And That,...I agree with wholeheartedly!
The basics are what gets us the successes we've all enjoyed. Without them your just floating about looking good, (or not!), and to further delve into that subject. How many times have you seen those 2 guys on the brand new rig, best high end gear, etc. Cruising a shoreline, throwing search baits, with the tm on high. They cruise right on by you, and waive, then hook a couple fish further down the shoreline, and just keep right on going?
I get a big laugh out of that, and even a bigger laugh when you see them at the ramp talking to other anglers while strapping the boat down, and their saying, "we got a few, but nothing good, we never do good here anyways". "place is full of dinks",....
If you have the idea of a "searchbait" to begin with,...where's the follow through? I want to ask them,.."did you ever hear of this new lure?, its all the rage, it's called a plastic worm" "supposed to work real good"
I understand some people are in a hurry, and I get the squarebill and spinnerbait attraction. But after seeing "many" of these guys for the last few years roaming waters blindly casting away. It kinda makes me fear where this sport is going. It's no wonder they never do good,.. anywhere. I know not "all" are so, but they are out there, and for them to ever find a pattern it will probably be, "the fish are spread out everywhere and bluegill colored squarebill will get em"
Sometimes I actually wonder what they are thinking of me, when they pass me by. Probably,.."hey Jim.. check out this stupid old timer, he's so old he cant even move his boat along, yeah John, so stupid, didnt even have a spinnerbait tied",.. Thing is, 8 out of 10 times, I'm on a good pattern if im sitting still.
Not to be cruel, but I do want to say. I appreciate the knowledge and experience you here have acquired. Its a confirmed feeling knowing that there is some "anglers" out there, that have the intelligence to actually use what they know, dignity to share what they know, and all around unmatched grace to be sombre about it.
And for that,..` You all have my respect.
I may be opinionated, even, maybe a little longwinded,... lol maybe., Some, I know say pushy, or conceited, but,.. thats not it. Since finding this site? I've seen it as a venue for me to share my experiences in hopes that some of the new, up and coming anglers, dont go the way of "Jim and John", the 2 on the new rig, blindly wasting good water.
Learning the basics is THE most important part of fishing in my opinion. Using them the next step, patterns? or memories? a bit further down the line. Understanding and finding a pattern, can be something a angler has to celebrate when it happens. Its a milestone that will further draw one in even more, to this sport of ours.
And speaking of celebrating. I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, and if ya can? get some casts in, but please be safe