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About FrankM

  • Birthday 11/07/1984

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  • Location
    Myrtle Beach, SC

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Fry (1/9)



  1. I use deep noisy cranks . rapala has one called the DT Crank - i have caught a good number on them when i was using it and others were using plastics. just reel it in at a pretty fast pace and you will usually get a hit - just keep the cast low because that d**n lure for some reason make a tsunami of a splash if you cast it high
  2. Yea, i would love to get out there and stay out there but luckily i have to work and only get friday and monday off - i say luckily because my boat wont really be ready till thursday . So, im excited i just hope it dosent rain or isnt 20 degrees one day and then the next about 100 ya know? ;D
  3. It looks and even smells like a fresh water boat lol. We're firing it up tonight to see what it runs like - if it even does. The transom is fine on it thats was the first thing i looked at. ALl and all it seems like a decent boat especially for the price. And i already like it more than my Boston Whaler i bought and sold like 2 weeks later. Theres alot of work that is going to have to be done but i like working on boats....not wooden one's though. ;D
  4. Howdy all, i found a boat - i think that is worth it. its a 1993 or so 18' Pro Craft bass boat with a 150 Mariner for 1,000$. I have to replace all the crapet and seats but thats it. I mean thats what i do down here in Myrtle Beach - Custom Interiors for cars planes boats etc. We also do electronics. ANYWAY. I told him i would buy it on the basis of it running. Well over all it runs great the only problem my mechanic found is that the Oil Resorvoir is bad. BUT, he told me on all the Mariners he worked on that had that problem he said that if yo ujust mix the oil in with the gas the engines seem to run better and smoother they last longer and you never have to worry about the Oil pump going bad. So i said good deal. But i just wanted to see what you all think. Its got a nice trailer as well and all the electronics seem to be working. I just have to get Fish Finders/Depth Finders on the front and back. Its also has a MinnKota troler on the front with the pedal + a 500$ Stainless Steel Quick silver prop. I cant wait to start fishing again!
  5. Hahah,i love those commercials ;D
  6. Thanks guy sfor all the feedback. Yea i took the boat out for a test spin down the river. SLammed the throttle all the way down plained it drove it full throttle for about 5mins then let off quick. No smoke bellowing from the engine, hardly any smoke at all to tell you the truth. All the rails come with the boat brand new center console and seat. As far as the compression test ima do one this afternoon when i go pick it up - that is if nothing major is rong with it. Buit as far as running down the river with it it ran like a charm. ANy suggestion on more seating? I mean it has a 2 seater bench but i want smoething like a bass boat high rise seat on the front - im a seated fisher . Thanks again for all yalls suggestions.
  7. Hey guys, been gone for some time and know im a newbie at this site but i read it every chance i get - im just not a good "replier". Anyway, me and my wife were headed home last night some NC and i saw a boat down one of the back roads. My wife says guys must have a boat radar built into their heads because she didnt even see it, even going down the road it was on . But it is a 17.5 Boston Whaler Montuck hull 80hp boat. Awesome hull, not a scratch on it, inside just got redone in that ugly boston whaler blue . The boat is a 1973 and the engine is a 1985 Merc. 80hp. Runs great - outside of water. The price on the boat said $3,200 i told him i would give him $2,200. He didnt agree with me at first but i gave him my number and he called me today at lunch and said he would take it but hes not happy with letting it go for that price i said I was. So, i guess i was just wanting to see what everyone thought about the price - the trailer is 1 year old so thats gotta count for something. Thanks again guys -Frank
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