... forget. And yeah,... 2 of my daughters and I had such a day in Maine, and they both still talk about it. The next paragraph is the most memorable pattern I ever found, a story of our day in Maine, no "need" to read it. Not to bore you with my never ending details, but picture this. They're first early am, on a steam rising Androscoggin lake, we slip out on the boat from camp on the trolling motor, quietly they both put on pop-r's, and start fishing asap. They both get their first smallie ever, and the quiet,.. is broken!,..lol. We continue on as the sun gets higher, and as the top bite fades, I switch them to a jerkbait. Suddenly, time seems to just stop, as a bald eagle glides no more than 20 feet above the boat, and both girls see it and are simply breathless. It climbs a bit as it settles on a cleared tree limb just a bit down shore from us. Again, not a word, sound, or even breath from either of my teen daughters,... a kodak moment? Not just the bird, but silent teenaged girls!,..lmao. They both are in such awe, cellphones didnt exist just then, and im shocked,... I digress,... they both caught a bunch of smallies, that day. And the three of us couldnt forget it, even if we tried. The jerkbait? ,..was a pattern I found the previous day. I got lucky, the weather held out, and things just timed out for us. It was close to a "100" smallie day. One, in which I didnt make a single cast. Some of you may be thinking to yourselves,... "Dang,.I wish I could do that". (the pattern part) And the reality of it is,..you may have already, and not really know it. It may have been a great day or 2 of fishing you had, that you didnt "realize", a pattern was actually at hand. And thats the key point right there, "realizing" whats afoot. Once you discern that "heyyyyy ,.. that fish was positioned just like the last three were", you may have stumbled on a pattern, repeat it again if possible. If you are newish to bass fishing and saying, "That would be cool,.. 100 fish days, and knowing where they are",... Challenge yourself to be aware of "fish antics" while fishing, see if you can construct the jigsaw puzzle of bass patterns. As I started this post,..Its a tricky thing, but "great", when one is found. Not trying to "hi-jack" the thread, Tom. And if I actually did? sorry bud, its a good thread and offers so much,..probably more than one would think. Can anything in bass fishing "hook" someone on bass, better than a unknowingly solid pattern found? It may just be one aspect of bass fishing, but a very prolific one at that.
  2. One thing no one has touched upon yet (that I noticed) is,.... Patterns come and go, they may come back again,.. but they do change. And it can happen in the blink of an eye Memory of a good spot or piece of cover usually doesnt. If its a good spot, it most likely is just that. Barring of course the seasonal changes. If you know what I mean A favorite big fish lake near my hometown is LOADED with coontail and its heavily populated with waterfront landowners. There's a row of docks that 75% of the year will be holding a monster bass, they all are over deeper than usual water for that lake and there's probably 8 or 9 of them. Ive caught some there, and several of my old bass fishing buddies have confirmed the same, with most of us getting a double digit. From november til after spawn, you'll only get average fish off them. But the rest of the year? You can be pretty sure theres a pig hiding up under one of them. and Im talking about the last 35 years or so, this has been the "norm" ,..could be that they are on the main lake and offer the right forage or, could be their positioning, not sure exactly what it is, just grateful. So?,.. which is better? a pattern? or a memory? I lean towards a pattern, they are consistent fish producers and can still offer a hog. Whereas a memory or "spot" will only offer a few fish, at best. Beit a tourney or funfishung, the pattern will usually offer more hits
  3. wow, ..looks like a stellar year for you! Congrats on some awesome fishing
  4. AHHHHH<.. finally an ode to the lures famous or not that have gone down the other path,.... Insert TAPS as background music here:,..... To the greatly loved and lost, we dearly salute you. Your value may have been unmeasurable, but nonetheless,...regarded, endeared, and, yes even loved. Your undying dedication and devotion to work as we decided, was not only appreciated, but etched in our memories and thoughts. We greatly miss, and fear your likes will never be matched, as we had such a bond that cant just be broken by absence, as memory, and time spent together. will truly quell any replacement,....... the experiences and successes we endured solidify our time together, and can only now bring sorrow, and dismay, as your departure is so evident. As you pass on to another chapter of your existence,.. hung in that tree, stolen by that cow of a bass, or snagged in that brushpile. We can only reflect, and rely on our memories, to recall such joyous of times. And we ask the good lord to provide us a easy transition, a sombre path, and peaceful easement towards the next chapter of life. We salute you, oh lost and endeared tackle,... may your new path be unhindered, by casts to emergent rip rap, undaunted with strikes from toothy pike, and let lay instead of being crushed by smallmouths. Yea,... tho we may walk, nay run! to our nearest bass pro for replacement. You are in our thoughts, our minds, and our prayers,.... that they still stock your kind!,.....lol
  5. The more you fish, the more you need to replace what was used/lost/torn, to keep things in stock. I dont think of it as a "problem" a mechanic needs his tools, just as we need ours, and thats what I consider tackle, my "tools",. If I've used up a full bag of yamamoto hula grubs I will replace it. Its that simple. lost a crankbait on a snaggy brushpile? replace it with a few as they will all run differently. Your kid caught a treelimb 20' up with a spinnerbait, go buy a replacement. But better yet!,...plastics are famous for going that dreaded word "discontinued",.....you once knew you could replace them when needed, as they "were" in stock items. But once they go disconed?,... ur screwed. That dead on tourney winning bait is now GONE! no more easy winnings for you buddy, the company has changed their molds and you now?, get nada single one! So what do I do? ,.... when I find a killer plastic, buy craploads of them! I have, and still do. I have a tote devoted to my "in stock" plastics. Several certain grubs, several different worms,..and some custom handpours I ordered, have it almost chauk full. Some even from the 90's, and they still work the same. Some even better than before as the fish dont see these anymore. Another reason for me having "in stock" extras and totes is, All my tourney tackle was stolen years ago, and the lures they got? omg, a large tackleshops worth of not made anymore lures, companies that no longer exist, and the expensive owner hooks, and jigheads? VMC's? not to mention the expensive lake fork weights. Old poes cranks, manns cranks, ancient rebels, 2 boxes of rapalas,.almost a hundred spinnerbaits, spoons, old heddon topwaters, old rebel pop-rs in several sizes, spooks, and plastics galore,... I figured about 3K in tackle they took, cuz my lcr's were in the same 2 big duffelbags and they were about 1k themselves. Back then? that was alot of cake for tackle. A tackle buying problem? heck no ,..i see it as a necessity
  6. I start at home watching the conditions for a week or so before the day out (unless its a"hey lets go" thing) watching barometer, clouds, rain, etc. then i confer with a lake depth map, considering its proportion, north's direction, past and present wind direction, prevalent bait, etc. Then I decide where I'd "like" to target. At the ramp,...... once im launched and on board, I check the waters surface temp, look at its clarity, and color. Then,.. usually take a cruise around the lake, watching for prolific bait on the lcr, the changes in surface temps, what direction the wind is now, and any natural clues, beit birds diving, bait jumping etc. Then I will stop at the best bait holding area, and float around for a bit checking everything once again, before I even stand to head towards the trolling motor, I already know what im going to be throwing first, and where Id like to start. Then I start casting, methodically and hopefully meticulously. Picking up any clues, and considering any fish caught as to whats going on, looking for the days "pattern" or lack there of. Continuously, considering all the variables, until the day has presented me with the answers Im seeking. How do I fish? ,... read my screen name, I do my best to nail'em
  7. One of the most prolific memories my life, was my pb. I've returned to that lake many times and have yet to catch a fish off that same stump. A "memory" fish. BUT,... I have yet to fish there under the same conditions as that incredible day. As,.. I believe big fish have their "homes" and will use them as need be. I've also found some solid "patterns" on Winnipesaukee, one being during a westerly breeze, cloudy day, a certain spot in a certain area, with its year round cover, just about rock solid consistently holds some of the lakes best and biggest smallies. A "pattern"? oh yeah, I've fished it many times since 97 (when i bought my tracker), and did again last year. It still holds true,...(thanking the good lord) I see patterns not only a godsend up there, as the lake is a enigma to pattern at all, but also rock solid if you actually have found one there. The difference between the 2 a "memory" and a "pattern" is easy to me to discern. Consistent bass location and activity within not just one area, but many others as well, proves a pattern for me. I can leave that winnie "patterned" area I mentioned above and go to another area within the lake, find an identical "setup" and catch fish. they may not be the lakes best, but fish just the same. then go onto another area with same "setup" and be on fish again. A pattern. If I find a nice fish say under a certain sunbeaten laydown one day, and come back a week later and theres another there, and so on,...is it a "pattern"?,.only if in other areas of the same lake with the same "setup" as in a sunbeaten laydown on same type shoreline, with same depths etc. etc. etc. is a fish found. One particular piece of cover may hold fish consistently,.. if you can duplicate this in other areas of the lake. And find fish in several of these duplicated cover areas, then,..in my eyes,..its a pattern, but if only that one piece of cover is holding fish, and others around the lake that mirror that cover doesnt? I dont consider it a pattern, just a "memory" of a good fish holding spot. I hope I got this across right, as my meds mess me up. Furthermore,... Finding a pattern on a big body of water can be the equation of either a good day or and awesome day, as a true pattern is consistent, and will offer a shot at a 100 fish day, possibly even a pb, but usually? its an average sized fish occurance. The conditions typically have their effect on the bass population as a whole, mostly,.and I say mostly as, bigger fish just dont seem to follow the "norm", or be effected so much by "present" conditions. They have evolved into the top predator and act accordingly. Doing whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whatever they can fit in their huge gaping pieholes. A solid pattern will pertain to some decent fish, probably 95% of the lakes fish,.(im guessing). Can a hog be caught on a pattern?, sure, but not definately. And,.. its unusual to find a "big fish pattern" but it can happen. Do I go by memory when I return to a lake Ive fished before? If the conditions are identical,..maybe. Do I follow an old pattern on a lake Ive returned to? Again,...maybe, if the conditions are identical I will give it a shot Because wherever you fish, you will find, conditions rule, and yes, they especially rule patterns. Conditions are a patterns driving force, its what makes a pattern to begin with. Could be conditions from 3 or 5 days ago, combined with the present days, and usually is both combined,.... In reality,.. the sooner you understand that combination, the closer you are to figuring out the pattern game. whatever you do, have fun, be safe, and thank a veteran Keep ya line wet!
  8. If I had to use only a jig, Id be "casting" to drop offs and offshore rocky structures near the baitfish found on my lcr, with a 1/4 oz silicone skirted jig and pork, or a lighter hair version For flipping and pitching? spring to fall is a much more viable time for these. (around here anyways) Actually, my "go to" in fall is a suspending jerkbait, followed by a slower running colorado or indiana bladed spinnerbait, a topwater, then a few different jigs. Once I figure out whats working best? the other rods get put away, as the action can get hectic, and a clear and clean deck is a safer one.
  9. only seen a better pair on,...oh nevermind,..lol
  10. curado is still a good reel, just not as expensive, and anytime your going to fish saltwater? rinse your reels right after with fresh tapwater
  11. My Jig box has four basic colors,..Black, Black/blue, Green, and Brown. Since I tie my skirts on, I do tie some different "variations" of each, except Black. I "may" also thread on a grubs body, or piece of worm, before the chunk trailer to add bulk, color, and aid in keeping the chunk trailer from sliding down the hook, and spinning around blocking its point. This body can be any color to customize the jig even further. Smother it all with real craw and i'm ready to fish.
  12. AWWW man! I guess my basshunter doesnt qualify?,...lol
  13. I've fished till the ice starts forming around the lakes edges, and the line begins freezing to the rods guides. Then,... its done.
  14. Maybe so, but those 90 degree days are few and far between the rest of the year,... How u doin?
  15. Id send it to mike at DVT, he serviced 2 old curados for me, and they are as good as new, just let him know the issue first. and I'd say there's something really wrong, maybe you "adjusted" the red brakes too far out? just a guess
  16. lol,...that thing makes samoan groupers jealous of its gut,..I dunno his thumb must be in a world of hurt, take a close look at it. So,..im guessing ,...50 lbs 1 oz,...lmoa
  17. This time of year I'd still stick around the bait,,... BUT,.. I dont know your area well, so im thinking that,..Maybe, if you post a question in the regional fishing reports threads, someone that fishes your area would have more insight for you. I usually following smelts, herring, and alwives. There are some shad up here, but not enough to be the most prevalent baitfish available.
  18. Will?,..well done sir, I could only dream of my fishing gear being so organized. Kudos to ya. My shed is a mess, as I'm relegated to not getting out there so much these days. But,.. I need to get gear ready for fishing either thursday or friday so I will take some pics,.. Be prepared for a mecca of Mayhem,...lol. Blue? Thats one heck of a garage, kudos to you as well sir. I really like the pvc rod holder idea. Clever, I have 6 berkley racks, and they are kinda tight as the rods being to close to each other, the reels bunch up and you dont really have the room for 6 rods per rack. Your idea negates this, and I like it, probably steal that idea, I may loose a few rods there, but better stacked is more important. I could put my trout,salmon/laker gear elsewhere. Hopefully someday I can set myself up as you two have, It would make things alot easier if your collective ideas melded. Everything in its place, and boats and gear closeby.,.. good ideas there guys. Im attempting to attach 3 pics of my shed, one is my rod racks, another is shelves in the shed most of that stuff is fishing, and another of the table I sit at and powdercoat jigheads before tying. I do have more stuff back in peabody hope this pic upload works
  19. did you ask for a copy of the pic/video?
  20. OMG! I have so many, I have one small plano with ewg's,. another small plano with offset round bends, and another small plano with trailers and odd hooks I use some specific baits for the many different opportunities up here, so they all have their purposes. but I will use "some" examples.,... I use ewg's for Fatter bodied baits, Like,.. I toss a berkley power pulse worm in a bluegill color., I bought tons of them before berkley decides to discontinue them(cuz they do) so I would have them in "stock", now I use a mid sized ewg here because they are like a zipper worm and are kinda thick to get the hook through during a hookest., I also have a few custom handpours that are thick as well hence the small plano. Offset round bends I use the most. Why? they always worked, so I aint gunna break it. From slugo's to 4 inch worms all the way up to 12 inch worms and snakes, the offset gets the nod. the odd and trailer hooks box has several different types of hooks, and Im wondering if this is where Glenn was heading. trailer hooks are obvious, odds? a bit off the wall. I have some old tube hooks that Tony Bean recommended. They have a funny kahle type bend and a wire clip near the eye to clip the tube on as you rig this hook weedless on a tube, also had some inside tubeweights as well. Straight shank hooks are found here as well as I will sometimes rig a weedless worm with them if I find the fish active, but im missing them for some reason I will switch the offset for the straight shank.,.. I also just added the dropshot hooks that Glenn recommended in his video ,..with the built in swivel, to the same "odd" box. As I just bought a mojo bass dropshot rod I also have some circle hooks, kahle hooks, and even a few live bait for my girls to fish with. The kahle were for shorter plastics like a weedless fished grub, until ewg's started coming in smaller sizes, and the circles were for a carolina rigged floating worm, so I wasn't guthooking tourney fish. I reality I use just about all of these at least once a year, barring the live baits and circles
  21. Congrats on the new PB!!! thats awesome, fall fishing at its finest. good for you
  22. HMmmmm?, only strong winds would negate me fishing a topwater by a dock, as topwaters dont really work well in haevy waves.. temps dont deter me either. Bass eat in winter too, I've caught bass on topwaters just before ice in up here, maybe not a "consistent" pattern, but a bass just the same (tiny torpedo)... I fish a dock as follows. Depending on the docks size,..say its just a normal short walkway and a single sized boats dock. I will make 3 casts with the pop-r, one on each side and one out front, then the spinnerbait will get tossed down each side and around each lake facing corner, Then I will pick apart the complete dock with several casts with the jig and pig, each corner usually with lakefront corners first, then the insides, behind the dock, and under the gangplank, and a few out front, if its off the waters surface? several skips as far back as possible, and just as Im leaving for the next? I will run the spinnerbait by the front of it. Thats a "typical" dock attack for me. And like stated above, the suns position dictates the higher percentage casts,.. I will most likely jig the lower percentage areas first,... then the higher ones, as to not "scare" any potential fish, by hooking one immediately and it trashing about the other areas in an attempt to get away. And this choice changes from dock to dock, as their position changes so does my casts
  23. Typically they will stick by the bait, whether they drop deeper or not, may be a reaction towards their forage, more than temps. I say this as gizzard shad versus threadfin shad are different, and will react different this time of year, When you say "shad" its actually a generic term, so a generic answer is viable. This and the fact that you didnt specify what river, your location, largemouth or smallmouth, etc. leaves alot to the imagination, and makes it hard for one to answer correctly
  24. I fish therefore I am,.. I find my bass fishing challenging, and like it like that, a challenge. The variables and nuances of this sport is enough to keep any angler busy. Thats why I'm so passoinate about it, and have been for the majority of my life. BUT,..... I do fish for salty fish, as flounder, striper, bluefish, and cod, haddock, and cusk for groundfish, and even the bait in salt water, such as mackeral, eel, pogie, squid, herring when it was allowed here, and anything else in the harbor stripers are keying in on. Its alot of fun, can be more relaxing at times, and striper and flounder i will eat.,... I will sometimes be found on a pier, jetty, or beach, or on someones boat trolling, or casting away, in the salt. And I find this as a distraction from bass fishing as sometimes I need a break from casting a lure all day when I'm targeting bass.,,, it can be like a tiring job if you bass fish 5-6 days a week. And will eventually aggrevate my injury's As for "other" freshwater species? I do fish for trout, off shorelines bottom fishing, and casting, as well as trolling from the boats, I bought a downrigger a few years ago and have headed up north from here for some salmon with it, which,.. I caught some, and lakers, which have evaded me as of yet. I also will have fun on a light or ultra light rod with the yellow and white perch, bluegills and their other panfish cousins, white bass, rock bass etc,... So I do fish for other species,..just not as consistently or as dedicated, compared to my love of bass fishing. The other species offer different fishing experiences, and some more "laid back" techniques, which have their place. But bass fishing is where its at for me, the others are just on the backburner for now. I always figured that when I retire I'd take up flyfishing, but we'll see as its a totally different world, and I cant see me ever forsaking my bass fishing.
  25. I'm sure we all have fished docks before, and found fish on them. But how could you miss hitting on the most dominant reason bass are under and around them? The sun Without sunshine where would we find bass? Scattered about? Ever fish a reservoir that has no docks? Or even better, a seemingly dock laden mecca of a lake, but on a cloudy day?,... and when you do, where are they then found? They tend to adhere to the "other" shoreline cover present,.. weeds, laydowns, boulders, the first drop, even the tree's shade, and etc,... Why such a change? again,... The sun. The suns effect on bass is possibly number 2 of the only 2 "written in stone" parts of the bass fishing equation, just after the (what I think) number 1, current. Where as current will physically force a bass's location. The sun does as well to some degree, just not as much. Reason? Bass dont like the sun, looking into it, having it shine down upon them (other than spawn),and just plain being out in it. Their eyes for one, are different than ours and the sun has a demanding effect on a bass's eye, even more than when you look into the sun. I remember reading something about a bass's eye, (probably 30 years ago,...lol) and I think the article was concerning the bass's eye being binocular???or omni??? therefore very sensitive to the sun's effects. re-read that,..I "think" Im no scientist, but I do remember that bass dont like the sun, it's suspected that the sun's effect hurts them, and they avoid it at all costs when possible, Shade isnt just a predatory position, its also a physical relief for them. Of course the shade does add a "hiding" position for predation, but it also provides comfort for bass, not just for a "home" comfort, but a actual physical requirement. For two, they also are hiding for protection, bass may be a predator in the water, but danger lurks from above the waters surface for bass themselves,.. birds, racoons, ourselves, and other "dangers" force the bass's position as well. This all plays into the "dock game" as to where on the dock,.. why some are better than others and so on. Best docks for me? Seem to be ones that not only have weeds around them but depth nearby as well, on the main lakes best point,.. to boot. Other than Blue's buzzbait, how can you guys not throw a topwater around a dock? It's my first go to shot, at the lakes best docks. Then maybe a spinnerbait, followed by a jig and pig. And I must say the jig and pig is actually the best bet, but the other 2 do impress me as well. These 3 have outshined any other for me even a worm. More big fish have been pulled over my gunnels by them than any other lure while fishing docks. Im not trying to "shoot" at yall, just adding onto the tread, some wisdom from an old fart. So, when your out there on a sunny day, and the deep water bite just isn't working for ya, consider that bass, can be found everywhere. It's just a matter of putting together the why's when's and where's. And when you do come to the conclusion that docks are a good bet. Consider the suns, direction and positon, how it's shining down on each and every dock a bit differently. This will more likely than not key you into where on the dock they will be, how they are going to be positioned, and if they will be receptive to a certain lure or another. It does all play into that "dock" game. try it,.. As I started this thread, consider if there was no docks on the lake,..where would they be. Then add the docks that are present in that area to the equation. Dont forget that when there is no sunshine, they would position themselves how? again,.. add the docks in after the answer. We all have fished them, and found some better than others, did you ever ask yourself ,.Why? im sure you have. there is a answer, its all in how "you" consider the variables. The sun should be your first "clue", but not the only. The numerous questions I quoted above, are just as important, but they all have to follow, what I call, the number 2 "written in stone" of bass requirements when considering dock fishing,... reaction to,.....the sun. good thread crusty! I hope I got this across correctly, and this helps someone, anyone, catch more and better fish Keep ya line wet!
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