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About "hamma"

  • Birthday 11/16/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    abington massachusetts
  • My PB
    Between 12-13 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    quabbin res.
  • Other Interests
    riding my harley, camping, and spending time with my kids

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    Keith Hatch

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  • About Me
    I fish therefore I am, ,... most call me hamma, for many different reasons my best buddy gave me this nickname 35 years ago and it fit me so well,.. no one would let it go. As of now more people know me as hamma than Keith. I fish both freshwater and salt ,and enjoy catching any species but smallmouth is my favorite. I have been hooked on fishing since i was 4, and will hopefully fish til the day i expire. currently i own 2 boats, a 8 ft long basshunter for puddle jumping, and 16 ft deep v tracker for larger bodies of water.

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  1. Re-conned little, long, and great herring in plymouth yesterday,... all open with little and longs shores so loaded with trout anglers you'd have trouble dropping a boat in. Looks like the ides of March may produce a good spring for us bass anglers. Notice I did say "MAY". Northeast in spring can range anywhere from great for bass fishing,... or simply non-existent. Please be careful and wear life preservers while afloat til the water warms some. One quick dip can be very dangerous in such cold waters. (I like the manual inflatables) Anybody know of any "upper" Taunton river access, looks like bassy waters every bridge i've gone over
  2. I've found many different colors available. It really depends on what waterbody your on up here. Greens, browns even blacks Ive purposely sought out and caught many crayfish, due to me being a jig and pig fan, and I tie my own jigs. Its like a quest at every new lake I fish, to seek out what they look like,.. I can honestly say there really isn't a prevailing color, so to speak. Not just color though, size and shape differs too,..slim and slender or stout and fat, long pincers, short ones etc. some so big they look like short lobsters. Kinda depends on where you are. what lake, pond, river. I'm minutes from Plymouth Ma, there's a long history in this area, alot has gone on, river dams, bogs, old farms fertilizers, chemicals, etc. This may have had some impact seeing that their environments were drastically changed so much. Some of the larger watershed areas will have similar bugs, but most around here? vary, Like this,.... I'll use a example pond Putnamville res. in Danvers. By the Dams rip rap you will catch a stout darker brown colored crayfish with some dark green and a few orange spots on the big roundish pincers,...flip it over and its mostly that dark brown fading into a light sand color, over in the weed beds you'll catch a much lighter colored skinny bug almost a sandy color mixing with orange and blueish highlights, on its thin short pincers, in the extreme northwest corner theres scattered rock flats, kinda in between the other two,... medium sized but the color more mimics the surrounding rocks color. so, i guess you could say its a brown pond. Couple towns away in Lynn,.. sluice pond is a green pond. In between these two ponds there's Browns pond in south Peabody, they are mostly blue in there Best bet?, Ya cant go wrong with black
  3. Lol ,...I live in New England, fronts moving in usually means some sort of "change" occurs. Even the daily summer convection creates change here , Mt Washington's proximity to the altantic makes for some of the funkiest weather, Sometimes stalling a front for long periods , or ripping several thru in a day.so, I look at it like this,. The fish didn't educate themselves. They are there, I just need to figure them out no matter what's happening,...When a front rolls thru and they shut down? I go to the river ,..it's simple. B does it happen every front? No But it does, and I just react when I realize they are done biting So y'all can tout this or that. Don't make much nevermind to me,. When a 3 inch grub doesn't receive even a sniff? They are pretty much done dining for the day. I'm either heading home, or to some current.
  4. Umm,. Yeah,. About this? Experience has taught me that the barometer changing does effect bass , when it's not changing is prime, but a sharp change has shut the bite down on me more than a dozen times like a switch. My reaction? Of course only after exhausting a grub for a while, Leave the lake or pond,.. for a flowing river. Rivers seem to eliminate, or should I say buffer the effects. So many times has this panned out for me I now automaticly do it ,..as long as the day has enough left in it. Typical summer senario, may invlove moisture, but that's just part of the deal
  5. three banks, 15 amps per bank,... one night, all 3 batteries from dead to fresh. Ever go away for a week to fish? Trust me the extra money up front is worth it
  6. over the last fifty years ive tried them all, some are good, all do their best, but,....Mike at Delaware Valley Tackle has outshined them all as far as im concerned,...He gets all my reels from now on. Steve at Als bait and tackle in beverly across from the public pier used to do my repairs and servicing and did a good job. But I haven't been up there in a few years and I'm not sure if he still services reels
  7. hey all!,... horn pond can hold some pigs, try around the island, find the weedlines, I remember a cove opposite of the ramp,....had some good water over there. Actually right at the ramp my buddy bagged a 8 + many years ago. I havent been there in probably thirty years.
  8. A giant loss to the fishing community, Kay was not only a wealth of information. she was a strong advocate against any of the shenannagins PETA pulled, any rare or specialized gear you couldnt find? either Kay at surfland or Sandy at the already gone northern bass supply could get it for me. She was always willing to order me any materials or lures she didnt have hanging on the walls in the shop,(all the while teasing me that im getting lures to catch what she called "bait") lol yeah, she jokingly messed with me about that one often,.... and was instrumental in many of my homemade lures that I now fish with almost exclusively. from spinner blades to skirt material, crimps, leader material, clevices, I got them all from Kay. my first fly vise, my first shimano baitrunner reel, and my beloved Penn surf rod, yup all from Kay's shop. From her never ending dedication to us anglers, to her personable smile. Kay overflowed with customer service, personal attention, and kindness. I for one will miss her greatly. She was one in a million RIP Kay, with a tear in my eye,.....I miss u already, without your ***? I wouldnt be the angler I am now.,.. TY the *** in the last sentence was typed out as "***", why it posted ***,... is beyond me the *** is typed out as the word ***
  9. I cant believe no one has said it yet,... rookies! SSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,...... (In my best elmer fudd voice),.. be berry, berry, quiet,... were hunting bass huh, huh, huh, huh, ha. bass cant just hear with ears, they can actually feel the vibrations noise makes as it travels easier under water, with a line of nerves running down their sides called a "lateral line". Even if your shore fishing, tread lightly! Ive seen bass bedding close to shore, that have reacted to me walking by as I stepped on a branch and broke it,..he felt or heard that vibe! Boating? so many of us are used to all the electronics, motors, gadgets etc. Try just drifting along a shore line some day, without anything on or running. no finders on, just barely touching a trolling motor for safety's sake,... be silent, no dropping hatches shut, knocking over stuff, try to make but not a single sound. If a big fish is around, and she knows your there,....your 99.9 % already done. she's gunna back into a hole and shut down any activity til danger subsides. even baby bass have basic survival skills
  10. Whatever it takes to accomplish the task at hand is how I approach this. From dropping a jighead straight down to suspending fish, to casting a spinnerbait a country mile with the wind at your back. Im sure we all have our own ways. Me? I try to be quiet when I need to. And make a slight racket, when the situation calls for that as well. He, he he, Knowing the difference? priceless. I mean of course the lures entry into the water, (cuz that "IS" important in any cast).... As for the mechanics of casting? Oh yeah,... With all the different ways to cast, you kinda need to be a maestro of sorts, sometimes waiving that wand/rod like an artist, smoothly and effortlessly hitting every note, beat, and changeup.. (like casting a jerkbait to visible cover) Something no machine could ever duplicate. Then other times mimicking a machine to the "T". Methodically, repeating the same exact motion over, and over, all day long. (like flipping) My casting styles may not work for you, and vice versa. A technical approach "usually" will work for some, like: hand positioning, rod angle, etc. and yes these will help. but the only true way to answer the casting mechanics questions? Is to be out there casting away, finding what works for you. rod strengths, line, and lure weights, can be exactly the same, but like dna we all differ. OK,. no more soapbox, today,... good to back online tho
  11. Thats Awesome, Ken! congrats bud!
  12. Had a few hours this am, so I checked out a new place for me. Tispaquin, in Middleboro. I tried a popr, nothing, spinnerbait, again nothing,...switched over to a worm due to the weeds,..again nothing. I finally threw caution to the wind and tossed a squarebill. 1 decent bass and a good sized pickeral later I headed home. Cooler temp,.. clear skies, lt wind. I figured it would be tough,... and it was
  13. ulterra w/IPilot link! Im a cheap ole cuss!, swore up and down Id never spend that much on a electric motor. Not only am I dependant on it now. I'd put one on my crawdad if I could manage the battery space.
  14. think of the question,..... answer? absolutley nothing. The hookset is your re-action, means nothing about a fish's activity. Finding certain hooks that the fish are hung on? are they the sharpest?, is the lure properly tuned? etc. etc.
  15. Sebago itself is a tough lake to fish. I will agree to, especially this time of year. Some of the areas other water bodies are some of the best IMHO. Be it for smallies or buckets. Augusta area, down east, or sebago areas? is all good. Even Great East, Mousam lake, Arrowhead, and other waters south of the Sebago area offer some awesome Maine bass fishing. I know someone who lives in California now, but still has ties to my hometown. He comes out every year for 3 months to visit/vacation. Hangs around Boston for a week or so,.. Picks up his boat at moms home and heads up to just over the Maine border. Gets his lic./sticker at kittery trading post and starts his quest not far away from there. And works his way all the way to New Brunswick. The bass fishing is that good, and that widespread. Plus, your in Maine. Bass fish the early am bite,.. head in, get lobstah/clambake for lunch by the roadside, and fish another lake for the afternoon.
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