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Fishin' Fool

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Everything posted by Fishin' Fool

  1. I drop shot alot. Pretty much this entire fishing season I've only thrown a drop shot. My suggestions are switch over to 12 or 15 pound braid (I use 12) with a 7-8' fluorocarbon leader. I use 7 pound Sunline Sniper but 8 pound fluorocarbon is okay too. I'd switch your hook to a #1 Gamakatsu split shot/drop shot hook.
  2. 100% braid to fluorocarbon leader but with a backing line as mentioned before the braid. I run 12 pound Sunline SX1 to 7 pound Sunline Sniper and that works well for me albeit sometimes if I don't trim the excess of my line to line knot it can hang up on the top rod eyelet.
  3. Yah that's the conclusion that I came to. The lack of response from customer service will probably be enough to scare me away. Thanks for your comments.
  4. I used to fish alot of Lk St Clair and I absolutely loved the NRX 872s as a drop shot rod. It worked well out there. When times got tough I sold it but I really miss that rod.
  5. I am getting the itch to look at new rods. I was thinking about about a Gary Loomis Edge Black widow Drop shot rod but it sounds like it's impossible to find in stock at the stores and you have to order through the website. Anyone have any experience with this rod?
  6. The early bird gets the worm.... literally. Bass Pro shop and Cabelas has some packs of green pumpkin and goby. You'd better act fast or they will be gone by the end of the day more likely by lunch. No I don't work for Berkley but I've been chasing these elusive lures for the past two years so I know how difficult they are to get. Enjoy!
  7. I've heard they also work on Ned (mushroom) jighead.
  8. You aren't wrong!
  9. They have more green pumpkin and goby if you didn't get them yet. I think they are declining people's orders who buy too many so there is opportunity for others. It's actually a real thing my buddy got labeled a dealer/re-seller by BPS because he ordered too many packs of baits lol
  10. I am not saying it isn't. They have a huge following for sure. Just a very specific claim on the package. Personally I am a fan!
  11. But the Berkley people claim 45% more fish right on the package ????
  12. Now it's back to buying them on eBay for anyone that didn't get them.
  13. Awesome! What colors are you finding produce the best?
  14. The flatworms are available on BPS/Cabelas again not many left. Probably some orders that got rejected for ordering to many. Get them fast!
  15. The pros made them really popular especially drop shot fishing in the north.
  16. They are sold out again now. They went through 1000 of each color in about 36 hours.
  17. Lil General. I am waiting on that one too. It looks good.
  18. All I know is when they come in stock, you'd better buy them fast if you want any.
  19. Anyone that has been looking but couldn't find them recently Bass Pro Shop/Cabelas has green pumpkin and goby in stock. Those two colors have been tough to find lately. Happy shopping!
  20. Anyone looking for any I see Bass Pro shop/Cabelas has about 40 packs of smoke black purple left. Not the best color but at least it's at cost and not $15 a package. Happy shopping!
  21. I had the GLX 892s and the NRX 872s both are great rods! For the purposes of drop shotting I give the edge to the NRX. Unfortunately I sold both because I was mostly fishing from a kayak and both those rods are overkill.
  22. The good thing is that you don't have to go far off shore right now to find fish. You should be fine with your boat.
  23. I'd have 4 things tied up. A jig, a jerkbait, a spinner bait and a Ned rig (TRD worm). I caught a few decent smallmouth off of Lk Michigan 9 days ago in 49 degree water temps on the Ned rig. The Ned rig flat out catches fish.
  24. Nice start to your tournament career! I bet you are pumped for the next one now?!
  25. Yes but the weather is more unstable and unpredictable in the spring but if you can get a few days of stable weather with 2 guys in a boat you can have days of 40 to 100 fish. I strongly recommend you make a trip to St Clair in the spring. My buddies from the east side of the state are out now every weekend catching 4 to 6 pound smallmouth. In the next few weeks the biggest ones will have spawned and will start moving out to deeper water. I think what's easier about the spring is the fish are more spread out and easier to catch. Summer can be more challenging because the fish group up in schools but if you find the right school you can do well.
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