Its a tricky thing searching for a pattern. As not all fish you may catch, are in a pattern. Its a chance, or opportunity to actually find one at times. When you do find one "great" now you have a incredible tool in the fishing tool box, to get your bass fishing fix. Repeating a catch in another area opens a doorway, one that will not really guarantee a fish, but more likely than not "offer" the "chance" to hook another.
In a tourney situation it's like a god sent gift. Giving one a shot at first place, or even in the money. You tourney anglers should already know the pattern game,... On the other hand, during a day out funfishing. It can be the best day on the water ever, because you have the time, usually, you wont find other boats fishing the same pattern. And (I hope) you have enough of that seemingly "magic" lure with you to complete the task at hand.
As I stated earlier in this thread,...100 fish days can be had when a pattern is found. And within those fish a truly big one may be the days prize. Beit a personal best, a tourney win, a photo op, or your childs first big day, with the pb thrown in there for the proudest parent moment. Which in my opinion, is one of the best memories a parent and child can have, as it's a memory the two of you will never, EVER,... forget.
And yeah,... 2 of my daughters and I had such a day in Maine, and they both still talk about it. The next paragraph is the most memorable pattern I ever found, a story of our day in Maine, no "need" to read it.
Not to bore you with my never ending details, but picture this. They're first early am, on a steam rising Androscoggin lake, we slip out on the boat from camp on the trolling motor, quietly they both put on pop-r's, and start fishing asap. They both get their first smallie ever, and the quiet,.. is broken!, We continue on as the sun gets higher, and as the top bite fades, I switch them to a jerkbait. Suddenly, time seems to just stop, as a bald eagle glides no more than 20 feet above the boat, and both girls see it and are simply breathless. It climbs a bit as it settles on a cleared tree limb just a bit down shore from us. Again, not a word, sound, or even breath from either of my teen daughters,... a kodak moment? Not just the bird, but silent teenaged girls!,..lmao. They both are in such awe, cellphones didnt exist just then, and im shocked,... I digress,... they both caught a bunch of smallies, that day. And the three of us couldnt forget it, even if we tried. The jerkbait? ,..was a pattern I found the previous day. I got lucky, the weather held out, and things just timed out for us. It was close to a "100" smallie day. One, in which I didnt make a single cast.
Some of you may be thinking to yourselves,... "Dang,.I wish I could do that". (the pattern part) And the reality of it is, may have already, and not really know it. It may have been a great day or 2 of fishing you had, that you didnt "realize", a pattern was actually at hand. And thats the key point right there, "realizing" whats afoot. Once you discern that "heyyyyy ,.. that fish was positioned just like the last three were", you may have stumbled on a pattern, repeat it again if possible.
If you are newish to bass fishing and saying, "That would be cool,.. 100 fish days, and knowing where they are",... Challenge yourself to be aware of "fish antics" while fishing, see if you can construct the jigsaw puzzle of bass patterns. As I started this post,..Its a tricky thing, but "great", when one is found.
Not trying to "hi-jack" the thread, Tom. And if I actually did? sorry bud, its a good thread and offers so much,..probably more than one would think. Can anything in bass fishing "hook" someone on bass, better than a unknowingly solid pattern found? It may just be one aspect of bass fishing, but a very prolific one at that.