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About duncast48TN

  • Birthday 07/19/1956

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  1. Ford f150 4.6 v8... Triton 170 mag alum... 75 hp. My ball is on my bumper. No receiver hitch.
  2. I also use Stabil in my fuel in the winter. Even though I still take the boat to the lake occasionally in winter I figure it cant hurt. No problems so far.
  3. I have a 75hp . bought new in 2002. no problems. 8)
  4. Hey why dont you cut the cats tail off........about 2" behind its ears
  5. Chris, Thanks for your reply. Is that the only diff.? I really want to be able to tell them apart because there is no size limit on the spots and they are good eating. 8)
  6. What is the easiest way to tell the difference between a spotted(Ky) and a largemouth? 8)
  8. triton 170 mag w/75 merc/ 45mph
  9. 2003 Triton 170Mag Aluminum 75 HP Merc Lowrance X51 front & back Motorguide 46lb Gunmetal Color 8)
  10. I guess I would advise you to just take it easy,start out slowly and use common sense. Watch out for other boats too. Please wear your lifr jacket! I got my first bass boat 2 yrs ago and I was as green as they come. I am comfortable with it now but I still learn something everytime I go out. Good luck! 8)
  11. Ok First off I know this may not be posted in the right forum but I thought more people would see it here. I caught a fish I cant ID. IT was about 14" long. Slender,somewhat like a sauger. yellow,orangey fins, 3 dark verticle bars on its side,mouth is round about 1-2" dia., no teeth. Caught it on a jig crappie fishin. Sorry no pix. Thank you. ANy fish ID websites? 8)
  12. I know what buck bushes are on Ky Lake but I aint got no pix.
  13. I have two x51 on my Triton 170mag. I havent had any trouble with the one on the console but the one on the front of the boat sometimes will not register the depth unless I turn it off and on 2 or 3 times. This always seems to happen in water 3' or less. Instead of reading the depth it just blinks until I turn it off and back on. Again its only on the one with the transdicer on the trolling motor. the other one always works good. Makes me wonder if its some kind of interference.
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