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Everything posted by Travlin_Man

  1. A trick I learned training retreivers, call the dog's name and when they glance at you run away from them, They will usually chase after you. Also before the "work" of training begins, have a play time and lots of exercise so afterwards the dog will settle down and learn. Above all don't loose your temper and yell or threaten physical harm. This will set back the process considerably.
  2. Consider a Kipawa prop. I have used one on a MK 44lb. thrust tm for about two years. The bottom line is more speed, more range, and runs through weeds quite well.
  3. 2048 I will be 100 yrs. old so I guess I'll have to live on Big Macs.
  4. LBH Thanks for a great flik and I'm glad to see that you don't hold the bass horizontally with one hand like they do on ESPN on Sat. am.
  5. Where is the battery located in the boat? It should be as far forward as possible to counterbalance your weight.
  6. Your welcome Floridabassboy. You might want to consider a Kipawa prop. I have used one for over a year and find it to be more weedless that the prop that came with my MK trolling motor. Also it gives me more speed.
  7. There are no gears to grind when reversing a trolling motor. The fwd/ rev switch simply changes the polarity to the motor causing it to turn in the opposite direction.
  8. Check out Kipawa props. You will get more speed and cut through the weeds much better than the oe. prop.
  9. Why not forget about tm's and an electric inboard etc. and go with an electric "outboard" ie. Briggs & Stratton or one of the others? If you want to have the best speed etc. it seems that would be the way to go and you don't have to reinvent the wheel to get there.
  10. Check this out www.dbarb.com This works well.
  11. As an electric boat would be a displacement hull, wouldn't a long narrow hull be faster than a jonboat shape? Don't forget an aftermarket prop for the tm.
  12. Try the custom gheenoe forum. They have pictures of a trolling motor mount on the bow. This should work for you as the Riverhawk is a Gheenoe copy.
  13. It appears to me that either A you put the best side of the plywood down, or B you used a CDX or other sheathing grade of plywood. When choosing plywood , the more plys it has the more stable it will be. Right under the white arrow in the picture appears to be a rather large knot hole in the top ply. You may be able to bolt a piece of aluminium angle to the under side and straighten it out. If it was mine, I think I would use what you have for a template and make a new one using better material.
  14. Peter F. That is a fine piece of work. You must be a sheet metal man or airframe mechanic. Good Job
  15. The Gheenoe is much better than a canoe and even the 13 ft. model is rated for a gas outboard. They will not tip over and dump you and all the $$$$$ fishing gear in the drink. Also they can be powered with just a paddle or electric power.
  16. The Kipawa is the way to go . I fish in some "electric motor only" bodies of water and have a Kipawa on a 12 volt 44lb. thrust MK. The replacement prop has made an improvement in speed range and weedlessness. Also I use a set of heavy copper jumper cables so that the batt. is the bow of the boat while I sit in the stern.
  17. I have had a Gheenoe for over 25 yrs and love it. Check out www.customgheenoe.com for more information on this Florida designed and built boat.
  18. Get a Kipawa prop. More weedless and more speed.
  19. Try to find a used Gheenoe, highsider . These come in two lengths 13 & 15ft. 4 ins. They are like a square stern canoe ( easy to push with electric power) and are almost impossible to tip. I have been using one for over 25 yrs. and would not go back to a jonboat. Check out customgheenoe.com in the boats for sale section. I would stay away from the classic model as they are wider and a lot heavier.
  20. www.kipawapropellers.com I've been using one for about 1 1/2 yrs. and no way I'm going back to a stock prop.
  21. Please read the part about " protective barrier" . Looking at the pictures of all your hard and apparently careful work , it seems that the p.t. 2x4's are making direct contact with the aluminum sides and bottom in several places.
  22. G-3 is right on with the p.t. corrosion info. I am a contractor and ICC certified Commercial Building Inspector. Be glad for the forum saving you from a lot of future grief.
  23. In Florida since 52 .
  24. You may find this informative . http://www.bassfishingnetwork.com/articles/phelix.html
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