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    Central MD, USA
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    Retired, very very newbie. Had boat since 2006 but due to health issues it stayed in the garage until now

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  1. I've been sidelined since last Nov. I'm hoping to get out in late August early September. Any really good or bad spots.
  2. I figured out a test jig. Find the wire loses. Hook up an old cheap voltmeter and with a calculator determine the draw. Go out and run the lead acids dead a few times @ 》20 A , 10A and get a rough curve. If i was still working i could do it at work with a programmable electronic load. I've used the outboard once when conditions were really bad. I got a ticket and had to go to court. It was dismissed, but still to much of a hassle. it's very young park rangers, who don't know you can't paddle in a 1200 lb boat with one oar for 2 miles in a headwind and they don't care. Thanks for all the info
  3. Ok very stupid question. Anybody know where i can read up on lithium set ups? The battery curves, chargers, current draw monitors, reserve indicators, etc.... I've seen some very elaborate set ups but no info, just lots of displays and such. I'm taking a guess this is all available as it was for my old works batteries (lithium smart batteries for special forces) I think i might spend the money if i can calculate out the minimum amp hours to get back in. The cliff drop off at the end (2 miles 10mph headwind 30-40 amp draw to get back in) has me concerned. When it's dead it's dead. I went to BPS and they knew 90% less than i do, which is nothing. I still need to look at the sites provided with my laptop. Thanks to all
  4. Thanks for the Amazon info. My previous source was BPS, which is incredibly expensive.
  5. Yeah i know, i did it out of desperation and so far it's worked well. We had banks of 8 batteries at 24V at work for military apps. We always cooked the weakest battery bad to the point it was boiling with a draw of 100 amps for 30 minutes. So when the battery goes south it's gone gone gone. With the heavy draw i might just go with cranking batteries with a good reserve. Thanks. Yep type 27
  6. Just a point. We have tons of cliff drop off ramps directly into the main current of the river here with no docks. I have side bunks but depending on the situation the bow can be 1 to 2 feet off or i have to severly shallow load and I'm 3 feet short sliding backward. I have two elastic dock lines on the back cleats with hooks on the top front of the side bunks. I slip it on under power, kill power and it holds. Get out and winch up. Unfortunately i can't beach it and walk it over, it pulls me downstream. I'd get a latch it i did more lake fishing.
  7. I really considered one for a few years but the physics didn't add up. I jerry rigged a system for $20.00 that really works great, even on a slick trailer and a waterfall ramp. I don't have the option for guide bunks at the first 5 feet of the bow so the alignment was always in question.
  8. Thanks. I've only considered the one 24V. Battry weight is a concern not so much for the boat but for my back. I have a standard marine cranking battery ( for a 50hp 2 stroke)as the other and it seems to handle the draw fine. I'll think about it, the last few years have been bad fishing local reservoirs, way to many kayaks and people. It makes fishing, launching and loading miserable. Unfortunately they don't have very good sense on the water. I'll have to check on the room for 2 12v batteries
  9. Time to get at least one new battery. I'm running a 12/24V system with a 55 amp at 24 V max draw on the electric motor. I usually cook a Walmart 12V deep cycle (the second biggest) every few years. Now and then i look into the 24V lithium batteries but discount them due to cost and the cost of the charger. Anyone had any luck with them? I mainly cook the walmart batteries on electric only lakes drawing 20 amps or more fighting the wind getting out on in.
  10. Time to get at least one new battery. I'm running a 12/24V system with a 55 amp at 24 V max draw on the electric motor. I usually cook a Walmart 12V deep cycle (the second biggest) every few years. Now and then i look into the 24V lithium batteries but discount them due to cost and the cost of the charger. Anyone had any luck with them? I mainly cook the walmart batteries on electric only lakes drawing 20 amps or more fighting the wind getting out on in.
  11. I was in BPS a few days ago and I saw a Garmin bow mount trolling motor. WHAT!!!!! It was listed for around $4,000 to $5,000 are they new to the trolling motor game? The battery I went looking at went up to $2200, so no I'll continue to fry Walmart Batteries.
  12. I saw the sign on a dirt road just north of lake anna. 0 cell coverage for hours, lots of aungus cattle. The cell coverage up here is fine except for the far western county, Garrett. The skyline dr thing was google trying to take me from the smith mountain lake state park to MD. I was 5 miles east of 81 the whole time. Finally it found 81 and i got back. This was 2014. The screen thing was i needed to go south in a finger lake. I almost ran out of gas before a DNR guy showed up and took me to the main channel( my scrren was half busted then, now fully busted). I prefer real maps and a compass if i can get them. So i really like a bigger screen but can still carry it around.
  13. That's the size I've been looking for. Thanks I'll check out that manufacturer.
  14. Thanks. I found a sign for 522 north. I followed it north to Rt 70 in MD then an hour home. Both the tom tom and google had me go west then 10 min later east to 95 all on 2 lane back roads. I crossed the skyline drive four times. In a 6 speed manual mazda....i sold the mazda soon after.
  15. Yep...problem is by the time i figure out I'm out of range...I'm WAY out of range. Also i don't drive around with maps on. I only use it when I'm pretty much lost. Who would think central VA with rolling hills and mostly cattle would be a major dead spot. WV i can understand, but most of that state is still super slow data it's physics and is what it is. Goggle left me high and dry in VA,WV,GA,NC,TN,FL, MD,and PA. So i have trust issues with it. I now have a road atlas in the truck.?
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