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About 03TB

  • Birthday 10/05/1986

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  • Location
    Rochester, NY

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  1. Looks good, exactly how I pictured it, although I don't think it is nessacary to use PVC, we can just use courrgated tubing, it will be a less obstructive way for the water to flow and we can basically direct it anywhere we want it to, other then up hill. We also need to put a disconnect for the plumbing to make it fully removable. Doug
  2. i dont have a pic but it is a deep v with dual console, walk through windshield, dual baitwells up front. I want to add the casting deck and livewells to the back. What size in gallons do you have?
  3. opps, sorry Roadwarrior, thanks for moving the post!
  4. I am in the process of making a raised casting deck for the rear of my boat (see below) and it is going to have 2 integrated livewells. Now to my question, what size is a good size, in gallons, for each livewell? Thanks, Doug
  5. Ohh I see now, as long as the TM isnt broken you should be ok, can always make a mount somehow for a transom mount. Nice boat by the way, got anything planned to do to it?
  6. Ouch, but if you don't have a bow mount TM, how did it get caught on the winch? And what exaclty got caught on the winch? What kind of boat do you have? Good luck with getting it fixed. Doug
  7. So everybody from Rochester and/or Westen New York has probably fished Irondiquoit bay, which is very known for its perch fishing. Well now in about 4 feet of water, we have new structure to fish in the spring! ;D http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story.aspx?content_id=d2137a4e-548c-44d9-9984-99a1fc6b5783 Or, maybe that is a new form of ice fishing, just roll the window down! ;D d**n, what was this idiot thinking
  8. Maybe the person in the front isnt a strong swimmer if at all... and an unexpteced move could sned either person over the side, or water over the side making them panic. Just a thought but you would be suprised how many people panic at small things or people that arnt strong swimmers. Doug
  9. So check out this joke guys, ever wanted to cast up to 500ft? ;D ;D This was an adervistment in the Decemeber issue of BassMaster. Don't you like the tinfoil around the antenna? I cant tell weather the "inventer" is the same age as the "host" , this is so f'in funny! precisioncaster.com
  10. no need at all for expensive equiptment, when I was younger with no cash my friend and I would go to the local pond, find a discarded line and hook, get a stick and catch a frog, let the frog swim around and get hammered on top. Tons of fun back then, back then? what am I talking about im only 20! haha
  11. It came with a deck insert
  12. Oh yeah, came with a bow mount hand tiller trolling motor but I have to get the mount for the bow, it wil be on soon!
  13. Hey guys just thought id brag and show ya my new boat. Its a 17 1/2 Sea Nymph SS 175 Fish and Ski. 88Hp Envinrude outboard, 2 livewells, fish finder. Took it out tonight on the river just to drive it, starts right away, idles almost silently, and when the throttle goes down, she goes! I dedcied on the fish and ski because I am only 19, love fishing but also gonna take my girl out, and of course gotta take the boys out and hurt ourselves tubing and everything else! Oh yeah all for $2200 Heres some pics!
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