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Everything posted by turkeyhunter2112

  1. You do that then.
  2. If I were you I would go with a falcon lowrider.
  3. Birds fly. Rabbits hop. Squirrels rustle. Deer tip toe quieter than an assasin. Come to think of it, the only thing that walks is people :-/ ;D Kudos to you hookemdown. For starters, that phrase isn't even mildly humorous, but what's even worse, it casts an ugly light on a beautiful sport! Roger I agree hunting is a beautiful sport, but I don't see how that phrase casts an ugly light on the sport. Hunting revolves around killing, that's what it is. All I know is that I would love to do more killing this year than last.
  4. The rod is more important than the reel. You have to feel the fish and hook up with a fish before the reel has a chance to screw up. Better rod means more fish caught.
  5. I have fished some small creeks here in eastern Kansas and have caught bass, some decent ones also. I normally just fish them in the spring but I'm sure you can catch fish in them now.
  6. I like war eagle buzzbaits the best. They tend to break but they catch a lot of fish when still in one piece.
  7. Red shad would have to be my favorite.
  8. I used to shoot black birds back in the day, I would chase them around the backyard with my bow. I probebly hit one every 20 shots or so but I had fun, I kinda grew out of it though and dont do it anymore.
  9. Well thats pretty nifty.
  10. I had to turn the sound off, I could not stand their voices.
  11. Yeah, failed attempts at humor, that pretty much sums it up.
  12. lmao, the internet sure is serious business.
  13. I will go with zoom.
  14. I read something about how deer that have been gut shot would go to water. I would go take a look if you think a coyote hasnt already found it.
  15. Im new to this forum and dont know if this has been asked, but is there a place online were i can get fishing videos to watch? Im looking to see if there is a place that you could download some, or purchase them for cheap. Im just looking pretty much for any type of bass fishing movie i can find.
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