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    souther illinois
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  • About Me
    all kinds of fishing

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  1. Is there more to this formula I’m not seeing like a division sign somewhere? If I catch a 2 inch bass with 2 inch girth length x length x girth= wght in lbs 2 X 2 X 2 = 8 pounder? if so I’ve caught a state record in every state ?
  2. I’d go to the second picture and try that flat in 6 feet of water next to the deep hole, or the long Flat point in between “Pads” and “sand”
  3. Catfish, carp, or drum? I’ll rinse my hands in the water. White bass, largemouth, bluegill? Doesn’t bother me, I’m out there to fish and when the white bass are going good catching 100+ in a day is nothing. When I get home I’ll use a good dose of lemon juice and toothpaste and I’m good to go
  4. What lake Or lakes Are you planning on fishing? Are you strictly fishing off the bank?
  5. i would get a replica made. youll never even know
  6. not trying to steal his thread. but how do you go about buying a premium account?? only option i see is from cabelas? i figured there would be an option on the gofree site. Thanks
  7. no experiemce there but as kidflex said. this would be as good of place as any to start
  8. yep i use omfishingsinkers too. only place ill buy from anymore. cheap prices and excellent quality. and it only took about 2 weeks to be delivered. quick google search of omfishingsinkers will bring you to the page
  9. only a few people i can fish with for a day enjoyably. otherwise ill only fish a few hours. the worst is you take someone out and barely 2 hours in they start complaining about wanting to leave
  10. you can spend it over time. i bought i 500 dollar gift csrd when they were 20 percent off or whatever and have made 3 different orders so far. i dont believe it expires either. at least any time soon
  11. i put 10 on the deck today. ended up only needing 3. but to me its versatility and more time fishing not because i seen it on tv. went to a lake and had no idea what the fish might be doing. so i had it pretty well covered and didnt have to stop and tie on a bunch of different baits. on tournament day once we have fish patterned ill have 3 rods on the deck set up for what were doing and a 5 or 6 more in the rod locker in case things change
  12. i have 2 lfs (90 dollars on ebay) and 1 tatula 100hsl (was 150 on tw now 95 on ebay) i honestly couldnt recommend 1 over the other from my experiences. there both super smooth and probably 2 of the best reels made in the 100 dollar price range. ive used both flipping and can cast and skip just fine. i prefer the lfs a little bit more just because its a little smaller feeling in the hand IMO whichever one you choose youre getting a good reel
  13. ive had the lightning rod and the vengeance. but used and still use the vengeance for chatterbaits and i used the lightning rod for flipping tubes. i thought both were good rods for the money. i did have the insert come out of the eye on the tip of the lightning rod but i returned it to walmart no questiond asked. my brother has a couple of them and hasnt had a problem. i did manage to catch a 4lber on the lightning rod in the first 5 minutes of using it. but in the end it is a 50 dollar rod
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