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About Manigotapee

  • Birthday 04/27/1983

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    Olathe, KS

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  1. I throw the spinnerbait 90% of the time. I feel like it gets bigger bites. If the water is "too clear/calm" for the spinnerbait and I have been catching on it, I will run the same areas with a bladed jig.
  2. The Mondo Tackle tournament once again was very well ran. Hats off to Raymond and his team for making everything run smooth. There isn't a better shop in town for buying your bass stuff than Mondo Tackle. I look forward to fishing it again next year.
  3. Leave the drop shot, jerkbaits, and warts 1/2oz jig on points (with or without brush) trig brush hog or 10" worm dd22 topwater on same point from the jig up shallow early I the morning. (Walking bait) I did catch one about 3lbs skipping a jig under a deep dock the other day, but I'd imagine that bite isn't consistent at the moment.
  4. I have some material. I was a fly tier in my other life.... here he are a few I made including a "magnum" one for the big girls.... edit; can't get pics to load from my phone. File size is too large for even 1 photo
  5. Hello all, i am am trying to find some teardrop jig heads. I would like to make my own preacher jigs so I am looking for something with a long shank and a big hook. I would like some in 1/2, 3/4, and 1oz. I have looked online without much luck. If some knows of a source it would be much appreciated. I have too many hobbies, so I'm not really looking to pour my own heads, but if the source was what I wanted I would be interested in making a large purchase! I would want a minimum of a 4/0 hook but would prefer a 5/0 or 6/0 even looking at up to an 8/0 on the heavier versions. Let me know if you guys know of anyone! Thank you!
  6. I would fish from 3 or 4 am till about 10am and then go find a watering hole or a protected cove with deep brush(crappie) on it. If you're not familiar with that lake it could get you good when the lake gets wild. As far as fishing, that time of year can be different. I have caught them deep on ledges and also caught them on shallow brush around docks. I would expect given the area that you are staying in that the bite will be a mid depth deep bite. Also, the fish that time of year LOVE to suspend, so watch your line on every cast. Good luck!
  7. Yes, but... its all about listening to the fish. If they are biting at a two count, there is no reason to pause a 10 count between jerks, count to 3 and triple your casts
  8. Here are a few areas I would look. I have never seen this lake and like others stated, there are several other factors at play when looking for pre spawn fish such as bottom composition, brush piles, baitfish, bank angle (steepness), etc. I would pay attention to all factors in these areas. If I was starting I would look at the spot shown with the north cove and what appears to be steep banks on both sides leading into a good protected spawning cove. Again, I have never seen the lake, just trying to help you figure it out. Good luck!
  9. I'll touch more on what Catt said.... If you're ain't first, you're last. Points are for arrows. The biggest change I had to make i tournament fishing was learning to fish for the WIN. To do that, you have to fish for quality bites. Once you can wrap your head around that, you will see success. Why "waste" time in the beginning of the derby catching fish that you know you will need to cull to be competitive? Know what it takes to win on your lake and build your game plan ( I assume you practice?) around getting those bites, even if it is just 5 bites all day. Also, be prepared to be humbled. It doesn't work out all the time. If it was easy everyone would do it!
  10. Dave's Custom Baits. Black Market Balsa. I like the Large size, but fish the mediums in crystal clear water. These are the best baits I've found, not just because of their "hunting" action, but they come over/under/through/around wood better than anything else I've seen.
  11. Agreed, I don't even throw them in ponds. It doesn't fit my style and I feel like there are better baits for targeting the fish I want to catch.
  12. Daves Custom Baits....Black Market Balsa! www.davescustombaits.com
  13. I'm heading to Gatlinburg a week from sunday for 10 days. I would love to get out and fish during this trip, unfortunately I am flying, so no rods or boat. Thinking of hiring a guide to take me and maybe my wife out. Any suggestions? Thanks guys! Thomas
  14. "Never leave fish to find fish" I don't know if I can totally expalin this to you, but this is something I started saying while tournament fishing. If you are in an area and catching fish, why leave. I developed a bad habit of thinking I could fish the entire lake if I moved around enough and eventually I would find the honey hole..... Not true, all I did was fish over what I was looking for. In a way this is similar to "Slow down" but in my opinion, this defines it a little more. If you are catching fish in a particular area or a particular way, don't abandon what you have in hopes of finding the "jackpot", fine tune what you have discovered already! I hope that helps, I have had a long weekend and I feel like I am having trouble getting the words from my brain to the keyboard
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